Found 1015 Articles for Finance Management

Explain the concept of depletion in accounting.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:22:46


Depletion is a non-cash expenses which lowers the value of the asset periodically, through scheduled charges. Process of converting existing goods to new one is called production process. Depletion tells about how much quantity is produced in production process. Generally, depletion is used in timber, mining and oil and gas industries.Main factors that affect depletion are as follows −Acquisition − Acquiring or leasing the rights for a land.Exploration − Exploring the natural resources.Development − Developing more and more wells to get more output.Restoration − Expenses incurred to get back to its original conditions.Types of depletion are explained below −Percentage depletion ... Read More

Calculate depreciation using productin units method

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:19:36


Processes 150 kgs of coffeeServed 1350 customersSolutionThe solution is given below −Cost of the machine = $ 75000Salvage value = $ 3000Depreciable value = cost of machine – salvage value       = (75000 – 3000)       = $ 72000Processes 150 Kgs of coffeeDepreciation = depreciable value * (number of units processed/total number of process units)       = 72000 * (150/700)       = $ 15428.57Served 1350 customersDepreciation = depreciation amount * (number of customers served/total number of customers)       = 72000 * (1350/17500)      = $ 5554.29

Explain about Units of production method in depreciation.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:15:27


Units of production method is a bit different from other methods of depreciation. This method is also called as units of activity and units of usage method of depreciation. In this method, depreciation is calculated based on number of units produced rather than useful life of an asset.In year, when number of units produced high will depreciate more amount and when number of units produced low will depreciate low amount.FormulaeDepreciation per unit = (cost – salvage value)/total estimated production unitDepreciation expenses = depreciation rate per unit * unit produced in a particular yearSteps involved are as follows −Calculate total number ... Read More

Calculate depreciation using diminishing balance method

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:13:06


SolutionThe solution is given below −Total cost = cost of machinery + transportation + installation => 1500000 + 175000 + 75000 => Rs. 1750000/-Depreciation rate = 12%Year endedOpening balanceDepreciation amountClosing balance31-03-20151750000210000154000031-03-20161540000184800135520031-03-20171355200162624119257631-03-20181192576143109.121049466.8831-03-20191049466.88125936.0256923530.854431-03-2020923530.8544110823.702528812707.1518731-03-2021812707.1518797524.858224715182.29364631-03-2022715182.29364685821.8752375629360.4184131-03-2023629360.4184175523.250209553837.16820131-03-2024553837.16820166460.4601841487376.7080231-03-2025487376.7080258485.204962428891.50305831-03-2026428891.50305851466.980367377424.52269CalculationsDepreciation amount = opening balance * depreciation rateClosing balance = opening balance – depreciation amountFor year 31-03-2015Depreciation amount = 1750000 * 12% = 210000, closing balance = 1750000 – 210000 = 1540000Similarly, Depreciation amount and closing balances are calculate for respective yearsLedger for above statementsDateParticularsDebitCredit1st year (2014-15)01-04-2015Machinery A/CDr.1750000To bank175000031- marchDepreciation A/cDr.210000To machinery A/c210000(depreciation charges)31 – marchProfit/Loss A/cDr.210000To depreciation A/c210000Similarly, for rest of years’ leger will be prepared (only depreciation amount ... Read More

Explain about Diminishing balance method in depreciation.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:09:55

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In diminishing balance method, depreciation is calculated on book value of the asset at the start of the year instead of principle amount with fixed percentage. In this, the percentage is same but depreciation amount gradually decreases as it is done on book value.FormulaDepreciation amount = (book value * rate of depreciation)/100Some of the merits of diminishing balance method are as follows −Recognised by income tax authorities.Minimises impact of obsolescence.Depreciation amount decreases year by year.Suitable for assets where scrap value equals to zero.Some of the demerits of diminishing balance method are as follows −Asset value can be zero.Interest is not ... Read More

Prepare a depreciation table using double decline balance method with the following detailsprovided by ABC company.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:06:45


Cost of the equipment = Rs. 10, 00, 000 Salvage value = Rs. 75, 000 Useful life = 8 yearsSolutionThe solution is given below −Step 1 − Calculate depreciation rate using straight line method.Depreciation rate using straight line method = 1/useful life => 1/8 => 12.5%Step 2 − Multiple depreciation rate in step 1 with 2 to get accelerated depreciation rate Accelerated depreciation rate = 2*12.5% => 25%Step 3 − Prepare depreciation table using double decline methodYearCost of the equipment at the start of the year (Rs)Depreciation rate (%)Amount depreciated RsBook value at the end of the year (Rs)1100000025250000750000275000025187500562500356250025140625421875442187525105468.75316406.255316406.252579101.5625237304.68756237304.68752559326.171875177978.515637177978.515632544494.6289075133483.88672Book value ... Read More

Explain about Double-declining balance method in accounting.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:04:40


As the name suggest double declining, the asset is depreciated twice the rate than straight line method. It is also called accelerated depreciation. It does not mean depreciation is higher, it depreciates higher amount in initial years of asset and gradually depreciation expenses decrease in later years of the asset as compared to straight line depreciation.FormulaDouble decline balance method = 2 * cost of the asset * depreciation rateDouble declining balance method = 2 * (cost of the asset/useful life)Steps to calculate double declining method are as follows −Cost of asset (initial cost).Calculate salvage value.Determine life of the asset.Calculate depreciation ... Read More

How to calculate depreciation using straight line method?

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 11:02:53


SolutionThe solution is given below −Cost of machine = Rs. 200000 Salvage value = Rs. 25000 Total life = 8 yearsFormulaStraight line depreciation = (ADE) / (CA –SV)Here ADE = Annual depreciation expenses, CA = Cost of the asset, SV = Salvage valueFirst method (using salvage value)Cost of the asset – salvage value = 200000 – 25000 => 175000Annual depreciation = ((cost of the asset) – (salvage value))/life of machinery            = 175000/8            = 21875So by above calculations Rs. 21, 875 will be depreciated from 200000 annually for 8 years.Second method ... Read More

Explain about straight line depreciation in accounting.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 10:56:48


Straight line depreciation is the simple way to calculate depreciation. In this, a fixed amount is deducted from each accounting year of a firm. In straight line depreciation, firm depreciates equal amount from principle amount of an asset annually over its useful life. That means, every accounting year there will be change in asset value in balance sheet.FormulaStraight line depreciation = (cost of the asset – salvage cost) * depreciation rateStraight line depreciation = (cost of the asset – salvage value)/useful life of an assetStraight line depreciation for partial years = D * (Number of months/12)Where D is depreciation amount ... Read More

Explain the concept of depreciation in accounting.

Updated on 13-Aug-2020 10:54:21


Depreciation means gradual decrease of value of a tangible asset over a period of time. All tangible assets tend to depreciate. Machinery, equipment, furniture etc. except land.Land tends to appreciate over the years than depreciate. The amount which is depreciated or carrying value of an asset is called salvage value.Criteria in depreciation is as follows −Cost of the asset.Residual/salvage value of the asset.Useful life of the asset.Appropriate method.The main purpose of depreciation is to measure income generated from assets, determine real value of assets, tax benefits and deductions, expenditure incurred in the production. Main causes for depreciation are wear and ... Read More
