Found 242 Articles for Finance

What is a Long Straddle in Investment?

M S Faisal
Updated on 05-May-2022 07:29:08


Long straddle involves call and put strategy for one particular bond, security or an asset and is utilized by traders as it has potential for maximum benefit and negligible risks. Under this method both long call and long put have the same stock price and expiration date.Important Points BrieflyAn option strategy known as a long straddle is acquiring both a long call and a long put on the same underlying asset with the same expiry date and strike price at the same time.The purpose of a long straddle is to benefit from a very big move in either direction by ... Read More

Why is it beneficial for companies in KSOP?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:47:45


Kansas Stock Ownership Plans (KSOP) is a popular retirement plan that combines an employee’s stock ownership stock ownership plan with a 401(k) plan. The firm matches stock benefits for the employee based on their performance instead of cash. They provide double benefit for organizations and combine the offerings of ESOP and 401k retirement plans.KSOP offers dual benefits of ESOP and 401(k) retirement plans.What is KSOP?As businesses continue to evolve, they have realized the benefits of combining two different strategies and this is where KSOP has offered a significant offering to them. The retirement plans are of two types −a defined ... Read More

Give Explanation, Formula & Uses of K-Ratio

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:45:27


What is K-Ratio?K-Ratio is an important financial tool that is used to estimate mainly two things statistically, the rate of return growth and its regularity of growth over a specified period of time. This is a an extremely potent tool that could be utilized to measure the risk vs reward of investing. This is useful when deciding to invest in stock market and evaluating the profitability of holdings. In this article, we will also look at how K-Ratio is calculated.K-ratio that has higher numbers will result in a better performance while those that indicate poor numbers will result in have ... Read More

What does Kicking the Tires mean in Investment?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:40:44


A term that refers to undertaking just the most basic study into a potential investment as opposed to undertaking a complete and careful examination is "kicking the tires." A first superficial perusal of the business's annual report is frequently followed by an examination of the firm's past earnings and sales performance, consideration of the firm's useful assets and failings, and browsing news items or headlines about the firm.Key Points BrieflyBefore making an investment choice, it is necessary to undertake a minimum amount of research, which is known as "kicking the tires."When used within the context of automobile purchasing, it is ... Read More

What is Definition, Formula & Example of Key Rate Duration?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:38:21


What is key rate duration?The key rate duration of a debt security or a debt instrument portfolio, often bonds, examines how the value of a debt security or portfolio varies at a certain maturity point throughout the whole yield curve. With respect to other maturities, the key rate duration is used to determine how sensitive a debt security's price is to a one percent change in yield for a certain maturity while all other maturities are held constant.Key Points BrieflyUsing the key rate duration, you can determine how much a bond's price changes when the yield on the bond changes ... Read More

What Is Key Person Insurance and How Does It Work?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:35:46


A key person insurance policy is a life insurance policy purchased by a corporation on the life of an owner, a senior executive, or another individual deemed vital to the organization. The firm is the policy's beneficiary and pays the premiums. This is also known as "key man (or "keyman") insurance, " "key lady insurance, " and "business life insurance."Important TakeawaysA key person insurance policy is a life insurance policy purchased by a corporation to cover the death of senior executive or other vital personnel.Such insurance is required if the death of that individual would be catastrophic to the company's ... Read More

What is the definition of a key currency?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:34:08


Key currency is a stable currency, one that does not vary too much, and as such, it may be used to assist fix exchange rates and facilitate international transactions. It's also used to impact the World's most significant currencies, an example of which is given below diagram. The British pound, the United States dollar, the euro, and the Japanese yen are all considered to be important currencies.Illustration of key currenciesIn international financial transactions, a key currency serves as a point of reference for the value of the transaction as It offers stability of exchange rates in the foreign exchange market ... Read More

What Is a Keogh Plan and How Does It Work?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:32:05


Keogh plan is a retirement pension plan provided to self-employed people and independent companies for their retirement. The plan could be set up as either a definedbenefit or a defined-contribution plan, with many opting for the second configuration. The plans are still being utilized by individuals in the USA, however with the beginning of 401(k) plans, they have reduced in popularity.Keogh Plan – tax deferred planKey Points brieflySelf-employed persons and unincorporated enterprises may opt in Keogh plans, that have the benefit of being tax-deferred pension plans and may be either defined-benefit or defined-contribution in nature.Independent contractors are not permitted to ... Read More

What is the Kenney Rule, and how does it work?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:30:17


Insurance companies employ the Kenney rule, also known as the Kenney ratio, to advise them in the case of a claim. The rule is also used to keep Insurers from going bankrupt. According to the regulation, Insurers should avoid writing premiums that are equal to or more than two or more times their surplus and capital. As a result, the suggested ratio is 2 to 1.History of the Kenney Rule in a nutshellIt was published in 1949 in Roger Kenney's book, "Fundamentals of Fire and Casualty Insurance Strength, " in which he detailed his research and development of the Kenney ... Read More

What is the Keltner Channel, and how does it work?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:27:44


The Keltner Channel is a technical analysis indicator that is made up of three independent lines that are connected. It consists of a central moving average line, as well as channel lines that are situated above and below the center line.This is an example of Keltner Channel below −Source − TradingViewKeltner Channel SummaryKeltner The term "channel” describes to a technical analysis indication that is made up of three distinct lines. In addition to a central moving average line, channel lines positioned above and below the central one is included in this equation.It was called after American grain trader Chester W. Keltner, ... Read More
