Found 241 Articles for Fashion & Styles

Haute Couture - Meaning & Significance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Fashion does not mean only wearing some stylish or attractively designed dresses but rather it goes much beyond. It starts from a designer’s dress and ends with the attitude of the respective person; and, in between, there is a wide range of things, including jewellery, footwear, belt, goggles, hat, tie, and many more. Interestingly, all these vary with the geographic region, as different geographic regions have different fashion styles. In addition to this, it also depends on the financial status of the wearer, as its prices start from a few dollars and there is no upper limit. During the early ... Read More

Fashion Trends and Its Impact on Society

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

27K+ Views

In today’s world, fashion is a way of life. Like other basic needs (such as food, water, and shelter), clothing is also one of the most essential elements of life. People remain concerned about their dresses. Their occasions decide the type of dress, as every occasion has a defined fashion style, such as: office wear, party wear, casual wear, festival wear, marriage wear, etc. In addition to this, if people follow fashion trends, they are noticed by their friends, colleagues, relatives, and even by strangers. Likewise, fashion trends do play a major role in human life. What is Fashion Trend? ... Read More

Difference Between Fashion and Clothing

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Fashion and clothing are the two terms that are inseparable. However, we can say that clothing has an independent existence and it is tangible, but on the other hand, fashion does not have an independent existence and it is an intangible thing. Definitely, we can see fashion but cannot touch it, as what we touch would be either clothing or other fashion accessories, such as jewelry, footwear, handbags, etc. Likewise, based on their properties and the nature of existence, we can differentiate between these two terms. What is Fashion? Fashion is a creative and attractive design that is carved into ... Read More

Difference Between Classic and Fad in Fashion

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Fashion is a dynamic term that keeps changing like the season. Likewise, it has a beginning time, rising time, declining time, and an end time, which is technically known as fashion cycle. Therefore, based on the duration of its life cycle, fashion is classified as classic fashion, fad fashion, fast fashion, etc. So, in this article, we will discuss the meaning of classic fashion and then fad fashion, and then we will understand the basic differences between classic fashion and fad fashion. What is Classic Fashion? Classic fashions, as the name implies, are those designs and styles that remain in ... Read More

Color in Menswear - Meaning & Significance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


You have most likely never viewed this, but attempt to envision a world without color. How dreary and dull could that be? Basically, a world without color is unbelievable. Consistently, we see a large number of varieties in shifting shades and blends, and you may not be aware of how that influences you, yet it does. In this article, we will examine what attire colors say about you and what the implications and understandings of various varieties are as it connects with dress. We are encircled by colors, the majority of which have been consistently coordinated into our lives. The ... Read More

Classic Shirts and Types

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


We seem to have access to an increasing number of shirt kinds with each fashion show, but is this actually the case, or are designers simply extremely creative in how they present familiar shirt types in fresh shirt styles? Of course, by altering the sleeve type, sleeve length, collar style, and other aspects, each of the several shirt kinds we'll be discussing here can be transformed into a variety of styles. However, they are the most straightforward shirts to serve as your inspiration while creating or designing them. Shirt as a Men’s Garment A shirt is an upper-body ... Read More

Men's Clothing: categories

Updated on 31-Mar-2023 15:41:00

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In the present world, it is undoubtedly true that human beings are identified by their style of clothing. In addition to this, men, women, children, and even kids identify themselves through their way of dressing. Likewise, clothing has two-way identification, first one, individuals themselves give their identity through their dressing style; on the other hand, other people judge an individual based on his or her dressing sense. In essence, clothing has significant importance for everyone, men, women, children, and kids. So, in this article, we will discuss the different categories of menswear. Major Categories of Menswear Clothing Every man ... Read More

Boutique - Meaning & Types

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

4K+ Views

Boutique - Meaning & Types You must have seen a small shop selling designers’ clothes and other related accessories, including footwear, handbags, hats, and some sort of jewelry, etc., in your local market or even nearby your home. These shops’ sizes are small and they deal with only female fashion items. Such shops are technically known as "boutiques." What is the Meaning of Boutique? The term boutique has French origins, and means a small shop that sells fashionable and designer clothes, fashion accessories, and also some other make-up products. Though "boutique" is a French term, but originally, it is derived ... Read More

Avant-Garde Fashion: Meaning & Significance

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Avant-Garde Fashion: Meaning & Significance You might probably have noticed that in your family, friends, colleagues, or even in your society, there are a few people whose dresses are weird, or in other words, very unique and unconventional. It could be a combination of a few dresses, a spectrum of colors, and totally body-fitting or very loose. People wearing such dresses are, of course, fashionable, but they are fundamentally experimental. They keep trying something unique that no one has done till date. Such a type of fashion is a typical example of "Avant-garde Fashion." What is Avant-Garde Fashion? Avant-garde is ... Read More

Avant-Garde Fashion vs. Haute Couture

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Avant-Garde Fashion vs. Haute Couture The role of fashion depends on the owner’s choice. However, there are a wide range of options one can choose from. This assessment takes into account the two popular fashion cultures present, which have dictated the choices of many individuals across the world. They are avant-garde and haute couture. The intricate designs are produced by the big fashion houses, which is different from their ready-to-wear garment pieces, which are meant to be versatile and accessible while representing features of boldness with masculine segments, monochromatic palettes, and an incredible sense of layering. Avant-Garde Fashion This ... Read More
