Found 1006 Articles for Electronics & Electrical

Laplace Transform and Region of Convergence of Two-Sided and Finite Duration Signals

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 11:25:20

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What is Region of Convergence?Region of Convergence (ROC) is defined as the set of points in s-plane for which the Laplace transform of a function $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$ converges. In other words, the range of 𝑅𝑒(𝑠) (i.e., 𝜎) for which the function 𝑋(𝑠) converges is called the region of convergence.ROC of Two-Sided SignalsA signal $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$ is said to be a two sided signal if it extends from -∞ to +∞. The two sided signal can be represented as the sum of two non-overlapping signals, one of which is right-sided signal and the other is ... Read More

Laplace Transform of Real Exponential and Complex Exponential Functions

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 04-Jan-2022 10:28:43

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Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the differential equation in time domain into the algebraic equations in the frequency domain or s-domain.Mathematically, if $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$ is a time domain function, then its Laplace transform is defined as −$$\mathrm{\mathit{L\left [ x\left ( t \right ) \right ]\mathrm{=}X\left ( s \right )\mathrm{=}\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }x\left ( t \right )e^{-st}\; dt\; \; \; \cdot \cdot \cdot \left ( \mathrm{1} \right )}}$$Equation (1) gives the bilateral Laplace transform of the function $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$. But for the causal signals, the unilateral Laplace transform ... Read More

Laplace Transform of Ramp Function and Parabolic Function

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 10:50:03

13K+ Views

Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the differential equation in time domain into the algebraic equations in the frequency domain or s-domain.Mathematically, if $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$ is a time domain function, then its Laplace transform is defined as −$$\mathrm{\mathit{L\left [ x\left ( t \right ) \right ]\mathrm{=}X\left ( s \right )\mathrm{=}\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }x\left ( t \right )e^{-st}\; dt\; \; \; \cdot \cdot \cdot \left ( \mathrm{1} \right )}}$$Equation (1) gives the bilateral Laplace transform of the function $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$ . But for the causal signals, the unilateral Laplace ... Read More

Laplace Transform of Sine and Cosine Functions

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 10:42:54

8K+ Views

Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the differential equation in time domain into the algebraic equations in the frequency domain or s-domain.Mathematically, if $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( \mathit{t} \right )}}$ is a time domain function, then its Laplace transform is defined as −$$\mathrm{\mathit{L\left [ x\left ( \mathrm{t} \right ) \right ]}= \mathit{X\left ( s \right )}=\int_{-\infty }^{\infty}\mathit{x\left ( \mathrm{t} \right )e^{-st}\; dt}\; \; ...\left ( 1 \right )}$$Equation (1) gives the bilateral Laplace transform of the function $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( \mathit{t} \right )}}$. But for the causal signals, the unilateral Laplace transform is applied, which is ... Read More

Laplace Transform of Damped Hyperbolic Sine and Cosine Functions

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 09:41:39


Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the differential equation in time domain into the algebraic equations in the frequency domain or s-domain.Mathematically, if $x\mathrm{\left ( \mathit{t}\right)}$ is a time domain function, then its Laplace transform is defined as −$$\mathrm{\mathit{L\mathrm{\left[\mathit{x\mathrm{\left(\mathit{t} \right )}}\right ]}}\mathrm{=}\mathit{X\mathrm{\left(\mathit{s} \right )}}\mathrm{=}\int_{-\infty }^{\infty}\mathit{x\mathrm{\left(\mathit{t} \right )}e^{-st}}\:\mathit{dt}\:\:\:\:\:\:...(1)}$$Equation (1) gives the bilateral Laplace transform of the function $x\mathrm{\left ( \mathit{t}\right)}$. But for the causal signals, the unilateral Laplace transform is applied, which is defined as, $$\mathrm{\mathit{L\mathrm{\left[\mathit{x\mathrm{\left(\mathit{t} \right )}}\right ]}}\mathrm{=}\mathit{X\mathrm{\left(\mathit{s} \right )}}\mathrm{=}\int_{\mathrm{0} }^{\infty}\mathit{x\mathrm{\left(\mathit{t} \right )}e^{-st}}\:\mathit{dt}\:\:\:\:\:\:...(2)}$$Laplace Transform of Damped Hyperbolic Sine FunctionThe damped hyperbolic sine function ... Read More

What is Correlation in Signals and Systems?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 09:35:53

