Found 829 Articles for Fashion Studies

Filigree Jewellery: Meaning and Making

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Dec-2022 10:52:31


Everybody is interested in jewellery since the word itself is so attractive. The recent focus on the fashion jewellery trend has increased the popularity of old traditional art forms used for jewellery creation. The reason is not only due to the distinctive designs, which raise a person’s level of style, but also to the affordable price, which is accessible to everybody. Indian culture is adorned with a wide variety of jewellery, and filigree work is among the most alluring types that have been produced by artisans for centuries. With their exquisite designs, filigree-made ornamental items and designer jewellery have captivated ... Read More

Bow Tie: Meaning & Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 06-Dec-2022 10:47:11


Short neckties with thin cloth wound in a knot around the collar are known as bow ties. Bow ties are neckpieces worn for semi-formal events, black tie affairs, and everyday casual attire; the appropriate bow tie style is determined by the dress code. Bow ties can be tied in a variety of ways; some may be looser and floppier than others. Although bow ties come in a variety of colours and patterns, they are a necessary component of a formal tuxedo. Bow ties can be made of any type of fabric; however, the majority are made of silk, polyester, cotton, ... Read More

Major Cultural Issues in Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:21:13


Since ancient times, fashion designers have incorporated stylistic components from many cultures into their designs, and the appeal of conventional designs with an “ethnic” twist is still as strong as ever. The idea of “cultural appropriation” is hazy. It is possible to define it as the act of a person from a relatively dominant culture using a traditional cultural expression without the owner’s consent, acknowledgment, or payment and repurposing it in another situation that harms them. The fashion industry is about to go through a significant transition as a result of the public outcry brought on by several accusations of ... Read More

Importance of Arts and Designs in Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:18:01

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In the field of fashion, creativity is the common theme that unites the disciplines of art and design. There is a bridge that connects the two universes. The realm of fashion is also connected with art and design, which have accompanied humanity through its history in their own unique way. There is a close relationship between the three mediums. The Influence of Art and Design The influence of art and design on people’s lives is enormous. It fosters our creativity and provides a venue for our self-expression. It plays such a significant role in our lives that we occasionally ... Read More

Fashion Follower

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:14:01

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A fashion follower is someone who has a strong interest in the industry, perhaps to the point that it dominates their daily lives. However, depending on who you ask, this phrase may mean something else. Some people associate being a fashion follower not only with designer clothing but also with clothing in general. While some would argue that a fashion follower is fundamentally a trend follower, others would argue that they don’t just follow trends. It follows that numerous concepts of fashion followers exist. Who is a Fashion Follower? A person who admires high fashion is referred to as ... Read More

Role of Crafts in Setting Up Trending Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:08:27


The fashion industry has evolved over the past several years. Large businesses and international brands are no longer in charge. People are making cuts and paying closer attention to prices as a result of the economic downturn in the West. Additionally, they want long-lasting products with improved design. As a result, many more affordable businesses have found success, while some more expensive brands have failed in their attempts to strike a compromise between design costs and lower retail prices. Some customers have taken note of this and adjusted their schedules. Some people have started making their own clothes and blogs, ... Read More

Major Ethical Issues in Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 07:00:13

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Ethical fashion raises fundamental concerns in the fashion business about exploitation, working conditions, animal welfare, fair trade, and the environment. Businesses are becoming more aware of the value of corporate social responsibility and are making the required adjustments to satisfy customers. There has been a considerable increase in consumer ethical concern over the past few decades, which has resulted in a rise in the demand for “ethical” options in the marketplace. The textile and clothing industries, which are primarily driven by labor-and resource-intensive practises and leave the largest carbon footprint of all value chains, are two of the sectors with ... Read More

Major Challenges in the Fashion Industry

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 06:55:34

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The fashion industry appears to outsiders to be no different from any other retail establishment. They can be curious as to what makes selling lumber, common t-shirts, or premium t-shirts different. Conceptually, there is no distinction because, like all businesses, it revolves around supplying clients with goods. The change is actually not just noticeable; it’s huge. Any seasoned fashion business owner will agree that overcoming the industry’s issues requires a distinctive approach. The worldwide pandemic, the swiftly evolving corporate climate, and the general economic unpredictability add even another layer of complication. It can take years and millions of dollars in ... Read More

Macro Environmental Factors in Fashion Industries

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 06:45:50

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The macro environmental elements that have an influence on the apparel industry are those that don’t directly affect small businesses or their rivals. Business owners have limited influence over these outside variables, and their efforts to change them have little effect. Instead, small businesses must adjust to various macro environmental elements, which include economic conditions, governmental influence, technological advancements, and consumer traits. Small businesses’ capacity to stand out from major rivals and their overall performance are both influenced by how they respond to macro-environmental forces. For instance, according to Duke University, the lack of some materials, like leather, may compel ... Read More

Knock-offs in Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 23-Nov-2022 06:40:15

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Products that replicate or copy the outside design of other goods but not their brand name or emblem are known as knockoffs. If they cause consumer confusion, they can still be in violation of trademark laws. These products are essentially counterfeits of copyrighted works, including music, movies, or software, that are used without authorization. There are knockoff products in almost every fashion-related industry sector, including clothing, accessories, footwear, and cosmetics. What is a Knockoff in Fashion? Knockoff clothing is a very exact replica of designer fashion clothing that is sold for less than the original. There is a difference ... Read More
