Found 1015 Articles for Finance Management

Difference Between Bitcoin and Gold

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 12:38:17


Introduction For the last few decades, the number of financial products have grown rapidly, creating a pool of opportunities and options for investors to park their money and grow income. Gold and Bitcoin are couple of them in the financial space. They both are entirely two distinct investment avenues in terms of attributes and returns. In this case, it’s like comparing apples with oranges. Speaking practically, both gold and bitcoin can be deemed useless in some cases. For instance, you cannot take gold or bitcoin to any store and use it for making payments on purchases made. Whenever ... Read More

Agency Pass-Throughs

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 17:53:18


Introduction We will look into the realm of pass-through securities in this tutorial. These financial instruments, such as mortgage- and asset-backed securities, give investors access to the cash flows from a collection of underlying assets. We have talked about aspects of them including pro-rata distribution, asset pooling, and cash flow pass-through. We will also emphasize the dangers, such as prepayment, interest rate, credit, and liquidity dangers. Investors considering including pass-through securities in their investment strategy must fully comprehend these factors. Let us explore the world of pass-through securities, including characteristics, risks, and benefits for investors. Defining Pass Through Securities A ... Read More

Advance-Decline Ratio

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 17:07:17


Introduction This tutorial examines the definition of the advance-decline ratio, which calculates the ratio of rising to falling equities over a given period of time. We go over its computation, variations, benefits and drawbacks, and interpretation. We have also given examples and stress the value of using the ratio in conjunction with other indicators to help make educated decisions. Meaning of Advance-Decline Ratio The advance-decline ratio is a financial statistic used to assess the overall health of a stock market or particular market index and gauge the depth of market participation. It is determined by dividing the total number of ... Read More

Active Portfolio Strategy

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 15:38:14


Introduction This tutorial delves into active portfolio strategy, a proactive investment approach aimed at outperforming benchmarks. We examine its workings, including research, security selection, active trading, risk management, and performance monitoring. We emphasize the importance of an active portfolio strategy in generating superior returns and aligning investments with individual goals. Key features covered are active security selection, market timing, flexibility, research-driven decisions, risk management, and the potential for outperformance. What is an Active Portfolio Strategy? An investment method known as an active portfolio strategy is one in which portfolio managers actively choose to outperform a given benchmark or market index. ... Read More

Difference between Cloud Accounting and Desktop Accounting

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:37:22


Companies need to maintain accounting details that include a piece of vast information. So instead of manual maintenance, now companies are shifting towards advanced technology. Organizations have two choices to choose between cloud accounting and desktop accounting to maintain accounting for business. Traditionally, the desktop accounting software was installed in every system in the company which needs periodic updating of license. The Desktop accounting software is not mobile and needs to maintain the increased amount of data. While using cloud accounting, the company can maintain and monitor the data of employees remotely. What is Cloud Accounting? Cloud Accounting helps organizations ... Read More

Maximize Efficiency with Cloud Financial Management and Cost Allocation Solutions

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 14-Mar-2023 16:54:25


Cloud financial management is one of the most important factors in maintaining the integrity of any organization providing cloud services. Today, most websites depend upon the database based on cloud services. Hence its proper cost allocation is necessary to monitor, maintain and optimize the costs regarding services. It also helps to reduce the wastage of cloud resources that have no use. Let us see how to maximize efficiency with cloud financial management and cost allocation solutions. Efficiency Is The Key Cloud platforms are coming up as the base structure for any small-scale or large-scale organization. Hence, now more and more ... Read More

MBA in HR Management

Ruda Rabbani
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 20:05:26


MBA stands for "Masters in Business Management." Here, "management" is the term used to manage all the activities and resources used in the smooth functioning of the business. MBA is a 2-year post-graduate degree program that is highly demanded nowadays and will continue to be in demand in the coming years. MBA makes the candidate job-ready, helps with networking, builds up leadership skills, and improves business understanding. Selection for the MBA program is done through various entrance examinations like the CAT, GMAT, CMAT, IBSAT, XAT, etc. Most Tier 1 and Tier 2 business schools select through these exams. For the ... Read More

Operations Concepts Taught in an MBA

Ruda Rabbani
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 20:06:03


An MBA in operations management is a postgraduate program, which is in demand these days. An MBA degree in operations management will teach you the core concepts of planning, scheduling, controlling, and managing the overall production process of the business. In a manufacturing firm, an operations manager has to be an all-rounder to manage the activities of day-to-day production. Operations management will teach you to maintain the daily activities of the business for the scheduled and error-free delivery of products. Operations management talks about how raw materials and labor can be transformed into finished goods and services that can be ... Read More

Finance Management and How to Get an MBA in Finance?

Ruda Rabbani
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 19:59:24


An MBA in finance will help you to create a financial base for your industry by researching historical data and present market structure. It also helps with predicting the future requirements of the business and its growth enabling you to manage the asset and liabilities of the business. Finance will teach you the money aspect of the business which will enhance your decision-making skills. Financial Management Financial management is the field of business that deals with the finance of the company. Financial management works with an investment of available financial resources (cash, assets, marketable securities, etc) to receive a return ... Read More

Finance Management: What You Should Know

Unnati Singh
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 09:31:43


Finance management is the process of planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring financial resources in order to achieve an organization’s objectives. It involves developing and implementing financial strategies, creating budgets, and tracking and analyzing financial performance, making decisions about how to allocate financial resources, such as capital and investments, in a way that maximizes the value of the organization. Benefits of Finance Management There are many benefits to effective financial management, both for individuals and for organizations. Some of the key benefits include − Increased Financial Stability By managing finances effectively, individuals and organizations can achieve financial stability and security, ... Read More

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