Found 160 Articles for Education

What are Microwaves? What are they used for?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Electromagnetic Spectrum has all the ranges of electromagnetic radiation. Radiation is the energy that travels and spreads out, as it propagates. Of all the waves, Microwaves are a special type of electromagnetic radiation that is used in many ways from cooking simple popcorn to study the nearby galaxies !!!ApplicationsThere are a wide variety of applications for Microwaves, which are not possible for other radiations. They are:Wireless CommunicationsFor long distance telephone callsBluetoothWiMAX operationsIn Outdoor broadcasting transmissionsIn broadcast auxiliary servicesRemote pickup unitStudio/transmitter linkDirect broadcast satellite (DBS)Personal communication systems (PCSs)Wireless local area networks (WLANs)Cellular video systems (CV)Automobile collision avoidance systemElectronicsFast jitter-free switchesPhase shiftersHF ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Online tutoring sites?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Online tutoring sites are trending these days, making the studies easy and interesting for kids and young learners. With the advent of new technologies in the market, these tutoring sites are advancing and developing the visual applications in such a way that the aspirants are being able to learn their topics in an interactive way.AdvantageousThese sites are really advantageous to the learners as they are helping the students to learn the topics and remember them in an easier way. This way of learning improves the interest and the love for the concept in the learners. The crucial topics when made ... Read More

Can a poet be a hero?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The reason why some people may find this question abrupt would be their shallow understanding of the term “Hero “ and even of the term “Poet”.Who is a Hero?We often regard hero as somebody out of the world, probably with superhuman abilities like wings or extremely high speed and so on. But in actual terms, Hero, as described by Thomas Carlyle in his essay Hero as a Poet, is not someone who is extraordinary, rather he is someone who is less questionable and less ambitious. A hero is indeed someone, whom we can relate to and someone whose life becomes ... Read More

Has there ever been a battle of books?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Jonathan Swift, the famous satirist of English Literature, wrote 'The Battle of the Books' in 1697. It is a classic prose piece depicting the battle between Moderns and Ancients books using the allegorical example of A Spider and A Bee. The prose is a parody of heroic poetry along the lines of Samuel Butler's parody of battle in Hudibras.Description of Battle of Books by SwiftThe battle began when the Moderns, occupying the lower of the two tops of the hill Parnassus, grew furious over the Ancients on the higher one. The Moderns offered to exchange places so that they could ... Read More

What is the difference between assonance and consonance?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


All assonance, consonance and even the literary device of alliteration are related to one another. They are used to denote the idea of repetition. Let us look at the definitions of assonance and consonance for a better understanding.ConsonanceConsonance is defined as the repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence or phrase. It has an emphasis on the final consonant letters or sound. This repetition often takes place in quick successions, such as in “dapple dawn drawn " in Gerald Manley Hopkins famous curtailed sonnet named as "Pied Beauty". But if consonance is related to repetition in terms of consonants, ... Read More

How to make arrangements for a college conference?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Any conference or fest in a college is a type of event which requires a lot of pre-planning and then only one can make it a huge success. In order to get some sort of praise, the organizers of the conference have to know everything in great detail before getting into the actual celebration.Check Out The Steps1. Participants In Conference: Know which delegates from which part of the country will be a part of the conference. Will there be any research scholars, teachers, students or any other important guests?2. Invite the Conference Participants: After noting the names and designations of ... Read More

Which out of Ph.D. or qualifying NET exam is better for students pursuing Master’s degree in Literature?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


First of all, it must be borne in mind that whatever step one takes in life-related to a course or degree, should be taken keeping in mind what does one need to achieve next or pursue next having this degree in hand. The same goes for all streams of education in India currently. Having said that, if I were to answer which out of Ph. D or NET exam in better to go with for Students pursuing masters in English Literature, again it varies from person to person.When to Choose Ph.D. over NETIf you are a sort of person who ... Read More

What is the famous poem Kubla Khan all about?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Kubla Khan is one of the most famous poems written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge who was a Romantic poet and became immortal after writing this unique poem.Summary of 'Kubla Khan'The speaker starts by describing the setting of Emperor Kubla Khan's palace as a "pleasure dome." He tells us about a river that runs across the land and then flows through caves into the sea. He also describes the fertile land surrounding the palace. There is a vivid description of a nearby area all covered in streams, trees, and beautiful forests. He also describes how a river leaps and smashes ... Read More

Who was the inventor of Periodic Table?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The Periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements according to the increasing order of their atomic number. These chemical elements when arranged in such order, exhibit similar properties with elements that belong to the same group, where such a recurring pattern is called Periodic Law.An English chemist named John Newlands, who studied the 56 elements and their characteristics, discovered till then in 1863, had divided them into 11 groups and formed this Periodic table.The Contribution of ScientistsIn 1869, the Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev started developing the periodic table by placing the chemical elements in a table in ... Read More

What are the types of Utilitarian ethics followed in Engineering?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The Utilitarian ethics was proposed by John Stuart. According to this theory, the happiness or pleasure of the greatest number of people in society is considered as the greatest good. According to this philosophy, an action is morally right if its consequences lead to the happiness of people and wrong if they lead to their unhappiness.An example of this can be the removal of the reservation system in education and government jobs, which can really benefit the talent. But this could endanger the minority rights.Following are two main types of Utilitarianism.Act UtilitarianismRule Utilitarianism.Act UtilitarianismThe Act utilitarianism focuses on each situation ... Read More
