Found 1015 Articles for Finance Management

Differentiate between job costing and process costing

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 05-Jul-2021 12:19:16

16K+ Views

To measure the cost of a product, various cost techniques are used. Job costing is used when goods are produced against only special orders. Process costing is used to determine the cost of each process involved in product making.Job costingJob costing determines the cost of each determined job. It is the cost which is involved in specific work or jobs which are performed according to the customer’s needs.Some of the cases where job costing method is applied are as follows−Jobs are executed according to customer needs.A job requires spate treatment.Each period of work requires different work in progress.Process costingProcess costing ... Read More

What are the differences between job costing and contract costing?

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 05-Jul-2021 12:16:04

13K+ Views

Costing is important to determine the exact cost, profit margins, to detect wastage and for the cost reduction. Companies follow different techniques to determine the cost based on their products, quality and quantity they produced.Some of them are job costing and contract costing.Job costingThis method is used when the company wants to produce a specific product according to customer needs. This method involves material cost, labour costs and overheads costs.This method also determines profit or loss accumulated in each job.Contract costingContract costing is used when a company wants to produce a specific product as per the contract with the customer. ... Read More

Differentiate between an illegal agreement and a void agreement

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 05-Jul-2021 12:10:12

4K+ Views

Let us understand the concept of an illegal agreement and a void agreement, before learning about their differences.Illegal agreementAn agreement which violates any law with the nature of crime or any opposition of public policy or immoral is an illegal agreement.Every illegal agreement is unlawful but not all the unlawful agreements are illegal. These agreements are strictly prohibited by law and parties who made these agreements can be penalized.Illegal agreements are void ab initio, so agreements collateral to original agreement is void.Void agreementMeaning of the term VOID is no legal binding and term AGREEMENT is consent between two or more ... Read More

Compare the void agreement and a void contract

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 05-Jul-2021 12:06:48


To record commitments between the companies or between the parties, contracts and agreements plays an important role. These agreements or contracts also play a role in the companies’ smooth functioning.Void agreementIn simple words, it is not enforced by law which means that the parties which are involved in agreements have no rights and can’t be challenged in courts.These agreements can’t be changed into binding agreements. To become void agreement, it must meet the essentials which are mentioned in section 10 of the act.Some of the agreements which are declared as void are as follows −Agreements with minors, lunatics etc.Agreements whose ... Read More

Compare the void contract and the voidable contract

Nagasravan Tamma
Updated on 05-Jul-2021 12:04:07


Let us understand the void contract and the voidable contract.Void contractVoid contract means an agreement which is not enforceable by law.This contract has no obligation/right/accrues to contract the void contract and also has no legal ability.A contract can become void contract due to the following −If a contract involves illegal activity.If a contract is against public policy.If performing the contract is impossible.If the party/parties involved in a contract are not competent legally.Nature of contractInitially, the contract is valid, but due to some reasons, it becomes invalid subsequently.In the absence of any elements in a valid contract, then the agreement becomes ... Read More

What is a Long Straddle in Investment?

M S Faisal
Updated on 05-May-2022 07:29:08


Long straddle involves call and put strategy for one particular bond, security or an asset and is utilized by traders as it has potential for maximum benefit and negligible risks. Under this method both long call and long put have the same stock price and expiration date.Important Points BrieflyAn option strategy known as a long straddle is acquiring both a long call and a long put on the same underlying asset with the same expiry date and strike price at the same time.The purpose of a long straddle is to benefit from a very big move in either direction by ... Read More

Why is it beneficial for companies in KSOP?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:47:45


Kansas Stock Ownership Plans (KSOP) is a popular retirement plan that combines an employee’s stock ownership stock ownership plan with a 401(k) plan. The firm matches stock benefits for the employee based on their performance instead of cash. They provide double benefit for organizations and combine the offerings of ESOP and 401k retirement plans.KSOP offers dual benefits of ESOP and 401(k) retirement plans.What is KSOP?As businesses continue to evolve, they have realized the benefits of combining two different strategies and this is where KSOP has offered a significant offering to them. The retirement plans are of two types −a defined ... Read More

Give Explanation, Formula & Uses of K-Ratio

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:45:27


What is K-Ratio?K-Ratio is an important financial tool that is used to estimate mainly two things statistically, the rate of return growth and its regularity of growth over a specified period of time. This is a an extremely potent tool that could be utilized to measure the risk vs reward of investing. This is useful when deciding to invest in stock market and evaluating the profitability of holdings. In this article, we will also look at how K-Ratio is calculated.K-ratio that has higher numbers will result in a better performance while those that indicate poor numbers will result in have ... Read More

What does Kicking the Tires mean in Investment?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:40:44


A term that refers to undertaking just the most basic study into a potential investment as opposed to undertaking a complete and careful examination is "kicking the tires." A first superficial perusal of the business's annual report is frequently followed by an examination of the firm's past earnings and sales performance, consideration of the firm's useful assets and failings, and browsing news items or headlines about the firm.Key Points BrieflyBefore making an investment choice, it is necessary to undertake a minimum amount of research, which is known as "kicking the tires."When used within the context of automobile purchasing, it is ... Read More

What is Definition, Formula & Example of Key Rate Duration?

M S Faisal
Updated on 02-Jul-2021 07:38:21


What is key rate duration?The key rate duration of a debt security or a debt instrument portfolio, often bonds, examines how the value of a debt security or portfolio varies at a certain maturity point throughout the whole yield curve. With respect to other maturities, the key rate duration is used to determine how sensitive a debt security's price is to a one percent change in yield for a certain maturity while all other maturities are held constant.Key Points BrieflyUsing the key rate duration, you can determine how much a bond's price changes when the yield on the bond changes ... Read More
