Found 59 Articles for Environment

Can the mirage be photographed?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Just see this.This one too!Scroll down a little...please!!One more!!The last one..!!Hope you got your answer!!Yes! A Mirage can be photographed.Mirage is nothing but an optical illusion that occurs due to the refraction and total internal reflection of light. Mirages could be seen where the land is heated up and the air is cooler, which happens mostly during the summer afternoons. These effects could be found on desert lands, highway roads or open lands.

Why are desert areas sparsely populated?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

1K+ Views

What could be the needs of a human being to live in an area? The very basic needs like food and water are the essentials. Then comes the convenience of living by making a shelter. But the climatic conditions of a desert area such that these minimum needs are difficult to reach and get populated.Some of the factors which satisfy the fact behind the sparse population in a desert:No water is available and hence people could get dehydrated.the land is not fertile to grow crops, which means no agriculture and no food.The hot desert climate makes you catch heat strokes.Desert ... Read More

Why are all the deserts located on the western sides of the continents?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

6K+ Views

We observe that most of the deserts are on the western sides of the continents in the subtropics. These are the results of the prevailing easterly winds of the tropics, which are the trade winds. The trade winds prevail in the lower portion of the earth’s atmosphere, in the lower section of the troposphere.These winds become dry when they reach the western sides of the continents, and hence don’t bring any rain with them. As these regions become devoid of moisture, deserts are formed.Why Like That?The earth rotates on the East side. Moving air is deflected by the Earth’s rotation. ... Read More

Why do the desert plants bloom at night?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

1K+ Views

Most of the desert plants such as some Cactus, the species of Oenothera like the evening primrose, Cereus etc. bloom at night. A prominent factor is that the flowers of these desert plants get pollinated during night times.The night-flying insects and moths help in the pollination, and thus to increase reproduction. Even these flowers don’t look colorful, as the amount of chlorophyll prepared will be less due to the scarcity of water. Hence they are mostly in white or pale color but these flowers are clever enough to attract the night-flying insects by radiating great smell, for which these insects ... Read More

Why deserts are hot in the daytime and chilled at night?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

4K+ Views

It is actually sand, which turns the entire phenomenon hot. Sand cannot hold the heat. It acts like a mirror to the sun. During the daytime, it stays warm, and when the Sun is absent it loses all its heat making the nights colder. There’s nothing in the desert that can either absorb heat from the sun or hold it on the surface when the sun is set.Days In DesertThe Sun in the desert can reach the zenith due to which the temperature rises up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. The sand in the desert gets heated up ... Read More

What is the difference between alligators and crocodiles?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

1K+ Views

The Crocodylidae, which includes the "true" crocodiles; the Alligatoridae, which includes the alligator and the caimans; and the Gavialidae, which contains only the gharial are the three groups of crocodilians. Crocodiles are large reptiles which are amphibians. They are found in Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. Alligators are also large reptiles of the family Alligatoridae, members of the order Crocodylia. Alligators are native to the United States and China only. Although these two species look similar, they are different in many ways.There are basically five characteristics with the help of which you can differentiate them from each other. So what ... Read More

Why is conservation of natural resources important?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

13K+ Views

A resource is any natural or artificial substance or energy which can be used for the benefits of mankind. Natural resources are those which exist in the environment naturally, that is, they are not created by humans. They are soil, water, sunlight, the wind, plants, coal etc.Natural resources are classified further into exhaustible and inexhaustible resources. Exhaustible resources are those which are limited and will be exhausted with continuous usage, for example, coal, natural gas etc. whereas inexhaustible resources are those which cannot be depleted by human consumption, for example, wind power and water power etc., Need for Conservation of ... Read More

What is a Tsunami? So far how many Tsunamis have occurred in India?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-May-2022 13:31:14


Tsunami means harbor wave in Japanese. These are huge waves of water which are caused by Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other underwater explosions, landslides, meteorite impacts etc. These mentioned activities displace large quantities of water, triggering destructive waves which can measure up to 10 meters tall. They are series of waves with an interval ranging from 5 minutes to few hours.They are very destructive in nature and can wipe out coastal areas, small islands, and ocean basins too. The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 was one of the fatal disaster killing approximately 2, 30, 000 people. Tsunamis are not tidal ... Read More

Can India succeed in shifting to a completely electric-powered automobile industry by 2030?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 07:16:33


In a pilot project that is underway in Nagpur, around 200 electric cars will be pressed into service by app-based taxi service providers like Ola, which will account for 50 of these 200 electric cars. A raging question that arises in any discussion on electric cars is the availability of charging infrastructure which is critical in ensuring its sustainability. Just as vehicles running on hydrocarbons (petrol, diesel, CNG) need filling stations, electric vehicles too, will need charging stations or kiosks at regular intervals along city streets and highways.The pilot project in Nagpur will have 1, 200 charging points, to begin ... Read More

Why is waste management such a big problem in most cities across India? Why does northern India have a comparatively poorer cleanliness record than southern India?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 14:27:54


The typical view on Indian streets is piled up garbage in every corner and in some areas, stretching for 50 to 100 meters if not more. Most ordinary citizens who commute across these streets have become used to the ugly sight and the unbearable stink of the contaminating filth. This acceptance of filth and stink all over is the main problem facing the Swach Bharat campaign that the government has initiated.Complaints about the filth and stink are few and far between today even with a national level cleanliness drive underway. Till about three years back the very concept of complaints ... Read More