13K+ Views

What is Correlation?The correlation of two functions or signals or waveforms is defined as the measure of similarity between those signals. There are two types of correlations −Cross-correlationAutocorrelationCross-correlationThe cross-correlation between two different signals or functions or waveforms is defined as the measure of similarity or coherence between one signal and the time-delayed version of another signal. The cross-correlation between two different signals indicates the degree of relatedness between one signal and the time-delayed version of another signal.The cross-correlation of energy (or aperiodic) signals and power (or periodic) signals is defined separately.Cross-correlation of Energy SignalsConsider two complex signals $\mathit{x_{\mathrm{1}}\mathrm{\left ( \mathit{t} ... Read More

Effects of Undersampling (Aliasing) and Anti-Aliasing Filter

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 09:33:40

9K+ Views

What is Sampling?The process of converting a continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal is called sampling. Once the sampling is done, the signal is defined at discrete instants of time and the time interval between two successive sampling instants is called the sampling period.Nyquist Rate of SamplingThe Nyquist rate of sampling is the theoretical minimum sampling rate at which a signal can be sampled and still be reconstructed from its samples without any distortion.Effects of Under Sampling (Aliasing)If a signal is sampled at less than its Nyquist rate, then it is called undersampled.The spectrum of the sampled signal is given ... Read More

What is Nyquist Rate and Nyquist Interval?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 09:29:25

15K+ Views

Nyquist Rate of SamplingThe theoretical minimum sampling rate at which a signal can be sampled and still can be reconstructed from its samples without any distortion is called the Nyquist rate of sampling.Mathematically, $$\mathrm{Nyquist\: Rate, \mathit{f_{N}}\mathrm{=}2\mathit{f_{m}}}$$Where, $\mathit{f_{m}}$is the maximum frequency component present in the signal.If the signal is sampled at the rate greater than the Nyquist rate, then the signal is called over sampled.If the signal is sampled at the rate less than its Nyquist rate, then it is said to be under sampled.Nyquist IntervalWhen the rate of sampling is equal to the Nyquist rate, then the time interval between ... Read More

Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transform

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Jan-2022 09:24:36

18K+ Views

Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the differential equation in time domain into the algebraic equations in the frequency domain or s-domain.Mathematically, if $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left(t\right)}}$ is a time domain function, then its Laplace transform is defined as −$$\mathrm{\mathit{L\left[\mathit{x}\mathrm{\left(\mathit{t} \right )}\right ]\mathrm{=}X\mathrm{\left( \mathit{s}\right)}\mathrm{=}\int_{-\infty }^{\infty}x\mathrm{\left (\mathit{t} \right )}e^{-st} \:dt}}$$Circuit Analysis Using Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform can be used to solve the different circuit problems. In order to solve the circuit problems, first the differential equations of the circuits are to be written and then these differential equations are solved by using the Laplace transform. Also, the ... Read More

Frequency Convolution Theorem

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 17-Dec-2021 10:34:46

8K+ Views

ConvolutionThe convolution of two signals $\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}$ and $\mathit{h\left ( t \right )}$ is defined as, $$\mathrm{\mathit{y\left(t\right)\mathrm{=}x\left(t\right)*h\left(t\right)\mathrm{=}\int_{-\infty }^{\infty}x\left(\tau\right)\:h\left(t-\tau\right)\:d\tau}}$$This integral is also called the convolution integral.Frequency Convolution TheoremStatement - The frequency convolution theorem states that the multiplication of two signals in time domain is equivalent to the convolution of their spectra in the frequency domain.Therefore, if the Fourier transform of two signals $\mathit{x_{\mathrm{1}}\left ( t \right )}$ and $\mathit{x_{\mathrm{2}}\left ( t \right )}$ is defined as$$\mathrm{\mathit{x_{\mathrm{1}}\left(t\right)\overset{FT}{\leftrightarrow} X_{\mathrm{1}}\left(\omega\right)} }$$And$$\mathrm{\mathit{x_{\mathrm{2}}\left(t\right)\overset{FT}{\leftrightarrow} X_{\mathrm{2}}\left(\omega\right)}}$$Then, according to the frequency convolution theorem, $$\mathrm{\mathit{x_{\mathrm{1}}\left(t\right).x_{\mathrm{2}}\left(t\right)\overset{FT}{\leftrightarrow}\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{2}\pi }\left [ X_{\mathrm{1}}\left(\omega\right)* X_{\mathrm{2}}\left(\omega\right)\right ]}}$$ProofFrom the definition of Fourier transform, we have, ... Read More
