Found 167 Articles for Ethical Hacking

How Blockchain technology can benefit the Internet of things?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:48:33


We'd want to walk you through the impact of blockchain on the Internet of Things today (IoT). In 2018, estimated the global IoT and blockchain market to be worth 37.4 million USD. In addition, the analysis estimates that the market will be worth roughly 9 billion dollars in 2027. IBM, which has 1, 000+ people and $200 million invested in blockchain- powered IoT, is one of the leading IT firms in the sector.Hence, we decided it was time to look into this topic and see what we could find out. So, before we get started, let's define the Internet ... Read More

What are the economic impacts of Cyberattacks?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:45:12


Information security, defined as the protection of computer systems and the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the data they hold, has long been recognized as a critical national policy issue. Its significance is expanding as computers become more integrated into more facets of modern life. Furthermore, cyberattacks, or information security breaches, appear to be becoming more common. Few are willing to dismiss the likelihood that future attacks will be far more severe than those seen thus far. A fundamental challenge in the public and private sectors is allocating appropriate information security resources.Attacking Techniques Most Commonly Used Against OrganizationsDDoSIn distributed denial-of-service ... Read More

What are the dangers of ransomware as a service (RaaS)?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:41:11


Ransomware assaults are on the rise, and the trend isn't slowing down any time soon.Ransomware assaults grew by 40% worldwide in Q3 2020, to 199.7 million incidents. Attacks in the United States alone have climbed by 139 percent year over year, with 145.2 million incidents reported in Q3 2020. The significant transition from a linear assault methodology to an insidious multi-dimensional Ransomware as a Service model was the catalyst for the recent peak in ransomware attacks.Continue reading to understand how this new ransomware model works and how your company may best defend itself. The significant increase in ransomware attacks can ... Read More

What is the relationship between Cookies and Cybersecurity?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:37:15


Privacy is critical in every activity we do on the internet; keeping our personal information out of the hands of strangers is crucial for our protection. Cybersecurity refers to the act of preventing attacks on computers, phones, servers, data, electronic systems, and networks.We all might have come across a popup or other type of warning concerning the usage of cookies. Some websites even let you choose whether or not to accept cookies entirely or in part. So, there's a fundamental question to be answered: is it safe to allow cookies? Before coming to that question, what exactly is a cookie? ... Read More

What are the biggest data breaches of 2021?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:34:01


The year 2021 will set a new high for data breaches. According to research conducted by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), the overall number of data breaches has already surpassed the total number of events in 2020 by 17 percent, with 1, 291 breaches in 2021 compared to 1, 108 breaches in 2020.The manufacturing and utility sectors were particularly hard hit, with 48 compromises and a total of 48, 294, 629 victims. The healthcare industry was next, with 78 breaches and almost 7 million victims.Because all of the gory facts take time to reach the public, determining the severity ... Read More

What is SysJoker malware what are the dangerous?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:30:43


A new sort of malware was detected sneaking into a Linux-based server in the final days of 2021. Worryingly, it has been discovered to be undetected by antivirus software and to have numerous forms, allowing it to infect Windows, macOS, and Linux computers. This new piece of malware, dubbed SysJoker, should be on everyone's radar.It may run on a variety of well-known operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. For several months, he managed to avoid the radars of the cyber universe's numerous systems, software, and detection platforms. Finally, experts at Intezer, a New York-based computer security firm, discovered this ... Read More

What is spear phishing and how can you avoid it?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:26:20


Spear phishing is a sort of phishing in which hackers send emails to groups of people with common characteristics or identifiers. Spear phishing emails look to be from a reliable source, but they are intended to aid hackers in obtaining trade secrets or other sensitive information.The distinction between spear phishing and phishing, in general, is subtle. A typical phishing attempt impersonates a significant financial institution or a social networking site. It works because a substantial percentage of the population has a bank account with a substantial market share company.In spear phishing, an email looks to come from an entity closer ... Read More

Can Ring home security be hacked?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:21:36

2K+ Views

As a Ring client, there are a few things that I'm concerned about, one of which is whether or not the doorbell can be hacked. So, I did some study and would be delighted to share it with you. A Ring video doorbell can, in fact, be hacked! There have been several reports of people being able to see the video after passwords and details had been updated. Additionally, an open connection exposes you to the danger of being hacked.Now, the response above may seem alarming, but don't be concerned. More information may be found further down. This contains what ... Read More

What are the advantages of Symmetric Algorithms?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:17:40

5K+ Views

Symmetric encryption is computational cryptography that encrypts electronic communication with a single encryption key. It converts data using a mathematical method and a secret key, resulting in the inability to understand a message. Because the mathematical procedure is reversed when decrypting the message using the same private key, symmetric encryption is a two-way algorithm. Private-key encryption and secure-key encryption are other terms for symmetric encryption.Block and stream algorithms are used to perform the two forms of symmetric encryptions. Electronic data blocks are subjected to block algorithms. The secret key is used to simultaneously change a specified collection of bit lengthsAfter ... Read More

How safe is it to have an Instagram account?

Kanal S Sajan
Updated on 16-Mar-2022 06:13:33


Instagram is amongst the most significant social media platforms in the world. It has millions of users that share photographs videos and utilize Instagram Direct to communicate with their followers, friends, and family. With all of this in mind, it's not surprising that many people are concerned about their Instagram accounts being hacked. When you try to log in to Instagram as normal, you get access refused message. After a brief internet search, you discover that your Instagram account has been stolen. We'll go through how to safeguard your Instagram account and prevent falling into fraudsters' traps in this post.How ... Read More
