Found 220 Articles for English

Self-Assessment in Writing: Definition & Examples

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 17:11:04


Introduction Self-assessment in writing is evaluated on major 5 factors including fluency, conventions, vocabulary, syntax, and content. The writing performances can be enhanced through understanding the format of writing samples across various textual structures and genres. Self-assessment is a major tool that can help the writer to gain the ability to identify their strength and weakness and make a self-diagnosis of the relevant solutions to their weaknesses. Definition: Self-Assessment in Writing Self-assessment is the very essential tool that will help writers, learner, and students to improve their quality of writing, critical thinking, and editing skills. The writers can able ... Read More

Ranga’s Marriage

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 16:43:20


Chapter Summary Ranga is a young boy who belongs to a small village of Hoshahali in Mysore. He went to Bangalore and got educated in English. When he returned to the village, everybody gathered around his place to check whether the city has grown on him or not. However, to their dismay, Ranga remained the same as he used to be. He greeted everyone with a Namaskar and eventually everyone left. Ranga’s return has sparked a topic of discussion among the villagers and the narrator also finds it a good opportunity to fix Ranga’s marriage. At this moment Ranga is ... Read More

Qualities of Good Assessments: Standardization, Practicality, Reliability & Validity

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 16:26:05

2K+ Views

Introduction The quality of assessments is dependent on various types of tools and methods. The “Standardization” method is used in various types of countries to make a good assignment. The method helps to compare the systems of studies in various countries. The “practicality” method has a simple design and the test is very easy to create. The method of “reliability and validity” helps to make similar types of results for assessment. What is a Good Assessment? Assessment is a gathered knowledge of various resources and keeps it in place. The main fact of education is accountability, which is accepted ... Read More

Forms of Assessment

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 16:17:21


Introduction The process of integrating motivation, creativity, and interest in learning among students can enhance the quality and skills of learning and writing in individuals. An effective tool that helps the learners to organise their creative through and ideas evaluate assessment by identifying their mistakes in pieces and improving the quality of skills. Definition of Assessment Assessment plays a powerful role in the life of every individual as it provides him or her with motivation and interest to learn new things. It is the ability by which the students can easily identify their weaknesses, strengths, and point for improvement in ... Read More

For Elkana

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 16:04:25

1K+ Views

Chapter Summary “For Elkana” is a poem about the lifestyle of the ordinary people of India. This poem was composed by one of the most popular contemporary writers in India Nissim Ezekiel. This poem is written in a simple and picturesque manner which is highly engaging to a reader of any age group. This poem is about a nuclear family of three people, that is, a husband, a wife and their beloved son. The poem begins on a scenic note of an evening in April and everybody sat down in silence till the narrator’s wife brought up the topic of ... Read More

Albert Einstein at School

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 15:59:27

1K+ Views

Chapter Summary Patrick Pringle, the writer of the story, tries to evaluate the problems faced by “Albert Einstein” in his school days. This is an extraction of the book “The Young Einstein” and it is called the biography of “Einstein”. The story as well as the entire book provides that Einstein does not have any liking for school. The story starts with an introduction between little Albert and his history teacher. The teacher here asks him about a particular date but Albert does not have any answer to the question and he expresses his unwillingness to memorise the date. According ... Read More

The Great Stone Face II

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 15:43:57


Chapter Summary Ernest was now a middle-aged man and according to his neighbours, he was more than an ordinary man. The Great Stone Face-II was the second portion of the story that reveals everything about the likeness of the stone face, that Earnest is waiting for. This part depicts that Ernest is still residing in his native valley and is a simple and kind hearted person. Ernest always tries to work for everyone’s betterment. All over the world, he is now well known for his thoughts, honesty, and creativity. People come to meet him from distant places including a new ... Read More

Silk Road

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 15:40:33


Chapter Summary Poet Nick Middleton wrote the story Silk Road. The story highlights the narrator's journey to Mount Kailash in Silk Road. The narrator wishes that in order to complete his Kora he must visit Mt. Kailash. The author hires Tsetan, the driver, who can drive him up to the mountain and can give him the company. The entire story depicts the author's experience of a journey to Mt. Kailash. He chooses a tough router in order to embark on this pilgrimage journey. The author also takes along Daniel as an acquaintance to chaperon him to Darchen. Throughout the story, ... Read More

Lost Spring

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 15:36:25


Chapter Summary The “Lost Spring” is a story of the pathetic condition of the poor children. This story discusses the children who cannot enjoy their childhood due to their family pressure as well as the financial crisis. All over the world, this problem can be seen and the children do not get the schooling opportunity. In their early life, the children were forced to enter the labour industry. Any kind of education, as well as enjoyment, is not at all entered their life. In this story, writer Anees Jung raised a voice for the elimination of child labour. Jung proposed ... Read More

Landscape of The Soul

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 15:25:28


Chapter Summary “Landscape of the Soul” is a beautiful story that describes the painter Wu Daozi. The writer of this story is Nathalie Trouveroy and is about the story of art. The story is about the wishes of the artists from Eastern and Western cultures and it gives a description of a diverse sense of beauty. The tale told about the fact east writers seek active and emotional involvement with their profession. It is also about the Western writers who yearn for an exact depiction of life. It is divided into two sections and the first section is from the ... Read More
