Found 22 Articles for Exercises

Difference Between Dynamic Stretching and Static Stretching Exercises

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 12-May-2023 15:21:59


Stretching is an integral aspect of any fitness or sports regimen. Due of its significance, stretch is separated into two distinct categories. There are two kinds of stretches: dynamic and static. While both names can be used to describe the stretching exercises performed during preparation for spot events, they have distinct meanings and applications. The dynamic stretch is more active and stimulating to the body. A slower and more relaxed kind of stretching is the static stretch. While starting an exercise routine, dynamic stretches are performed, whereas static stretches are utilised to wind down. The goal of dynamic stretching is ... Read More

10 Surprising Times to Hit the Gym

Someswar Pal
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 12:18:00


Unlike what you would assume, hitting the gym is not restricted to certain times of the day or during only certain periods of well-being. Exercise is beneficial at all stages of life, during all periods of sickness and health. All you have to do is curate your workouts for your existing situation. If you didn't know, working out has even greater benefits when you are trying to recover from a bad spell of health. And while hitting the gym at any time is good, there are pros and cons to different times of the day as well. This article ... Read More

Difference Between Functional and Traditional Strength Training

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 11:07:29


Methods of conditioning and training has come a long way in recent decades. Athletes in their forties are now competing professionally, a field that was traditionally reserved for their younger contemporaries, and world records have plummeted, and recovery times have decreased slightly. The modern athlete amazes me with his or her incredible stamina and vigor on the field. The improvement we've seen on the field is mostly attributable to changes in players' diets and training regimens. Clearly, times are different now that functional training is being so widely practiced. What is Functional Strength Training? One of the most widespread approaches ... Read More

Exercise and Stress Relief

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:22:42


You are too busy and worried to fit in exercise because you are aware of the benefits it has on your body. Regarding training and stress, hang on a moment - great news. Exercise can be a wonderful means of relieving stress; options range from yoga to aerobics. You could still have some little workouts that go a long way for coping with stress regardless of whether you're athletic or out of shape. Find out how exercising can reduce stress and why it should be part of your anxiety management plan. Stress Reduction Through Exercise Your health and well-being, ... Read More

9 Ways Practicing Yoga Benefits Health & Well-being

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:20:45


Yoga is a long-standing tradition that has gained popularity recently. It includes a set of positions, breathing exercises, and meditation that support emotional, mental, and bodily health. Scientific studies have confirmed the numerous advantages of yoga practice. This article will examine nine ways yoga can improve your health and well-being. These include better sleep, stronger muscles, lowered stress levels, boosted immune function, improved mental clarity and concentration, and increased well-being. Incorporating yoga into your regimen can improve your life whether you are an experienced yogi or are just beginning. 1. Improves Flexibility and Balance Yoga's capacity to increase ... Read More

9 Dance Workouts to Try at Home or Stream From Anywhere

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 15:40:08


The use of dance as a form of exercise, whether at home or on the road, is growing in popularity. In addition to providing an excellent cardiovascular exercise, these classes also include a wide range of dance styles and musical genres. There is a dance exercise out there for everyone, whether they enjoy the elegance of ballet or the intensity of hip-hop. This post will introduce you to nine distinct styles of dance-based exercises that may be done at home or accessed online. Zumba Zumba is a high-intensity dancing exercise that combines Latin-influenced dance techniques with joyful music. A ... Read More

Are You Doing Too Much Yoga? Here’s How to Tell (and Why It Can Be Risky)

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:59:13


Yoga brings synergy to your body, mind, and soul. Practiced by saints from India in ancient times, many yoga gurus took it to the world and popularised the practices. Today, yoga has become a household ritual for all ages. However, most do not know the actual process of yoga practices at home. Doing incorrectly or too much can worsen the situation and defeat the purpose. It is true a single session of yoga rejuvenates, revitalizes, and revives your body and mind. You feel a lot more energized and filled with vitality. Life before and after yoga are two distinct ... Read More

How to prepare your body for turning the clocks ahead for Daylight saving time?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 14:58:46


Does the start of Daylight-Saving Time throw off your sleep schedule and leave you groggy for days? You're not alone! You can handle this situation with ease with the right guidance. In this regard, we'll share some simple yet effective tips. Know how to prepare your body for turning the clocks ahead. You can wake up supercharged to take on the day like a pro. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, we hope this blog will help you adjust your internal clock like a pro! Why is this important? Preparing your body for Daylight Saving Time ... Read More

The Link Between Weight and Menstrual Cycles

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 17:36:35


Your height and physique structure are influenced by genetics. They also determine our cyclicity initially. The menstrual cycle, however, will shift in response to alterations in age as well as weight, just like weight changes owing to external variables. The main factors affecting your cycle are age and Obesity. The blueprint for cyclicity that is encoded in our genes will be altered. The length and speed of each phase in our lives (adolescence, adulthood, and menopause) are governed by our genetic schedule, yet every stage can be altered, prolonged, or cut short by our lifestyle choices. Another way to think ... Read More

Does Yoga Count As Exercise?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 24-Mar-2023 15:46:35


You may do vinyasa, restorative, Hatha, or hot yoga, to mention just a few of the many types of this ancient practice. The level of physical effort required by each varies widely. In contrast to a vinyasa session, in which you flow swiftly from one demanding posture to the next, a restorative yoga practice involves little movement. While it's common knowledge that yoga is a great way to relax and loosen up tight muscles, many people wonder if it's vigorous enough to qualify as a moderate form of exercise. Here are some tips if you're trying to get into ... Read More
