Found 499 Articles for File System

Difference Between Contiguous and Non-contiguous Memory Allocation

Updated on 19-Apr-2021 06:30:11

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In this post, we will understand the difference between contiguous and non-contiguous memory allocation −Contiguous Memory AllocationIn this allocation type, the consecutive blocks of memory is allocated to a file/process.It executes quickly in comparison to non-contiguous memory.It is easy to be controlled by the operating system.Minimum overhead since there are not many address translation when a process is being executed.There is internal fragmentation in contiguous memory allocation.There are different types of partitions: Single partition allocation and multi-partition allocation.Memory gets wasted.The swapped-in process is arranged in the originally allocated space itself.Non-contiguous Memory AllocationIn this type of allocation, separate blocks of memory ... Read More

Difference Between CLI and GUI

Updated on 16-Apr-2021 07:48:54


In this post, we will understand the difference between CLI and GUI −CLIIt stands for Command Line Interface.It is difficult to use.It consumes less memory.It provides high precision.It is quick in comparison to GUI.The operating system of CLI required a keyboard only.The appearance can’t be modified.An input can be entered at command prompt only.The information is presented to the user in the form of plain text and files.No menu is provided.No graphics are present in CLI.It doesn’t use any pointing devices.It doesn’t help avoid spelling mistakes and typing errors.GUIIt is easy to use.It stands for Graphical User Interface.It consumes more ... Read More

Difference Between FAT32 and NTFS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 14:23:51


File System provides a way to organize files and to manage the drives in the computer systems. File system basically specifies how data will be stored in a form of file and folders. It provides the Metadata about the files like name, permission, size and other attributes. There are two popular file systems namely, FAT32 and NTFS, used in the Windows Operating System. Read this article to learn more about FAT32 and NTFS and how these two file systems are different from each other What is FAT32? FAT32 stands for File Allocation Table 32. It is the oldest of ... Read More

Difference Between 3NF and BCNF

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 06:31:13

6K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between 3NF and BCNF.3NFThere shouldn’t be any transitive dependency.There shouldn’t be any non-prime attribute that depends transitively on a candidate key.It is not as strong as BCNF.It has high redundancy.The functional dependencies are already present in INF and 2NF.It is easy to achieve.It can be used to achieve lossless decomposition.BCNFFor any relation A->B, ‘A’ should be a super key of that specific relation.It is stronger than 3NF.The functional dependencies are present in 1NF, 2NF and 3NF.It has low redundancy in comparison to 3NF.The functional dependencies may or may not be preserved.It is ... Read More

Difference Between Backup and Recovery

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 05:39:26


In this post, we will understand the difference between backup and recovery.BackupIt refers to storing a copy of the original data in a separate memory location.It is basically a copy of data that is used to restore the original data in case of a data loss/damage.It is the replication of data.It just keeps one extra copy to ensure data is not lost forever.It helps in giving data protection.It makes the process of data recovery hassle free and easy.It is an affordable process.It is used in production environments.Example - SnapManager helps create a backup of data and everything else in the ... Read More

Difference between Simultaneous and Hierarchical Access Memory Organisations

Nitin Sharma
Updated on 09-Jun-2020 09:05:02


As we know in context of computer/system, the main key feature on which the whole performance get dependent is Memory. It is memory and its allocation which make the system to perform fast and efficient. Now on the basis of organizing of this memory in the system, we can distinguish between Simultaneous and Hierarchical Access Memory Organisations.Following are the important differences between Simultaneous and Hierarchical Access Memory Organisations.Sr. No.KeySimultaneous Access Memory OrganisationsHierarchical Access Memory Organisations1DefinitionSimultaneous Access Memory Organisations is the memory organizing technique in which CPU can interact with multiple memory levels at same time and gets data interaction. This ... Read More

Difference between Point-to-Point and Multi-point Communication

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:34:48

9K+ Views

Communication, in general, is the process of transferring data from a source to a destination by using any of the available modes such as audio, video, text or even signals, etc. This communication may be straightforward between one sender and one receiver or it may include multiple senders and receivers. On the basis of the number of senders and receivers involved, a communication can either be "Point-to-Point" or "Multi-point".Read through this article to find out more about these two forms of communication and how they differ from each other.What is Point-to-Point Communication?In telecommunications, a point-to-point connection is a communications link ... Read More

Differences between Classical and Quantum Cryptography

Nitin Sharma
Updated on 09-Jun-2020 08:01:28


As we know that Cryptography comprises of two processes which are namely as encryption and decryption performed at sender and receiver end respectively. Basically Cryptography is practiced or implemented for doing secure communication between sender and receiver in the public environment in such a manner that other than these two parties no one could get or understand the message that is delivered.On the basis of type of encryption and decryption of the message we can distinguish between Classical and Quantum Cryptography as follows −Sr. No.KeyClassical CryptographyQuantum Cryptography1BasisIn Classical Cryptography encryption and decryption is done on the basis of mathematical computation.On ... Read More

Difference between Inverted Index and Forward Index

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 15-Apr-2020 08:22:52

1K+ Views

Inverted Index and Forward Index are data structures used to search text in a document or set of documents.Inverted IndexInverted Index stores the words as index and document name(s) as mapped reference(s).Forward IndexForward Index stores the document name as index and word(s) as mapped reference(s).The following are some of the important differences between the Inverted Index and Forward Index.Sr. No.KeyInverted IndexForward Index1Mapping PatternInverted Index stores the words as index and document name(s) as mapped reference(s).Forward Index stores the document name as index and word(s) as mapped reference(s).2Index Building ProcessScan the document, prepare a list of unique words.Prepare a list of ... Read More

Difference between Top-Down Parsing and Bottom-Up Parsing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 14:50:48

35K+ Views

Top-Down Parsing and Bottom-Up Parsing are used for parsing a tree to reach the starting node of the tree. Both the parsing techniques are different from each other. The most basic difference between the two is that top-down parsing starts from top of the parse tree, while bottom-up parsing starts from the lowest level of the parse tree. Read this article to learn more about top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing and how these two parsing techniques are different from each other. What is Top-Down Parsing? Top-Down Parsing technique is a parsing technique which starts from the top level of the ... Read More
