Found 5 Articles for Figurative Language

What is Foreshadowing? Types, Examples & Definitions

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 10:57:45


Introduction A drama or a movie has various elements to it used to make it captivating. These elements are called dramatic literary devices. Drama is a fictional presentation of reality, of life and these dramatic literary devices enable drama to become more believable and true to life. Some of the common literary devices used in drama are: Dramatic irony, Soliloquy and Foreshadowing. While Dramatic Irony points to an information known only to the audience and not to the protagonist, a soliloquy is an isolated speech by a character that is accessible only to the spectators. This further facilitates the Dramatic ... Read More

Figurative Language

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 10:29:13


Introduction Figurative language helps to make a literary piece more engaging by providing an imaginary effect to the writing. So, the reader gets more scope to think beyond the literal meaning. A detailed discussion will help you to understand figurative language. What is Figurative Language? A figurative language indicates words or word phrases that do not carry literal meaning. It makes written or spoken communication more engaging with an artistic touch. The ‘word’ or ‘word phrase’ conveys an exaggerated meaning that it does not exhibit, and it creates an impact on the reader. ExamplesThe mother said that her child was ... Read More

What is a Metaphor? Examples, Definition and Types

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction Metaphor is a figurative language that creates a comparison between two different things. It expresses a meaning beyond what it exhibits literally. Metaphors are widely used in various literary works to bring creative writing styles. This tutorial will assist you in getting valuable information about the details of metaphors. What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is a literary device that addresses a comparison between two contrasting things. To define metaphor, we can also say that it is a figurative language that brings comparison between two things to highlight common traits. The Greek word 'metaphora' means 'to transfer'. Metaphors help ... Read More

Narrators in Literature: Types and Definitions

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

Introduction The style of writing, plot perspective, or even characters' attributes depend on the narrators. Narrators in literature have an essential purpose to offer. If we can identify different narrators in literature, it will be easier to understand the perspective. Narrators are the backbone of fictional literary works. This tutorial will assist in getting the essential details on narrators in literature. Who is a Narrator? A narrator is a person or voice who tells a story or narrates a literary work. The story or the literary work is described from the narrator's point of view. A narrator can be part ... Read More

Allusion and Illusion: Definitions and Examples

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Allusions are used in literature as references to people, things or facts. Illusions provide a deceptive image in literature. The latter refers to something else beyond the text. Allusions and illusions are different from each other. This tutorial will guide you to understand the essential details with examples. What is an Allusion? An allusion in literature indirectly refers to other literary works, historical incidents or characters. It is a literary device that helps to provide an indirect indication of such things. While using an allusion, it is assumed that the reader or listener is already aware of the references. ... Read More
