Found 829 Articles for Fashion Studies

Significance of Adornment-Based Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 11:11:06


The study of clothing and adornment, as well as various other forms of the art of the body, has seen a boom in interest in recent years, according to a number of academics. Most studies still maintain a single central focus based on the theories and methods of one discipline or another, whether it be fashion history, art history, history, sociology, anthropology, or folklore. There are overviews of various approaches to the study of dress and adornment, but very few studies attempt a complete, fully integrated approach that unifies interdisciplinary research. The integration of fine arts into body art is ... Read More

Sumerian Costume

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 11:04:25

1K+ Views

Early Sumerian (c. 3500–2500 BCE) and Later Sumerian (c. 1500 BCE) are the two distinct periods of Sumerian culture (c. 2500-1000 BCE). Absolute patriarchy and hierarchy characterised social classes. Wool, oil, and trade in general were the three mainstays of Sumerian commerce. The most significant material was wool, which was used to make clothing, tapestries, and decorative things. Producing textiles was a female-dominated industry. They spun the wool, wove the fabric, and then Sumerian men coloured the finished product. Kaunakes, a fleece-like material, was used to make skirts for both men and women. With respect to hierarchical standing, skirt length ... Read More

Significance of Ritual-Based Clothing

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 10:54:43


A person or a group can use ceremonial, festival, and other ritual clothing as a structure to reaffirm social ties and values. Rituals frequently involve large crowds and are perceived as being out of the ordinary because they highlight significant cultural or personal events. By tying the present to the past and the future to the present, ritual contributes to the meaning of the world. Ritual can be seen often when a society’s deepest values emerge in the form of activity, objects, and dress. Ritual clothing through the senses structures our perception of reality and the world around us. Religious ... Read More

Significance of Armor

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 10:32:36


Body armour is a term for protective clothing that can deflect or absorb the force of projectiles or other weapons that could be used against its wearer. Armor is also sometimes spelled armour. Up until recently, soldiers engaged in combat wore armour that was painstakingly crafted and frequently intricately wrought, indicating the value put on both the wearer’s protection as an individual as well as the importance of the wearer as a member of the group. Due to advancements in technology, a range of clothing styles that are suitable for the dangers of contemporary combat have been created using lighter ... Read More

Roman Costume

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 10:17:17


The ancient city of Rome, sometimes known as the eternal city, is awash in history. The foundation of modern civilization, culture, and fashion is their culture. Greek attire serves as the foundation for most of Roman fashion. In the middle of the first millennium BC, they were also affected by the Egyptians, but subsequently they created the Roman costume, their own distinctive clothing style. The Romans used their costume to express their class, social rank, age, gender, and line of work in addition to serving as a means of covering their bodies. They aimed to portray everyone around them as ... Read More

Primitive Sources of Clothing

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 12:51:54


Although the exact date of the invention of clothing is unknown, anthropologists believe it to have been between 100, 000 and 500, 000 years ago. Natural materials such as animal skins, fur, grass, leaves, bones, and shells were used to create the first garments. Clothes were frequently draped or tied, but rudimentary animal bone needles show that leather and fur clothing was sewn at least 30, 000 years ago. Neolithic cultures developed weaving techniques, which led to the development of cloth-making as one of humanity’s fundamental technologies. They discovered the advantages of woven fibres over animal hides. The history of ... Read More

Origin and Development of Costumes

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 12:47:42

2K+ Views

A costume is a set of clothing that originated in a particular historical era or nation, according to fashion terminology. The clothing used in earlier ages is a mere shadow of the ultra-modern attire worn now. The Latin term “consuetudo, ” which refers to an entire set of outerwear, is where the word “costume” originates. In addition to serving as a means of covering and adorning the body, costumes also act as an important non-verbal channel of communication that helps to determine a person’s cultural identity, including their community or country of birth, during any particular historical moment. A ... Read More

Modern Indian Fashion: Before Independence

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 12:43:10


The pre-independence era was characterised by a wide range of Indian fashion and trends that were influenced by European styles, and these styles evolved over time. Then came the impetus from significant occasions that prepared the road for our freedom and had a significant influence on the timeline of fashion. And with Indian fashionistas sweeping the globe, Indian fashion is now on par with that of the rest of the world. Fashion for Royals India had the ability to produce fashion icons before it became independent; Maharani Gayatri Devi designed one of them. The royal wardrobe included dark glasses, ... Read More

Modern Indian Fashion: After Independence

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 12:40:03


Fashion is significant in a nation like India, where clothing plays a significant role in culture and tradition. Indian fashion has changed in a variety of ways, whether it’s returning to its roots with handloom that is rich in heritage or adopting new-age fabrics that are sensitive to the environment. Although clothing has a significant role in culture, it also has a significant economic impact on the nation. While much of this is influenced by the culture and geography of the nation, Indian fashion really began to change for the better after the country gained its independence. When the colonists ... Read More

Medieval War Costumes

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 12:34:44


The Middle Ages, commonly referred to as the Medieval Times, was a time in European history that spanned roughly from the 400s to the 1400s CE. Turning inward, advancements in agriculture and technology and modifications to the religious order all occurred during this time period. But there was no standard uniform for mediaeval soldiers. The majority of soldiers wore their regular attire—usually a tunic, pants, and shoes—along with an emblem designating them as soldiers. Additionally, soldiers wore a helmet and at least one form of light armour over their clothing. Eventually, St. George’s cross-adorned helmets were worn by English soldiers. ... Read More
