Found 499 Articles for File System

How to Install ImageMagick on Ubuntu

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:09:53


Use ImageMagick to create, edit, compose or convert bitmap pix. It could actually read and write snapshots in a type of codecs (over 200) including PNG, JPEG, JPEG-2000, GIF, TIFF, DPX, EXR, WebP, Postscript, PDF, and SVG. Use ImageMagick to resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and develop into snapshots, alter image colors, follow various certain effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.This article explains about -“How to Install ImageMagick on Ubuntu”Before installing ImageMagick, It should be required, to build essentials as shown below –$sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall && apt-get build-dep imagemagick -yThe sample output should ... Read More

How To Configure and Secure SFTP Without Providing Shell Access on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:34:09


In this article, we will learn about how to configure SFTP without enabling the shell access on Ubuntu 14.04, SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) which is a secure way to transfer files from various a servers are to a server using the SSH encrypted connections, which is a different protocol from File Transfer Protocol (FTP) which is supported by all the FTP clients.Protocol (SFTP) is a secure way to transfer files from various servers to a server using the SSH encrypted connections, which is a different protocol from File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that is supported by all the FTP clients.SFTP ... Read More

How To Configure and Secure SFTP Without Providing Shell Access on CentOS 7

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:28:19


In this article we will learn about how to configure SFTP without enabling the shell access on CentOS 7, SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) which is a secure way to transferring files from servers to a server using the SSH encrypted connections, which is a different protocol from File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that is supported by all the FTP clients.SFTP can be configured by using default configurations on all the servers which had the SSH access enabled on the machine. SFTP is a secure and easiest way to use, which has a disadvantage in the standard configuration, which allows terminal ... Read More

How to Kill a Process by Name in Linux?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:08:36


This article shows you how to use the Linux pkill command to kill running processes within Linux by using a name. Pkill (see pgrep) is a command-line utility while Solaris 7 process is running. pkill works on a currently active running process and lists down process ID’s which matches with the criteria.To kill a process by name in Linux, use the following command –pkillTo get a list of process in Linux, use the following command –$ ps -AThe sample output should be like this –PID TTY          TIME CMD    1 ?           ... Read More

How to Install Sublime Text Editor on Ubuntu

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:21:23


Sublime Text is a cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface (API). It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and its functionality can be extended by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.This article describes “How to install Sublime Text Editor on Ubuntu”FeaturesEditing files side by side.It supported all Platforms.It provides functionality to find and replace with regular expressions.The Command Palette gives fast access to functionality.“Goto Anything, ” quick navigation to files, symbols, or lines.Python-based plugin API.Compatible with many language grammars from TextMate.Installing SublimeThere are two version’s of Sublime Text is available ... Read More

How To Configure mod_rewrite for Apache on CentOS 7

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 09:49:30

1K+ Views

In this article, we will learn about how to configure the mod_rewrite for Apache on CentOS 7, Apache is a very popular web server which allows us to customize and enable its capabilities and disable them. if we now needed more, the Apache administrator has permissions to change according to our needs of the web application.PrerequisitesWe needed a Linux machine installed with CentOS 7.We need a non-root user with sudo permissions.Installing the Apache Web ServerWe will install the Apache Web Server using yum as, Apache is available with the default packages with the management utility of the CentOS repository.The Apache ... Read More

How To Change PostgreSQL Data Folder Location on Ubuntu 16.04

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 08:00:43

2K+ Views

In this article, we will learn how to change or relocate the PostgreSQL Database data directory to the new location on Ubuntu 16.04. This database grows more frequently and depends upon the size of the company, as we needed more space and for security reasons we will change the data directory to the other volume or other location.PrerequisitesAn Ubuntu machine with a non-root user with Sudo permission.A PostgreSQL server installed and working.A new volume or location where we want to move the database data location, the new location will be /mnt/data_vol/PostgreSQL as the data_vol is the new volume attached to ... Read More

How to Change Apache Default Web Root Folder to a New Location on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:56:43

12K+ Views

In this article, we will learn how to change the Apache default web root folder to a new location. By default, the Apache web root or Document root folder location is at /var/www/html.These type of changes will be useful for security reason or having the space issue due to data size, we want to change the document root folder to another location or mount point. This will be helpful if we have multiple instances and we want to keep the data for each website into their own volumes or folders.PrerequisitesAn Ubuntu 16.04 server with a user with Sudo permissions on ... Read More

How to Add a New Disk Drive to a Linux Machine

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:26:11

10K+ Views

This article helps you to configure and add a new disk to the Linux box. This is one of the most common problems encountered by system administrators these days since the servers are tending to run out of disk space to store excess data. Fortunately, disk space is now one of the cheapest. We shall look at the steps necessary to configure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. x to add more space by installing the disk.ContentsMounted Filesystems or Logical VolumesGetting StartedFinding the New Hard Drive in RHEL 6Creating Linux PartitionsCreating a Filesystem on an RHEL 6 Disk PartitionMounting a ... Read More

How to Protect Files and Directories from Deleting in Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 05:50:28

1K+ Views

Are you working as a Linux Admin? Do you generally defend script documents or any important files? You might be aware that, Chattr (change Attribute) is a command line Linux utility that is used to set/unset exact attributes to a file in Linux process to comfortable unintended deletion or change of major files and folders, although you’re logged in as a root user.This article helps you to look after your records or folders that may support in disallowing an unauthorized user to delete your touchy contents.Protecting FileIn the below example abc.txt is the file nameProtecting a fileTo protect file, use ... Read More
