Found 242 Articles for Finance

Explain the steps in constructing merger models

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 09:35:00


Merger of companies is a complex and giant task. Depending on companies, it takes months or years to complete the process.Sometimes the merger of two big companies may take months of time and the merger of two small companies may take years to complete due to their own reasons and regulations.In simple words, time taken to complete the process will depend on companies and their management.StepsThe steps involved in constructing merger models are explained below −Profiling − Company will do market research and search for possible targets. Companies will go for the suitable merger type and also set their objectives.Identification ... Read More

What is the merger model and the factors considered?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 13-May-2022 08:04:04


Merger model gives a detailed analysis of possible combinations of companies. Merger model acts as an intensive tool and is used by banks and merger and acquisitions professionals.It is a feasibility study carried before amalgamations. Companies hire investment and valuation professionals to estimate the value. Based on the value, companies make decisions whether to go forward or not.FactorsThe factors considered in merger model are as follows −Purchase considerationsThe main thing to keep in mind is, whether there is an increase in Earnings per share (EPS) or decrease in EPS. Companies must take care that the process does not lead to ... Read More

Explain the importance of valuation in merger and acquisition

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 19-Jul-2021 09:15:23


Valuation is an effective management tool, which helps the business in achieving the business objective by showing the value of business in its life cycle. In general valuation is done to resolve tax/legal issues; however it is also performed for various reasons like selling a business or acquiring a business.Valuation has a set of procedures which are set to estimate the economic value of an owner's interest in a business. Valuation is done by a qualified person, they first analyse the company's financial statements and consider both quantitative information and qualitative information.Then the necessary adjustments are made to benchmark. Sometimes ... Read More

Differentiate between price, value and cost

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:48:33

1K+ Views

Before going for difference, let us understand the meaning of price, value and cost in simple wordsPrice is what you payCost is what you expendValue is what you getThere is confusion between words price, cost and value. Many people think all the threewords are more or less same but there is some difference between them. Before going for differences lets we try to understand the overview of these three wordsPriceIn commercial terms, price is the amount charged by the seller from the buyer in exchange for any product/service. Price includes both cost and profit. When commercial transaction is good then ... Read More

Explain exchange ratio in mergers and acquisitions

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:47:41

1K+ Views

Exchange ratio tells about the shares, which has to be issued to each individual share (target firm) by acquiring the company. Exchange ratio is an important metric in mergers and acquisitions.FormulaThe formula for exchange ratio in mergers and acquisitions is as follows −ER = OP/SPHere ER = Exchange ratio, OP = offer price (target share). SP = share price (Acquirer's)TypesThe types of exchange ratios are as follows −Fixed exchange ratio − It tells about the amount of ownership and dilution of earnings. Acquirers prefer this.Floating exchange ratio − It tells about the deal value. Sellers prefer this.Combination − a combination ... Read More

Describe the factors influencing financial decisions

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:46:53

5K+ Views

Financial decisions will vary from company to company and sometimes from department to department in the same company. These factors are classified into Internal and external factors.Internal factorsThe internal factors influencing the financial decisions are explained below −Nature of business − If a company is in manufacturing services, it invests largely in fixed assets. Its capital structure has more shares in long-term capital. If a company is in trading, it invests more in current assets.Size of business − Financial decisions vary from large firms to small firms. Large firms need large capital to run their operations, whereas small firms need ... Read More

Describe the impact of organizational factors on financial performance

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:46:20


Whether it's about company survival or it is about the company's growth, financial performance plays an important role. Financial performances are influenced by many known factors called organizational factors.Some may have positive influence and some may have negative influence. So, before going for those factors, examining these factors have immense value for corporations.Understanding these factors will also minimize negative influence and increase positive influence on performance.Managers use both financial and non-financial performance in measuring organizational or firm performance and their ability to move towards their financial performance.The main objective is to increase shareholders value which increases market price and firm ... Read More

What are the differences between solvency and liquidity?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:45:49


Liquidity and solvency are two important factors to be known before making any investment. When my investments maintain liquidity or make my investment in the solvency of the company intact.LiquidityIt is the ability of a company or firm to meet current liabilities with current assets it has. Liquidity is the short term concept and helps in paying off companies immediate liabilities.It also measures a company's extent to meet their financial obligations, if they fall due to payment with the help of stocks, cash, securities, certificate of deposit etc. cash is a very important liquid asset and it easily turned into ... Read More

Explain Differential pricing method

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:45:00


In a differential pricing method, the price of the same product is set differently based on customers, location, product form etc. The main objective of this method is profit maximization. This pricing is also called as discriminatory or multiple pricing.Price is set based on the following factors −Customer segment pricing − Different people will pay different prices for the same product based on the segment they live in. For example, examination fees.Image pricing − Based on the image of the product in the market, companies will charge differently in the market for the same product. For example, clothes.Product form pricing ... Read More

Explain comprehensive timeline events in mergers and acquisition

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 17-Jul-2021 16:43:22


In simple words, merger and acquisition is nothing but combining two or more companies to form a single company. Merger and acquisitions help in achieving strategic goals, alternative to organic growth. In sellers prospective Merger and acquisitions gives cash out or to get more risk and reward in newly formed companies.Mergers and acquisitions enhance values for both buyer and user. For buyer merger and acquisitions accelerate with new channels and products, decrease or reduction in competition, effective supply chain management.Unsuccessful mergers and acquisitions hurt both buyer and seller. Some of the reasonsfor unsuccessfulness are integration mismanagement, poor due diligence, over ... Read More
