Found 829 Articles for Fashion Studies

Street Fashion: Meaning & Trends

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Street fashion is one of the fastest growing and most preferred fashion trends across the world. Especially, the younger generations are very keen and always prefer a style that does not follow any rules. There are, as such, no defined criteria and even such a style is not created with any pre-mind set, but rather anything with any combination and careless look. And, for such careless looks or officially street fashion, as per the 2011 report, the global street fashion market was valued around 60 billion US dollars, and in 2017, this figure was 200 billion US dollars. So, no ... Read More

Fad Fashion: Definition & Meaning

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

4K+ Views

Fashion is a highly volatile term, as it comes into the market and goes. However, some fashion designs come and stay for a long time, while others come and go in a matter of weeks. So, fashion design that comes for a short duration, is an example of fad fashion. What is the Meaning of Fad? The literal meaning of fad is: a strong passion for something or an intense and extensively shared interest in something, but for a short period of time. For example, suppose you became obsessed with learning the piano and thus purchased an expensive piano, enrolled ... Read More

Classic Fashion: An Evergreen Fashion

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Classic dresses or clothing styles, irrespective of how old they are, reflect a person’s timeless looks. For example, primary fashion items like crisp white-collar shirts, little black dresses, or well-fitted black formal trousers and black leather shoes for men and the typical churidar salwar suit or sari with red bindi for women are evergreen dresses that people can wear on any occasion and at any time. Interestingly, on every occasion, it is acceptable. However, people who give preference to classic dresses over the latest stylish designs, give more importance to values and norms. Usually, they dress themselves more conservatively than ... Read More

Wearable Technology: Meaning and Significance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Technological advancement is pervasive as it covers all spheres of human life. And one such aspect is wearable technology. The invention of wearable technology has made life very easy. It does not only give comfort and an attractive look to the wearer, but also takes care of their health. In addition to this, these items are also the status symbol. What is the Meaning of Wearable Technology? Wearable technology is very advanced electronic devices that are worn, usually on the wrist. However, there are also some other smart wearable technologies that are worn in the ears, eyes, etc. These smart ... Read More

Retrofuturistic Clothing: Meaning and Future Prospects

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


The ultra-advancement of technology enables human beings to visualise and represent their level of creative thinking or imagination in an artistic way. Though people have always been creative and have had profound visions, but in lack of proper means, they were not able to show their imagination. But all thanks to modern technology, because of which we can show our imagination. Likewise, retrofuturistic clothing is also one of such imagination that we can actually see it much ahead of time. What is the Meaning of Retrofuturism? Also known as futuristic clothing, retrofuturistic clothing is a creatively imagined vision that defines ... Read More

E-textiles: Meaning and Significance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


People are quite innovative as well as experimental, as they always keep trying something new. Electronic textiles, or simply e-textiles, are also one such experiment in which some devices are being attached to dress. However, the concept of e-textiles is not limited only to garments, but also applies to interior designs. What is the Meaning of E-textiles? The concept of electronic textiles, or simply e-textiles, is an experiment to attach some electronic components such as lights, sensors, batteries, and microcontrollers to the garments. In other words, electronic textiles are designed with fabric that is lashed with some sort of electronic ... Read More

Eco-fashion: Meaning and Future Prospects

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

In today’s world, one of the most commonly discussed topics is the environment. Governments, businessmen, multinational companies, industrialists, and even common men of all countries are concerned with the environment. The common purpose of the entire human community of this world is to protect the environment (which is already damaged extensively), as damage to the environment is directly related to the damage of human life. So, to protect the environment, we are trying to do all those works, which are environment friendly. Environment-friendly means the use of such kinds of products or even human acts, which can be absorbed by ... Read More

Copycat Culture and Fashion

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


In today’s world, where fashion has become as important as food, people of every class want to have high-end fashion design or the design that trending. But the trending fashion is not affordable for middle-class or lower middle-class people. So, to resolve this issue, the concept of copycat evolved. These days, copycat has become a common culture. There are hundreds of small-scale fashion designers or firms that largely copy the latest design and imprint it on a low-priced fabric and make it available for the middle-income group people at an affordable price. What is the Meaning of Copycat Culture? The ... Read More

Circular Fashion: Meaning & Significance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


To reduce the growing environmental pollution and conserve the future biodiversity, many people are trying to invent such kind of products and/or processes that put the minimum burden on the environment. Following the same concept, in the fashion industries, some of the designers and respective firms started using eco-friendly or bio-degradable products that can be easily disposed of and leave minimum waste. On the other hand, some people introduced the concept of circular fashion, under which the same products/garments are used again and again. What is the Meaning of Circular Fashion? Circular fashion is one of the techniques of sustainable ... Read More
