Found 159 Articles for Electrical Engineering

Basic Electrical Engineering – Formulas and Equations

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 02-Nov-2022 05:47:12

7K+ Views

The branch of engineering that deals with the study of design and implementation of various electrical devices and systems used in our everyday life as well as generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power is popularly known as Electrical Engineering. Electrical engineering primarily convers the study of electric circuits, power systems, electrical machines, power electronics, control system, and many more. Electrical engineering uses formulae and mathematical equations to explain and prove the truth of concepts. These formulae and equations are very useful in understanding the behavior of electrical systems and helps to perform the different calculations in practice. This article ... Read More

Power in AC Circuit – Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 15-Nov-2022 05:47:38

13K+ Views

In electrical and electronic circuits, the power is one of the most significant quantities used to analyze the circuits for practical applications. The electrical power defined as the time rate of expanding or absorbing energy in a circuit, i.e., $$\mathrm{Power, P=\frac{Energy \;expanded\; or\; absorbed (π‘Š)}{Time(𝑑)}}.....(1)$$ This article is meant for explaining power relations in AC circuits. Where, an AC circuit is one which is excited from a source alternating voltage. Instantaneous Power in an AC Circuit The value of electric power in an AC circuit measured at a certain instant of time is known as instantaneous power. It is generally ... Read More

Difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductor

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 13:18:31

66K+ Views

Semiconductor devices are extensively used in the field of electronics. A semiconductor is a substance whose resistivity lies between conductors and insulators. Semiconductors have negative temperature co-efficient. The resistance in semiconductors increases with the decrease in temperature and vice versa. The conducting properties of a semiconductor changes, when a suitable metallic impurity is added to it.In this article, we will highlight the major differences between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors by considering different parameters such as doping level, conductivity, charge density, etc.What is an Intrinsic Semiconductor?A semiconductor material in its pure form is known as an intrinsic semiconductor. Thus, the intrinsic ... Read More

Difference between Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 01-Jun-2022 13:44:28

7K+ Views

Electrical engineering deals with the study of how to generate, transmit and utilize the electrical energy. Electronics engineering, on the other hand, deals with the study of how to control and switch the flow of electrical energy in a circuit. Go through this article to find out the other major differences between electrical and electronics engineering.What is Electrical Engineering?Electrical engineering is the branch of engineering which deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical energy.Electrical engineering is also concerned with study and design of electrical machines. The field of electrical engineering provides solutions for problems in various fields ... Read More

Mechanics of Train Movement and Derivation for Tractive Effort

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-May-2022 08:27:28

5K+ Views

Mechanism of Train MovementThe essential mechanism of an electric locomotive is shown in the figure below.Here, the armature of the driving motor has a pinion of the diameter d1 attached to it. The tractive effort at the edge of the pinion is transferred to the driving wheel by means of a gearwheel.Let, T = Torque exterted by the motor in NmF1 = Tractive effort at the pinionFt = Tractive effort at the wheel$\gamma $ = Gear ratiod1 = Diameter of piniond2 = Diameter of gear wheelD = Diameter of driving wheel$\eta $ = Efficiency of power transmission from motor to ... Read More

Systems of Track Electrification: AC Electrification System

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-May-2022 08:24:50

2K+ Views

There are two types of AC system of track electrification βˆ’Single-Phase Low-Frequency AC System (15 kV to 25 kV at 16$\frac{2}{3}$ Hz, 25 Hz and 50 Hz)Three-Phase AC System (3.3 kV to 3.6 kV at 16$\frac{2}{3}$ Hz)Single-Phase Low-Frequency AC SystemIn a single-phase low-frequency system of track electrification, an AC voltage of 15 kV at a frequency of 16$\frac{2}{3}$ to 25 Hz is used.The use of high voltage AC in the system reduces the current flowing through the overhead transmission line resulting in the reduced voltage drops and it helps in installing the substations at larger distances, about 50 to 80 ... Read More

Electric Traction: Trapezoidal Speed Time Curve

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-May-2022 08:19:33

5K+ Views

The speed-time curve of a main line service is best and most easily replaced by trapezoid. The figure shows the simplified trapezoidal speed-time curveΒ for the main line service.Let, $\mathit{V_{m}}$ = Crest speed in kmph$\alpha$ = Acceleration in kmphps$\beta$ = Retardation in kmphpsT = Total time of run in seconds$\mathit{t_{\mathrm{1}}}$ = Acceleration time in seconds$\mathit{t_{\mathrm{2}}}$ = Free running time in seconds$\mathit{t_{\mathrm{3}}}$ = Retardation time in secondsD = Total distance of run in kmTherefore, the time of acceleration in seconds is given by, $$\mathrm{\mathit{t_{\mathrm{1}}}\:=\:\frac{\mathit{V_{m}}}{\alpha }}$$And the time for retardation in seconds is, $$\mathrm{\mathit{t_{\mathrm{3}}}\:=\:\frac{\mathit{V_{m}}}{\beta }}$$Hence, the time for free running in seconds is, ... Read More

Electric Traction: Quadrilateral Speed Time Curve

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-May-2022 08:16:12

4K+ Views

For urban and suburban services, the simplified quadrilateral speed-time curve of electric traction is shown in the figure.Let, $\alpha$ = Acceleration in kmphps$\beta$ = Braking retardation in kmphps$\beta_{c}$ = Coasting retardation in kmphpsV1 = Maximum speed at the end of acceleration in kmphV2 = Speed at the end of coasting in kmphT = Total time of run in secondst1 = Acceleration time in secondst2 = Coasting time in secondst3 = Braking time in secondsD = Total distance travell in kmTherefore, the time of acceleration is given by, $$\mathrm{\mathit{t_{\mathrm{1}}}\:=\:\frac{\mathit{V_{\mathrm{1}}}}{\alpha } }$$The time of coasting is given by, $$\mathrm{\mathit{t_{\mathrm{2}}}\:=\:\frac{\mathit{V_{\mathrm{1}}}-\mathit{V_{\mathrm{2}}}}{\beta_{c} } \:\:\:\cdot \cdot ... Read More

Crest Speed, Average Speed & Schedule Speed of an Electric Train

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 03-May-2022 08:12:02

2K+ Views

Crest Speed of Electric TrainThe maximum speed attained by an electric train during running is termed as its "crest speed". It is denoted by Vm.Average Speed of Electric TrainAverage speed is defined as the mean of the speeds attained by the electric train from start to stop. In other words, average speed is defined as the ratio of the distance covered by the train between two stops to the actual time of run. The average speed of train is denoted by Va and is given by, $$\mathrm{\mathrm{Average\: speed, }V_{a}\:=\:\frac{\mathrm{Distance\: between \:two\: stops\: (\mathit{D})}}{\mathrm{Actual\: time\: of\: run (\mathit{T_{\mathrm{run}}})}}\:\mathrm{kmph}}$$Schedule Speed of Electric ... Read More

What is a Photometer? – Principle, working and Types

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Apr-2022 08:56:29

3K+ Views

Photometry and PhotometerThe measurement of light's brightness or luminous intensity is known as photometry. Photometry focuses on the perceived brightness to the human eyes. The photometry takes into account the eye's sensitivity to varying degrees of light and focuses primarily on the visible light spectrum.Thus, the photometry involves the measurement of candle power. The candle power of a given source of light in any given direction is measured by comparison with a standard source. In order to eliminate the errors in the measurement of the candle power, the measurement is performed in a dark room with dead black walls."The device ... Read More
