Found 20 Articles for Fluids

Lava Lamp

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 11:35:50


Introduction Every matter in the universe is composed of tiny particles called molecules. They attract each other with some attractive force. There exists an intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. Based on the force of attraction between the molecules, matter is classified into five categories. They are solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Bose-Einstein. Solids are matter in which the distance between the molecules is very small and they are tightly bound to each other. Liquids are matter having molecules at a small distance and they are bound less tightly than solids. Plasma state molecules have high kinetic energy. The ... Read More

Surface Tension

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 14:44:17


Introduction Surface tension can be defined as the tendency of liquid surfaces to shrink into possible minimum surfaces in real time. In general, the small liquids in this process can shrink into the smallest feasible surface area. Here, the liquid can be in different states on the molecular level starting from the surface area to the centre of the liquid. Surface tension is determined by the attractive forces of solids, liquids and gases in their closest proximities. Definition of Surface Tension Surface tension is the required energy needed for increasing the surface area of the liquids in real time. It ... Read More

Surface Energy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 14:31:21


Introduction Surface energy is potential energy, applicable for liquid molecules where the molecules stand on the same surface as the liquid substances. The surface energy characteristically decreases when the molecules try to settle down to the bottom layer of the liquid surface. In the case of surface energy, equivalent attractive forces are commonly present between the solid materials and the surface at the same time. What is Surface Energy? Surface energy can be defined as energy where an equivalent attractive force is present between the solid molecules and the surface molecules. The surface energy commonly differs from the high note ... Read More

Streamline Flow

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 16:45:36


Introduction Each particle of fluid follows a single path while flowing under a particular and steady condition of the flow. Fluid velocity, low in value has no such turbulent velocity. No lateral mixing happens during that fluid motion. The particle’s motion is followed by an order in which the moving particles flow in a parallel and straight line. What is Streamline Flow? An important laminar flow that is uninterrupted during flow and follows a straight and parallel line is streamline flow. This type of flow is mainly seen in part of a solid body which base is the main base ... Read More

Relation Between Viscosity and Density

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 13:06:51

5K+ Views

Introduction Viscosity is used for the measurement of the thinness and thickness of the fluid. On the other hand, density measures the space between two particles of a fluid. Generally, with the increase in temperature, the particles of the fluid fall apart. Thereby, resulting in a decrease in fluid density. Decreases in fluid density affect the viscosity of the liquid. The low density of fluid results in a lowering of the viscosity of the fluid and thereby transforming fluid into a less viscous fluid. The viscosity and density is an essential factor as they help to compare different fluids. The ... Read More

Torricellis Law

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 16:49:03


Torricelli’s law denotes that the flow speed of the fluid is equivalent to the speed of the object that is freely falling from a specific distance that is also equivalent to the height of the free surface of the fluid. Evangelista Torricelli was an Italian scientist who discovered the law in 1643. Later this law was shown as a specification of the principle of Bernoulli. This principle includes that the fluid flows through a steady system, and the density of a fluid is constant which refers to that, the fluid can be incompressible. What ... Read More

Reynolds Number

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The ratio of inertial forces is a significant part of this kind of number. Inertial forces, related to viscous forces are relevant in this regard. The formula for calculating the Reynolds number is Reynolds Number = Inertial Force/Viscous Force. This formula is also presented as $\mathrm{R_e \:=\:\rho\: VD/ \mu}$. As per this formula, $\mathrm{R_e}$ is the value of the Reynolds number. The value of density within a fluid is presented by $\mathrm{\rho}$. This equation is important as it also presents the velocity of the flow with the symbol V. D is the indicator of pipe diameter. The viscosity of ... Read More

Buoyant Force

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Buoyancy is the upward force exerted on an object that has been immersed in the fluid. The fluid can be water, another liquid, or even gas, as long as it cannot penetrate the solid object fully. This upward force on the object is referred to as buoyant force or buoyancy and can be calculated using Archimedes’ principle, which states that the weight of the displaced fluid (liquid or gas) equals the weight of the volume of that object immersed in it. The denser a material is, such as lead or gold, the more of an opposing force it has ... Read More

Pascals Law and Its Application

Updated on 04-Mar-2024 13:17:05

2K+ Views

Introduction The principle of fluid pressure is transmitted in the machines defined in "Pascal’s law" and it discovers the force direction. The direction of the force in the fluid container gets directed to the pressure point and the change of fore get occurs everyplace. The principle of Pascal’s is associated with fluid mechanics. The application of this force transmission principle applies in modern days is the hydraulic system which is based on "Pascal’s law" published around 1650 by Blaise Pascal. Information Regarding Pascal's Law "Pascal’s law" is regarded as a statement regarding the transformation of force where the point of ... Read More

Specific Gravity

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 11:55:43


Introduction According to physics, different real-life applications of specific gravity are available. In the practice, specific gravity does not include any dimensionless quantity that has the correct implications. Measuring specific gravity needs to take the consideration of the refractive index scale, and the right scale is marked with the scale of g/100ml. Moreover, pressure also affects the substances of specific gratuity in the practice. In this tutorial, the applications of the specific gravity to real life and the factors that are affecting it have been described well. Figure 1: Units to measure specific gravity by Refract meter Introduction to Specific ... Read More
