Found 48 Articles for Electricity

Difference Between Earthing and Grounding

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 17:33:15

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Introduction Electricity is one of the most used things by humans. It is transported from the powerhouse through the wires to the various houses and industrial locations. Electric current has two main types - Direct current and Alternating current. Alternating current mainly flows in the wires which see around us. Electricity has given new dimensions to power systems and technology, however, it can be dangerous also. Spark in electrical wires can lead to a fire. If touched directly, live wires can also give shocks. Keeping these things in mind, for the safety of humans and the powerhouses we used several ... Read More

Joules Law

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 17:11:28

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Introduction Energy and work are measured in joules. By applying a force of one newton over a distance of one meter, an object is made to work (or to be energized). One joule is produced when an object is subjected to a force of 1 N and moves 1 m. Newton meters are used to measure it. The exact equivalent of heat is produced each time mechanical force is applied. The heat generated in any electrical component varies directly to the squared current, the resistance, and the duration of the current's flow, as per Joule's law of heating. What ... Read More

Electrical Energy and Power

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 15:49:51


Introduction We do many works in our daily life. We do many of them through our physical activities. Some work is done with tools and other devices. But they also require energy. There are many types of energy like electrical energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, light energy, and wind energy. In our daily life, we get electrical energy from the battery. Electricity is also produced from nuclear power plants, hydroelectric plants, wind farms, and sunlight. Eels produce electricity. They use this energy to protect themselves from their enemies. Fans, lights, televisions, washing machines, and refrigerators all require electricity to operate. ... Read More

Electric Currents In Conductors

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 15:19:39

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Introduction Electric current and conductors are essential for each other because the flow of current is only possible in conductors without any loss. The current is a flow of charges in a particular direction. The flow of current through a conductor is possible due to the difference in potential at both ends. A conductor also charges particles whether it is connected to a battery or not. However, when it is not related to any source of voltage then charges are just neutral and moving in random directions which results in net-zero charge flow and thermal velocity. So, to get a ... Read More

Electrical Force

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 16:50:14

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Introduction Electromagnetism is one of the most important branches of physics. Among the forces we see in our daily life, all the forces except gravity are electromagnetic. All the forces we encounter in life except gravity (including the tension of a wire, the vertical force of a surface, and the force of friction) are electromagnetic forces that appear between atoms. Any neutral substance has equal number of electrons and protons. If the outermost electrons leave the atom, it becomes free electron and causes an electric current. An atom that has lost an outer electron has a higher positive charge. ... Read More

Electric Car

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 14:52:33


Introduction The electric car is the best achievement by the automobile sector to make the earth pollution-free. Also, it reduces transportation costs due to no fuel charges or lowmaintains costs. If we have a look at the history of the electric car, the first electric car was invented by Gustave Trouve in 1881. The car made by Gustave is a personal fullscale electric car. However, Gustave’s car didn’t get any admiration or success. Gustave Trouvé's electric tricycle, the first electric vehicle in history to be displayed to the public Jacques CATTELIN, Capture d’écran 2016-10-14 à 21.26.28, CC BY-SA 4.0 ... Read More

Displacement Current

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 14:11:28

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Introduction Initially, electricity and magnetism were treated as separate subjects. In a later period due to the contribution of Oersted, Faraday, Maxwell, etc., it evolved as a unified subject. The current-carrying wire creates a magnetic field around it. Faraday through his experiments showed that current can be produced even if there are no batteries in the circuit. The change in the magnetic field can produce a current in the circuit. This result is known as electromagnetic induction. Maxwell tried to write all the main equations of electricity and magnetism in a unified and compact manner. These equations are known as ... Read More

Electronics in Daily Life

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 17:38:15

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Introduction You are use electronics in your daily life from every small object to a big machine. The device by which you are reading this article is also a part of electronics. Electronics is a vast field that contains a huge amount of components like conductors, switches, circuits, diodes, processors, inductors, resistors, etc. All these components have important features to develop this field to more extant. Simply, when we study charges, current, electric or magnetic field, etc. actually we are working with electronics. What are Electronics? Electronics is a part or branch of science in physics and technology portion. ... Read More

Temperature Dependence Resistance

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 15:14:43


Introduction Resistance is an obstacle that is present in an object with the flow of electrons. Objects with a lower amount of resistance can flow a higher amount of electrons. The significance of the current that is provoked strictly counts on the aspect of the item. Any item resists the flow of electric control which is named resistance. The dependency resistance is followed by the conductor’s geometry and it is as well as what the conductor is constructed from. However, it also relies on temperature. The Concept of Electrical Resistance The application of resistance can be found with the application ... Read More

Types of Motors

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Introduction Generally, motors are categorized into two distinct types because of the nature of their functionality. These two categories are AC motor and DC motor. The AC motors are known to be flexible in terms of speed and these motors are also known to demand a lot less amount of power. The DC motors are known for their feature of cost efficiency because of their feature of consuming of lot fewer units of power in comparison to the AC motors. The DC motors are also known for their easy installation purposes. What is classified as a motor? The motor is ... Read More
