Found 1015 Articles for Finance Management

What is Aging Schedule?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:14:20


Aging ScheduleThe aging schedule is a summarized list of accounts receivable broken down into different time periods that rank the receivables depending on days until due or past due. The aging schedule is generally divided into 30 days’ categories so that the current items are listed in the 0–30 days’ category, moderately overdue items are listed in the 31–60 days’ category and very overdue are listed in other categories.ExampleCustomerTotal DueCurrent due (under 30 Days)1-30 days past due31-60 days past due61-90 days past dueMore than 90 daysCompany ABC100, 00080, 00020, 000   Company XYZ70, 000  30, 00030, 00010, 000Company AXY25, 00020, 000 5000  Total195, 000100, 00020, ... Read More

What are the Key Contents of a Credit Analysis Report?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:12:34


What is Credit Analysis?Credit analysis is an important aspect of business organizations and lenders who offer loans or goods and services on credit. Credit analysis reveals the nature of the customers and shows the potential customer who would be either good or bad in repaying the credited amount. The findings of credit analysis are indicated via a credit report.A credit analysis report is a very important tool for lenders to grant credit to prospective borrowers. By the contents included in the report, the lenders can offer loans to the best potential borrowers.A borrower who has a good repayment record is ... Read More

What are the Steps Involved in Effective Collection Procedure?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:10:23


Collection ProcedureCollections of credit are a very important part of the credit management process as it is the final part of the initiative. By collecting the dues, a lender completes the cycle of credit management. Since collecting the dues is the sole reason for granting credit, firms must know how to proceed with the collection process from individual customers or firms.It is, therefore, obvious that lenders or credit-grantor companies must have a well-structured plan for the collection of dues.Steps Involved in Effective Collection ProcedureFollowing are the steps for the lenders to collect the dues from the borrowers −Issuing a reminderLenders ... Read More

What are the Factors Affecting Credit Scores?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:08:43


Credit ScoreThe lenders usually depend on a credit score to check how good or bad an individual is in repaying the debt. This score is known as a credit score. A credit score is a key to getting a new loan approved or rejected. When the credit score is above a certain mark, the lenders realize that the capacity of the borrower is enough to pay back a loan.Therefore, a good credit score helps an individual to get loans on favorable terms while a bad score makes it tough to get a new loan approved.Factors Affecting Credit ScoresThe following 5 ... Read More

Marginal Account vs. Cash Account

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:06:44


What is a Marginal Account?Marginal accounts allow investors to borrow money by putting securities they buy as collateral which can be used to buy more securities or for other purposes.The investor’s status of securities can also be viewed by a broker in the case of a marginal account. These accounts are often used by options investors who need to show collateral while shorting the options.With a marginal account, if the investor buys securities that cost more than the balance in the account, the broker automatically pays for the extra amount. Therefore, marginal accounts have an option for credit which is ... Read More

What are the 5 C's of Credit Analysis?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:04:57


Credit AnalysisCredit analysis is an important part of businesses that provide credit to their customers in order to expand their business portfolio. However, like all other protocols of business, credit analysis is also based on some important factors.To get rid of losses created by bad debt and lengthy payments, businesses can depend on these factors to understand and apply credit analysis to their potential customers.5 C’s of Credit AnalysisThere are select parameters on which the credit analysis process rests. These are known as the 5 C’s of credit analysis. These are the following −CharacterLenders want to judge the financial character ... Read More

What are the Stages of Evaluation in Credit Analysis Process?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:03:29


What is Credit Analysis?Every business that offers credit to its customers faces a risk of losing money in terms of bad debts. Moreover, many organizations that are granted credit may delay in making payments which may hurt the firm that offers credit to such customers. It is therefore necessary for businesses to analyze the creditworthiness of customers before the credit is granted to them.This process of analyzing the creditworthiness of customers is known as credit analysis. It should be noted that credit analysis is one of the many processes to judge the creditworthiness of customers. There are other tools to ... Read More

How to Calculate Investment in Accounts Receivable (AR)?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 12:01:00

2K+ Views

What is Accounts Receivable?Although many professionals do not know, accounts receivable is a part of working capital, and it is shown in the balance sheet in the current assets. As this is an investment, AR should be counted as a net realizable value. We get the net realizable value when the AR is adjusted for all costs and deductions from the gross AR itself. These deductions may include, but are not limited to sales discounts, uncollectible balances, allowances, and sales returns.Accounts receivable is an outcome of operations, but many entrepreneurs lose money due to a lack of knowledge of the ... Read More

What are the Features of Optimum Credit Policy?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 11:57:28

3K+ Views

Features of Optimum Credit PolicyThe optimum credit policy of an organization represents the best credit efforts to maximize the returns from the use of the policy as a marketing tool. Usually, it depends upon the organization as to how much control over the credit policy must be exerted.A too-tight credit policy will lead to loss of opportunities while a too lenient credit policy may lead to an extension of bad debts. Therefore, an optimum credit policy is required by companies to excel in business operations.The main features of an optimum credit policy are as mentioned below −Credit policy variablesEvaluation of ... Read More

What are the Costs involved in providing Credit as a Marketing Tool?

Probir Banerjee
Updated on 04-Jul-2022 11:54:28


Businesses provide credit to their customer for various reasons. In fact, credit can be used as a marketing tool by companies. In order to do so, a company must look at the maximization of profits via incremental sales. However, it is easier said than done.This is so because, in order to use credit as a marketing tool, the companies have to bear the following three types of costs −Production and Sales CostsProduction and selling costs increase with the incremental sales a firm tends to seek.If sales increase within the already existing production capacity, then only variable production and selling costs ... Read More

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