Found 1006 Articles for Electronics & Electrical

Binary Counter in Digital Electronics

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 10:17:09

9K+ Views

In digital electronics, a binary counter is a type of sequential logic circuit which is able to count in binary numbers. A binary counter can counter from 0 to 2(n-1), where n is the total number of bits in the counter. Basically, a binary counter is a type of digital circuit which counts the number of clock pulses that occur over a time period. The binary counters are built up of flip flops, where a flip flop is a most elementary memory element that can store 1-bit of information. In a binary counter, each flip flop represents one bit of ... Read More

Two-Variable Function Using a 4:1 Multiplexer

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:49:32

2K+ Views

Read this article to learn how you can implement a two-variable Boolean function using a 4:1 multiplexer. Let's start with a brief introduction of two-variable Boolean functions and multiplexers. What is a Two-Variable Boolean Function? A two variable Boolean function is a logical expression which has two input variables. Where, each variable can take either a binary 0 or a binary 1 as its value. A two variable Boolean function can have 4 possible combinations of variables, i.e. in SOP form, $\bar{A}\bar{B}, \bar{A} B, A \bar{B}, AB, $ with minterm designations m0, m1, m2, and m3. In POS form, $(A+B), ... Read More

Simplifying a Boolean Expression using K-Map

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:48:25

12K+ Views

Karnaugh Map (K-Map) K-Map is a graphical tool used for simplifying Boolean expressions represented in their standard form to obtain their minimal form. The K-Map is basically a graph or chart that composed of an arrangement of adjacent cells or squares, where each cell represents a particular combination of variables of the function either in sum or product form. The number of cells in the K-Map depends upon number of variables in the Boolean function, i.e., K-map has 2n adjacent cells, where n is the number of variables in the Boolean expression. Therefore, the number of cells in a 2 ... Read More

Realizing an OR Gate Using a 2:1 MUX

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:46:52

5K+ Views

A multiplexer or MUX is a combinational circuit that accepts several data inputs and allows only one of them to flow through the output line. Multiplexer (MUX) is also known as data selector because it selects one from many. A MUX consists of 2n data input lines, n select lines, and 1 output line. Since, it converts 2n input lines into 1 output line. Therefore, it is also called many-to-one device. Depending upon the number of input lines, there are several types of multiplexer present such as 2:1 MUX, 4:1 MUX, 8:1 MUX, etc. As this article is primarily meant ... Read More

Realizing an AND Gate Using a 2:1 MUX

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:45:09

9K+ Views

A multiplexer or MUX is a combinational circuit that accepts several data inputs and allows only one of them to flow through the output line. Multiplexer (MUX) is also known as data selector because it selects one from many. A MUX consists of 2n data input lines, n select lines, and 1 output line. Since, it converts 2n input lines into 1 output line. Therefore, it is also called many-to-one device. Depending upon the number of input lines, there are several types of multiplexer present such as 2:1 MUX, 4:1 MUX, 8:1 MUX, etc. Since, this article is meant for ... Read More

Realizing a NOT Gate Using a 2:1 MUX

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:43:38

3K+ Views

Let' start this article with some basics of NOT gates and multiplexers. What is a Multiplexer? In digital electronics, a multiplexer or MUX is a combinational logic circuit which accepts several data inputs and allows only one of them at a time to flow through the output line. Multiplexer (MUX) is also known as data selector because it selects one from many. A multiplexer consists of 2n data input lines, n select lines, and 1 output line. Since, it converts 2n input lines into 1 output line. Therefore, it is also called many-to-one device. Depending upon the number of input ... Read More

N-bit Parallel Adders

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:42:38

5K+ Views

Let us stat this article with a brief introduction of binary adders and rules of binary addition. In digital electronics, an adder or binary adder is a combinational digital circuit which performs the addition of two or more binary digits. The binary addition of two bits is performed by following these four rules − 0 + 0 = 0 0 + 1 = 1 ... Read More

Multiplexer Design Procedure and Applications

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:40:55

10K+ Views

A multiplexer (MUX) is a digital combinational logic circuit that accepts multiple data inputs and allows only one of them at a time to transmit over an output channel. A multiplexer consists of 2n input lines, n select lines, and one output line. In a multiplexer, the routing of the desired data input to the output channel is done by the logic level applied to the select lines. The functional block diagram of a multiplexer is shown in Figure-1. This article is primarily meant for explaining the design procedure of different types of multiplexer circuits. More specifically, here we ... Read More

Electrical Analogue of Digital Logic Gates

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:35:08

1K+ Views

Electrical analogue is basically a way of representing the operation of a logic gate such as OR gate, AND gate, NOT gate, etc. in the form of an electric circuit. In other words, we can represent the operation of a logic gate by using basic circuit components like battery, switches, lamps, etc. So, let us discuss the electrical analogue for each logic gate in detail. OR Gate Electrical Circuit The OR Gate is a type of logic circuit in digital electronics which may have two or more inputs but only one output. A two input OR gate is shown in ... Read More

Demultiplexers and Their Applications

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:29:41

9K+ Views

What is a Demultiplexer? A demultiplexer is a combinational logic circuit that accepts a single input and distributes it over several output lines. Demultiplexer is also termed as DEMUX in short. As demultiplexer is used to transmit the same data to different destinations, hence it is also known as data distributor. There is another combinational logic circuit named multiplexer which performs opposite operation of the demultiplexer, i.e. accepts several inputs and transmits one of them at time to the output line. From the definition, we can state that a demultiplexer is a 1-to-2n device. The functional block diagram of a ... Read More
