Found 12 Articles for Electric Charge

Superposition Principle and Continuous Charge Distribution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 12:25:54


Introduction Electric charges in the field of electricity and of magnetism, display the fundamental property of particles of matter. Both positive and negative charges exist together within a circuit and therefore display their different characters. For example, when the accumulation of one kind of charge exceeds then it results in positing the character of repealing, or when both the charges present in exceeding amount then they show the charges are attracted to each other. Electrons are known to be the negative charges and protons are known as positive charges. Electric Charge and its Properties Electric charge can be referred to ... Read More

Continuous Charge Distribution

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction: Charge Distribution Let us take a very light rod AB (as shown in the figure 1) of negligible mass and hang three mass ‘m’ each. So the total mass of the rod will be ‘3m’. But the mass of each part of the rod is not uniform, some parts will have more mass like CD and some parts like EF will have less mass. Images Coming soon Figure-1 This is because masses are concentrated only in some parts and this case is known as discrete mass distribution. Similarly, if we take a rod PQ (as shown in figure 2) ... Read More
