Found 9 Articles for Fitness

10 Surprising Times to Hit the Gym

Someswar Pal
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 12:18:00


Unlike what you would assume, hitting the gym is not restricted to certain times of the day or during only certain periods of well-being. Exercise is beneficial at all stages of life, during all periods of sickness and health. All you have to do is curate your workouts for your existing situation. If you didn't know, working out has even greater benefits when you are trying to recover from a bad spell of health. And while hitting the gym at any time is good, there are pros and cons to different times of the day as well. This article ... Read More

9 Dance Workouts to Try at Home or Stream From Anywhere

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 15:40:08


The use of dance as a form of exercise, whether at home or on the road, is growing in popularity. In addition to providing an excellent cardiovascular exercise, these classes also include a wide range of dance styles and musical genres. There is a dance exercise out there for everyone, whether they enjoy the elegance of ballet or the intensity of hip-hop. This post will introduce you to nine distinct styles of dance-based exercises that may be done at home or accessed online. Zumba Zumba is a high-intensity dancing exercise that combines Latin-influenced dance techniques with joyful music. A ... Read More

13 Best Hacks That Can Help You Drink More Water

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 16:18:31


We all know how important it is to stay hydrated and make sure we’re getting enough water into our diets, but sometimes it can be a real challenge to drink the recommended amount of water every day. It's easy to get busy and forget or simply not feel like spending your whole day chugging away at giant glasses of H2O. Luckily, there are some clever hacks that you can use to make drinking more water easier! From infusing your favorite fruity flavors into your glass to setting reminders in your phone, here's a list of 13 genius tricks to help ... Read More

Difference Between Collagen Protein and Whey

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:02:48


Collagen protein and whey are both popular supplements used by individuals looking to improve their overall health, fitness, and wellbeing. However, these two supplements differ in their composition, benefits, and uses. In this essay, we will explore the differences between collagen protein and whey. What is Collagen Protein? As one of the main and common complex proteins in the body, including muscles, bones, tendons, the digestive system and the skin. Collagen is essential for the repair and renewal of body tissues, the replacement of dead skin cells, and the reinforcement and elasticity of the skin. It may be found in ... Read More

9 Health Benefits of Swimming

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 09-Mar-2023 15:16:22


The sport of swimming uses the muscles to propel through the water delivering numerous health benefits. Some important advantages are weight loss and reduced stress, body flexibility, and complete exercise. Regular swimmers can look forward to living longer with increased muscle strength and resistance to diseases like asthma. Burning far more calories than walking and running, swimming is an ideal exercise. Affordable, requiring no costly equipment, swimming suits every pocket. Suitable for any age group from kids to the elderly, swimming may carry a few risks of drowning like in seawater with strong currents. An interesting fun activity indoors and ... Read More

10 Quick and Easy Keto Diet Snacks Already in Your Fridge or Pantry

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:42:15


We've made a list of snacks for keto, so you'll be ready for those inevitable hunger pangs. Cereal bars, chips, and other processed foods in office vending machines are prohibited on the keto diet. What will you do next in your plan? You can grab a few quick snacks on hand when you're hungry. You don't have the energy to go shopping and make a complicated meal when you're hungry. Because of this, all ten keto-friendly snacks are made with things you probably already have in your kitchen. Find 10 Quick and Easy Keto Diet Snacks There's a lot ... Read More

9 reasons dancing is good for your health

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:20:36


Dance is often associated with happiness and important events. Humans first invented dance in the pre-historic era to express their joy and gratitude and also for leisurely activities. While it keeps us happy, dancing has surprising other benefits too. Do you know that dancing can be a great way to boost your health? Well, dancing offers physical activities and also keeps your mood uplifted. Still not convinced, here are the nine reasons that encourage you to dance for better health − Dancing Improves your Heart Health Do you know that dancing is good for your heart? Well, the reason ... Read More

6 Reasons Cycling Is Good for Your Health

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 01-Mar-2023 17:25:25


What is Cycling? Cycling is a form of physical activity that involves riding a bicycle for transportation, recreation, or sport. It is a popular exercise and a standard means of transportation for millions worldwide. Cycling can be done alone or in groups and enjoyed on the road, on trails, or on indoor stationary bikes. Cycling Includes … various health benefits. It is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that can improve heart health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity, and improve overall physical fitness. Cycling can also help build muscle strength and endurance in the ... Read More

7 Weird Traits That Make Men Attractive 

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 10:44:28


As a scientific phenomenon, attractiveness is only seldom predicted. Think about these seven atypical traits if you want to increase your sexual appeal with the right kind of girl. When you look in the mirror as a male, do you ever wonder, "Am I attractive?" Continue reading if that's the case. Most men lament that they have no idea what qualities a woman seeks in a mate. Nevertheless, many attractive women are seen with bizarre-looking men. Did you realize that having good eyes, a strong jawline or even a birthmark like New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees might be more ... Read More
