Found 829 Articles for Fashion Studies

Luxury Fabrics: Meaning and Definition

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:16:52


For centuries, a “luxury” object was one that was so expertly made, so rare, and consequently so pricey that only the few—the elite—had access to it and the resources to purchase it. Luxury was positioned as a societal norm for the wealthy while being merely an aspirational ideal for everyone else. High-tech fibres are currently giving classic luxury fabrics (like silk, cashmere, or Sea Island cotton) a run for their money. The majority of fabric products, such as cloth, are pricey, and this is not merely a result of the brand. Sometimes a garment’s pricey quality is influenced by ... Read More

Marking Methods in Textiles

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:04:39


The pattern pieces for every size of a specific design of clothing item must be gathered on a sheet of paper called a marker. The basic goal of fabric markers is to decrease fabric waste, which lowers the overall cost of a garment item. A marker can also be used to mark the fabric layer and indicate the proper cutting direction. By making markers during sample creation, we were able to get a head start on the fabric consumption, and they should be made shortly before cutting. Making markers is a typical step before sending fabric orders to vendors. To ... Read More

Manmade Fibres vs. Natural Fibres

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:02:22

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The basic building blocks of all textiles are made of separate, fine, hair-like substances called textile fibres. There are primarily two forms of fibre. The first is constructed of natural fibre, whereas the second is artificial or synthetic fibre. Natural fibres are taken from both plants and animals. Polyester, rayon, and viscose staple fibre are examples of man-made fibre. It is a method of chemically treating and processing wood pulp to create a fibre that is equivalent to natural fibre and has the same properties. Natural fibres frequently have drawbacks. For instance, cotton clothing takes longer to dry than linen. ... Read More

Manmade Dyes: Advantages and Disadvantages

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:59:33

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Synthetic dyeing has the benefit of being simple to use and easy to find. There are a number of drawbacks, nonetheless, in contrast to this benefit. Because a small error might result in the destruction of an entire cloth, synthetic dyes demand more computation and accuracy in measurement. Finding complementary colours requires the correct kind of search abilities. What is Manmade or Synthetic Dye? Although Synthetic dyes were invented far later than natural dyes, the majority of the clothing we see today uses the man-made alternatives since they are more common. The major characteristic of an artificial dye is ... Read More

Knitting vs. Weaving

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:56:12

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According to some research, weaving appears to be much older than knitting, possibly dating back to the Paleolithic. Additionally, the Bible mentions numerous examples of Egyptian weavers. Unfortunately, hand weaving is almost extinct in the current world because most fabrics are made and developed in factories. Plain, twill, and satin weaves are a few types of weave structures. However, a variety of alternative weave structures are now readily available thanks to computer-generated interlacing. Additionally, knitting is a hobby that can be practised alone or with others and has evolved into a communal activity. Due to its popularity, a variety of ... Read More

Jewellery Designs

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:53:01


The practise of jewellery design focuses on producing ornamental items, works of art, or jewellery items that “enhance and embellish the wearer” using a variety of materials, including gemstones and precious or semi-precious metals. Jewelry design has developed over the years and is now its own specialty. The innovation has altered how jewellery making is done today. The practise of jewellery design has been inspired and shaped by conceptual, historical, and material factors into a field in which designers express their ideas as well as their self-image and identity via their work. What is Jewellery Design? Jewelry design is ... Read More

Importance of Printing in Fabrics

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:51:03


The textile sector now has a new dimension and greater diversity thanks to printing. Before it is manufactured, the fabric is coloured, printed, and finished. The clothing industry currently places a high value on printing. On any cloth, various designs are printed that reflect the tastes of the people. In step with changing consumer preferences, textile printing is likewise evolving quickly worldwide. Consumers want a wide range of colour and design options. In order to meet their needs, printing is constantly evolving. Printing is the process of adorning textile fabrics by using colourants, dyes, and other relevant materials in ... Read More

Green Color Psychology

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:46:09


According to research on colour psychology, certain hues can have an impact on how we feel and how we feel about ourselves. These reactions can occasionally be correlated with a color’s intensity. They are the results of experience and cultural influences in other situations. The colour green is often strongly associated with nature and conjures up images of lush grass, trees, and forests. Green is frequently said to be a serene and energising colour. Green is also frequently associated with wealth, good fortune, health, and envy. The Meaning of the Colour Green Because it predominates in nature, the colour ... Read More

Zara: A Brand That Created History

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 16:33:44

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One of, if not the most well-known, fashion retail brands in the world is Zara. With its dramatic introduction of the idea of “rapid fashion” shopping since its foundation in 1975 in Spain, Zara has worked to promote a responsible excitement for fashion among a broad variety of consumers, scattered across different cultures and age groups. There are many factors that have contributed to Zara’s success, but one of its most crucial characteristics that has enabled it to grow into the global fashion juggernaut it is today is its capacity to put customers first. Customers are madly in love with ... Read More

The Importance of Color Schemes in Fashion Design

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 14:43:54


Every day, colour is part of the work of designers. It is crucial to effective design, whether you’re creating an app or selecting the ideal hues to reflect your business. It is impossible to overstate the value of colour for individuals in general because it affects moods and has cultural significance. One of the first components to visually and psychologically convey the meaning of the design is the colour scheme. Since colour may reflect the specialty and even the overall marketing plan of a firm when handled appropriately, the colour scheme is actually one of the most crucial components. ... Read More
