Found 159 Articles for Electrical Engineering

Implementation of Digital System

Manish Panchal
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 13:08:04


An Overview Our modern world is now completely dependent on digital technology, which also drive innovation and change entire industries. Advanced functionality, effective processing, and seamless connectivity are made possible by digital systems, which are used in everything from computers to cellphones to communication networks to control systems. This article will examine the design and execution of digital systems, illuminating the crucial processes necessary to fully utilize digital technology. Digital System Systems that process and transmit data using binary representation are referred to as digital systems since they run on digital signals. These systems rely on discrete values of 0s ... Read More

Implementation of Decoder using VHDL

Manish Panchal
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:54:38


An Overview Decoders are used by digital systems to transform encoded data into a more intelligible format. In many different applications, including memory addressing, data routing, and control systems, these essential components are frequently used. The implementation of a decoder using VHDL (Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) will be discussed in this article. Before physical implementation, designers can model and simulate digital circuits using the potent hardware description language known as VHDL. We'll approach comprehending and putting a decoder into use using VHDL step-by-step. Decoder A decoder is a combinational logic circuit that uses a particular decoding strategy ... Read More

Characteristics of Digital Circuits

Manish Panchal
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:47:57


An Overview At the core of contemporary technology are digital circuits, which allow for the processing, transmission, and storing of digital data. Their distinctive qualities have revolutionized industries and altered how we engage with the outside world. We examine the essential traits of digital circuits in this article. Digital circuits have opened up new opportunities and hastened the development of digital systems thanks to their discrete signal levels, noise immunity, programmability, and scalability. Digital Circuits A digital circuit is an electronic circuit that represents data using the two discrete states of high and low. The binary numbers 1 and 0 ... Read More

Characteristic of an Ideal Digital Electronics Element

Manish Panchal
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:45:50


An Overview Technology has been transformed by digital electronics, which allow for the precise and effective processing, storing, and transfer of information. The idea of an ideal digital electronics element provides a useful framework for comprehending and creating digital systems, even when practical components might not approach ultimate perfection. This article explores the qualities and implications of a perfect digital electronics component, illuminating its importance in the field of digital circuits. An Ideal Digital Electronics Element The idea of an ideal digital electronics component serves as a theoretical standard for comprehending and creating digital systems. It represents a component in ... Read More

Advantages of Digital Systems

Manish Panchal
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:40:41

1K+ Views

An Overview Digital systems have essentially taken the place of physical systems as the foundation of our data-driven, linked world today. Digital systems, which include anything from computers and smartphones to telecommunications networks and control systems, are fundamental in changing how people interact with one another, process information, and communicate with the outside world. Different industries have undergone a transformation because to the benefits provided by digital technologies, which provide us access to precision, flexibility, dependability, and scalability. This article summarizes the main benefits of digital systems and highlights their impact on our lives. Digital Systems Systems that process and ... Read More

Simplification of Boolean Expressions by Using Boolean Algebra

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Oct-2023 14:42:59


Simplification is an approach in which a Boolean expression is minimized or reduced into an equivalent expression by using some Boolean identities. Boolean algebra is a mathematic applied to binary number system. It was developed by George Boole, an English mathematician, to simplify complex logical operation to their simplest form. The simplification of a Boolean function is important because it reduces the number of logic devices/gates required to implement a logic function. This in turn reduces the hardware cost and complexity of the circuit. Also, it increases the reliability of the system. In this tutorial, we will understand the ... Read More

Serial Binary Adder in Digital Electronics

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Oct-2023 14:39:08

3K+ Views

In digital electronics, the binary adder is a combinational logic circuit which performs the addition of two or more binary digits. The binary addition is performed based on the Boolean algebraic laws of addition, i.e., $$0+0=0$$ $$0+1=1$$ $$1+0=1$$ $$1+1=0$$ Binary adders are classified into two types namely, serial binary adder and parallel binary adder. In this tutorial, we will discuss serial binary adder, its definition, logic circuit diagram, and operation. So, let us start with basic introduction of serial binary adder. What is a Serial Binary Adder? A serial binary adder is a binary adder circuit which is used to ... Read More

Realization of a logic function in SOP form using NAND gate

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Oct-2023 14:27:34

1K+ Views

SOP Form SOP form stands for Sum of Products form. SOP form is one in which a Boolean expression is expressed as a sum of product terms. For example, $$\mathrm{\mathit{f}\lgroup A, B, C\rgroup=AB+ABC+B\overline{C}}$$ This is a Boolean function expressed in SOP (Sum of Products) form. NAND Gate The NAND Gate is a type of universal logic gate. It is a logic gate one that can be used to realize any kind of logical function or any other type of logic gate. A NAND gate is basically a combination of two basic logic gates namely AND gate and NOT gate, i.e. ... Read More

Radix Conversion in Digital Electronics

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Oct-2023 14:26:11

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In positional number systems, the radix is the total number of unique digits that are used to represent numbers in that number system. Radix is also called Base. For example, in decimal number system, we use total ten digits from 0 to 9 (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) to represent any decimal number. Therefore, for the decimal number system, the radix or base is ten (10). Although we can easily convert a given number from one radix (i.e. number system) to any other radix (number system) by using radix conversion protocols. In this article, ... Read More

Parallel Adder and Parallel Subtractor

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-Oct-2023 13:50:57

4K+ Views

In digital electronics, adder and subtractor are the two most basic arithmetic combinational circuits. The adder is a combinational arithmetic circuit used to perform addition of two or more binary numbers. Whereas, the subtractor is a combination arithmetic circuit used to perform subtraction of two binary numbers. Depending on the form in which the addition and subtraction of binary numbers are executed, the adder and subtractor are classified into following types − Serial Adder Parallel Adder Serial Subtractor Parallel Subtractor This tutorial is meant for explaining Parallel Adder and Parallel Subtractor. But before that let us first discuss ... Read More
