Found 829 Articles for Fashion Studies

Identifying the Right Side of Fabric

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:39:32

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One of the biggest challenges for professionals in the fashion and clothing industry is knowing how to distinguish between the right side of the fabric and the wrong side. Anyone who works directly with the fabric, whether to bore it or cut it directly, must have the visual and tactile sensitivity to effectively recognise which is the correct side of the fabric. Well, for some types of fabrics, this differentiation is easy to perceive between one side and the other, but how to recognise the right side of the fabric depends on the type of fabric. Meaning of Right ... Read More

H&M: A Brand’s History

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:55:12

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The company was originally known as “Hennes, ” which is Swedish for “Her, ” and changed to Hennes & Mauritz following a merger with a menswear company. By the time the name was abbreviated to H & M in 1968, it had come to represent both women’s and men’s clothing that was both feminine and masculine. The corporation has approximately 130, 000 employees and operates in more than 60 different nations. There are H&M stores almost everywhere in the world, and the company’s striking red logo is instantly recognisable as a symbol of reasonably priced, fashionable clothing. Clothing, accessories, ... Read More

How to Identify a Good-Quality Fabric?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:25:50

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Knowing that different types of materials show varied features and, consequently, that the criteria apply differently to each is one of the first things to comprehend in examining the quality of fabrics. A 100% cotton fabric and a fabric consisting of a blend of materials, for example, cannot be expected to have the same level of smoothness. The differences do not necessarily imply that one is a superior choice. The quality of that fabric determines everything about the clothing, including how long it will last and how it will look. In other words, your clothing is only as good as ... Read More

General Theory of Dyeing

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:07:28

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When textile materials are dyed, they are coloured by being submerged in a dye liquor solution, which is an aqueous solution of dye. The dye liquid typically contains dye, water, and an auxiliary. Usually, the dye fluid is heated to increase the dye’s efficacy. This interplay between dyes, fibre, water, and dye auxiliary is explained by the general theory of dyeing. In more detail, it explains the repelling forces that form between the water and dye molecules and the forces of attraction that develop between the dye molecules and the fibres. These forces cause the dye molecules to exit the ... Read More

History of Western Fashion

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:52:30

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Western clothing has existed for a very long time. In the beginning, people of high position or authority might be recognised by their hand-made clothing. Only the wealthy could buy clothes since they were so expensive. The wealthy donned designer clothing, while the underprivileged wore simple attire. It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that clothing could be produced in large quantities, giving more people access to high-quality apparel at lower costs. What is Fashion in Western Culture? In English, the word “fashion” first appeared in 1375. Early occurrences are noted in the mid-15th century, according to the Oxford English ... Read More

French Placket: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 11:15:19


One of the most commonly used styles of placket in modern menswear is the French placket. It is created by folding the shirt’s fabric inward and sewing it from the inside out, leaving the buttons exposed. The shirt’s understated, neat appearance lends it a touch of elegance that works well with more fashionable, sophisticated shirts. The French placket gives a touch of refinement that can make a difference to your wardrobe and is ideal for business meetings and other formal occasions. What is a French Placket? Fabric is folded over to form French plackets as well; however, in this ... Read More

History of the Sewing Machine

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:49:12


A sewing machine is a device that uses thread to sew fabrics and other materials together. In the sewing community, the most commonly asked question is who invented the sewing machine. For good cause, there have been many allegations, failed experiments, and significant scandals throughout the history of the sewing machine. It’s a fascinating story about patent lawsuits and narrowly avoiding death when the sewing machine was still relatively new. Historical Background Without the craftsmanship of hand stitching, there would be no history of the sewing machine. Around 20, 000 years ago, people first began hand stitching, using animal ... Read More

Fibers and Fabrics: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 11:13:09


Human-made clothing, fabrics, or textiles are composed of numerous components. Like the components of a meal, the dyes, fabrics, yarns, threads, and embellishments that join together to create a finished textile Textiles are characterised by their most fundamental elements, just as good cooking is defined by employing the best ingredients. Any textile starts with the fibre, a thin material that is noticeably longer than it is wide. A fibre typically appears like hair because it is hundreds of times longer than it is wide. Almost every feature of a completed cloth can be defined by its fibres. Therefore, you must ... Read More

Fashion Plate: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 11:12:00


Fashion plates are miniature prints of people dressed in the newest trends and presented in minimally narrative social settings. They are frequently hand-colored. They were popular from the late 1800s through the early 1900s and were typically issued with fashion periodicals as supplemental plates or as essential components of the editorial material. Fashion plates are a mirror of the creative, historical, moral, and aesthetic sentiment of their period, according to the poet Charles Baudelaire, who wrote about them in his essay The Painter of Modern Life. He wrote in 1863, at a time when fashion plates were at their height ... Read More

History of Textile Design

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:43:04

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Fashion designing, carpet production, and all other facets of the textile industry fall under the umbrella term of textile designing. Towels, clothing, rugs, and draperies are all useful items made from textile design. The realm of art has been inspired by textile design in terms of other works or trends. Understanding the technical aspects of production as well as the characteristics of fibre, yarn, and dyes is necessary for textile design. Every culture has its own distinctive textiles with preferred fibres, designs, and colours, depending on the geographical region and time period. The names of the earliest textile designers have ... Read More
