Found 829 Articles for Fashion Studies

Techniques to Make Design Beautiful and Attractive

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 14:02:00


Clothing has been worn all throughout the world from the dawn of time, first out of need, then for aesthetic reasons, and lastly out of decency. And the dress’s design is its most crucial component. “Design” refers to an organised strategy. “Design, ” in a word, is a group that accepts industrial components and industrial ideas. There are many different kinds of designs, and decorative design is one of them. A creative design is one that contributes to improving something’s overall appearance. The dress design uses decorative designs. It increases the aesthetic value of garments. By adding decorative designs ... Read More

Techniques for Self-Enclosed Seams

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:47:06


Nobody wants the visible fabric borders of their seam allowances to be visible on the outside when sewing garments or anything else with see-through materials, overly heavy fabrics, or tearing fabrics. When this happens, an enclosed seam can save the day. Self-finished seams eliminate the need for separate finishing by enclosing raw edges during the sewing process. This seam has no visible seam allowance on either side, which is highly tidy and professional. Technique of the Flat-felled Seam Step 1 Keep the cloth pieces with the wrong sides facing out. Set a seam allowance of 5/8 inches. Alternately, make a ... Read More

Techniques for Body Measurements

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:44:23


Clothing comes in a variety of sizes that, if comfortable, can be worn with ease, but the fit of the garment is what gives it its aesthetic appeal. It is the initial body measurement that is crucial for correctly fitting clothing. Therefore, it is imperative for anyone—a student, dressmaker, or designer—to have a complete understanding of the proper method for acquiring body measurements. Understanding anthropometric measurement is the first step in measuring the human figure. Anthropos, which refers to the human figure in Greek, and metric, which means measurement, are the roots of the word anthropometric. In order to ... Read More

Technique of Top Stitching Seams

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:40:09


Sewing has fallen out of favour in the world of ready-made clothing. But it is important to understand the use and existence of sewing. Sewing is the craft of attaching and fastening objects such as cloth or other materials together by using stitches. In this process, needles and thread are widely used. In ancient times, people used to give orders for sewing their cloth material into shirts, pants, etc. Although, with time, the invention of machines reduced the hand work, sewing is still in existence. What is Top Stitching? In sewing, topstitching is a row of stitching that is ... Read More

Technique of Mock Flat-Felled Seam

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:36:55


A smooth, pleasant seam, the flat felled seam is ideal for medium-weight materials and apparel that demands optimal durability. If you have an active toddler running around, this seam makes sportswear and casual wear look very professional. It is also durable and ideal for overalls and rompers. Because the majority of the seam is on the outside, they are comfy. Flat-felled seams are frequently used on heavy-weight fabrics, such as denim and canvas, to strengthen clothing. Look at your jeans right now. It seems to be a standard flat-felled seam when viewed from the right side. If you look ... Read More

Significance of Fibers in Clothing

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2023 12:26:37


Fiber and cloth are universal components of human life, and since they play an almost infinite number of functions in our practical, personal, emotional, social, linguistic, economic, aesthetic, and spiritual lives, they have long been a source of intrigue. Fibers’ significance can be explained in a variety of meaningful ways, and the various concepts that make up this phenomenon can be arranged and synthesised. Everyone should have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of fibres and their qualities because textiles have such a significant impact on our daily lives. Textile fibres have a wide range of uses, including providing ... Read More

Self-enclosed Seams: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 16:06:31


Seams give all clothing and other sewn things their structure and shape, from the hem to the pockets to the darts in a shirt. There are many different types of seams, so be sure to take the fabric type and purpose of the garment into account when choosing one. Frayed seams and a diversity of stitches can be employed to create a more casual look, while uniform stitches and high-quality seam finishes are crucial for higher-end clothing. The two types of seams are open and closed. When the seam allowance—the piece of fabric that is between the edge of the ... Read More

Secondary and Tertiary Colour Formation Processes

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 16:04:44


Colors can elicit feelings, cause certain reactions, or covertly convey a message. When choosing a specific hue or shade for their work, artists must take into account if the colour scheme fits the tone they intend to achieve. Artists and designers can maximise the impact of their creative work by making the best decisions based on their knowledge of how colours interact. Sometimes, they prefer using tertiary colours over primary and secondary colors. Due to the fact that they are compounds, primary and secondary colours are combined to create tertiary or intermediate hues. One can blend colours to create ... Read More

Seams: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 16:02:08


The distance between the fabric edge and the seam line is known as the seam allowance (SA). It is a fact that an irregular seam will be handled differently than a straight seam. It will be distinct from an enclosed seam, such as in a yoke or a collar, if the seam is seen, as in the case of pants What is Seam? The stitching line where two textiles are sewn (or pieced) together is referred to as a seam. It is the fundamental component of a garment. The seam line is the line of stitching that runs the ... Read More

Seam Finishing Techniques

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 16:00:33


Seams give all clothing and other sewn things their structure and shape, from the hem to the pockets to the darts in a shirt. There are many different types of seams, so be sure to take the fabric type and purpose of the garment into account when choosing one. Frayed seams and a diversity of stitches can be employed to create a more casual look, while uniform stitches and high-quality seam finishes are crucial for higher-end clothing. Types of Seam Finishes Techniques Following are the major techniques Conventional Seam Finishes The most straightforward and typical seam treatments used in ... Read More
