Found 220 Articles for English

The Ant and the Cricket

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:22:50

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Chapter Summary ‘The Ant and the Cricket’ is a fable that has been composed in the form of a poem by a famous Greek writer “Aesop”. A fable is a fictional tale or a short story that is brought forth by the writer generally by incorporating different animal characters. These fables are taught to children and in general, are helpful to people as it conveys various moral values. This poem conveys a social message and teaches an important life lesson with the assistance of an ant. There are two different characters in this poem that is an ant and ... Read More

Macavity: The Mystery Cat

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:19:14


Chapter Summary The poet of this poem T.S. Eliot shows a playful attitude in this poem and he is very fond of cats. This poem talks about the cat Macavity, who is portrayed as a criminal. The cat disobeyed all the laws and orders of its masters. The flying squad is running after the cat and fails to catch the cat all the time because he is faster compared to them. Macavity can also float in the air and he does not need support for this, as it is a special cat. The recognition of this cat is ... Read More

Geography Lesson

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:16:35


Chapter Summary The poet Zulfikar Ghose, in the poem “Geography Lesson” portrays the actual state of India when it was under the dominance of British rule. In this poetic masterpiece, the poet mainly focuses on three factors such as what is the process of looking at everything beautiful, how the civilization of this planet was set up and what is the main reason for hating people each other. The poet realizes this thought when he saw the city form a jet and he finds that the city is not at all properly planned. He thinks that the most essential ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:09:38

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Chapter Summary The story ‘Chandni’ was written by Zakir Husain and it depicts the desire for freedom. The lead character, Abbu Khan hosts all goats as they become food for other animals when they roam here and there. Abbu had a huge love for all his goats and he used to feed the best grains and grass to all his goats and keep funny names for them. The old man allows his goats to escape from their huts and roam around. The goats when escaped from their huts they were killed by wolves. This story is all about the freedom ... Read More

An Alien Hand

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:02:52


Chapter Summary The story ‘An Alien Mind’ by Jayant Narlikar is about Tilloo a young boy living in artificial conditions with his parents under the surface of “Mars”. Tilloo is a young boy so he was not allowed to go beyond and hence he never witnessed either the Sun or the stars. One fine day, Tilloo’s father went to his work using an underground passage which was forbidden to Tilloo. One day Tilloo got an opportunity and he stole his father’s security card that granted him access to the passage. He walked along the path but was halted by the ... Read More

The World is too Much With Us

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:58:36

8K+ Views

Chapter Summary The poem ‘The World is too Much with Us’ by William Wordsworth highlights a part of the materialistic world where a city and its citizens remain busy with jobs, cultures, religions, and ‘innumerable financial obligations’. All these elements generally control the lives of people to an unhealthy degree. Wordsworth in his poem speaks about destroying the boundaries of religions and inequality among peoples. He wished he had bought up a culture that worships every god and reside together united. The poem depicts that a vital portion of humanity is being destroyed as people are busy rushing from one ... Read More

The Quarrel

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:51:00

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Chapter Summary The poem ‘The Quarrel’ by Eleanor Farjeon is all about the relationship between the poet and her brother. The brother and sister kept on quarrelling over a minor issue till afternoon and started hating one another. The quarrel included some bitter notes and gradually turned into a big fight that made the environment unpleasant. The poet here is mainly trying to highlight the situation of a fight that she has with her brother and the end of that fight. The fight got bigger as the brother constantly claimed that he is right and his sister is wrong. ... Read More

Mother Tongue

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:41:38

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Chapter Summary Mother Tongue is a famous poem written by the poet Padma Sachdev, an acclaimed writer of friction from Jammu, India, who used to write her pieces in Dogri and Hindi. In this poem, the poet conveys her message through a simple conversation. The conversation that helped in this poem is between stem and poet which provides the Padma Sachdev with a quill to write her piece with imagination power and poetic license. Padma Sachdev calls herself the servant of her mistress. Here, the language Dogri has been used to explain the term servant or slave. In this ... Read More

Hawk Roosting

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:39:01


Chapter Summary Ted Hughes created a monologue of a hawk in his poem ‘Hawk Roosting’. The hawk in this poem mentioned itself as the supreme creator and it could kill and eat anything even in its dreams. It sat in the highest branches of the trees to scrutinise its prey from the top. No animal could hide from its gaze and it felt pride about that fact as it mentioned its hooked eyes and feet. It could fly high in the air and face the earth for its inspection. The buoyancy of air and sun ray worked to its advantage ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 14:34:23


Chapter Summary Philip Larkin, in his poem “Coming”, has contrasted the changes in his own life with the changes that occur in nature. The poem starts with a celebratory mood, set on a particular evening during the arrival of spring. As the evening approaches, the surroundings become “serene” and the humming of a “thrust “bird is heard. This humming symbolises the announcement of the arrival of spring and with that, nature coming back to its glorifying roots as a symbol of beauty. Larking while overwhelmed with this soulful appearance of “nature” transcends back to his childhood self. His childhood which ... Read More

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