Found 235 Articles for Economics

What are the things one need to keep in mind before investing in share market?

Updated on 28-Apr-2022 11:50:25


Investing in shares is definitely an alluring proposal when you have that spare cash, however, it's a risky endeavor that needs some careful thought before you plunge in. While you can earn great rewards most of the times, but when not researched properly it can bring on a huge financial disaster. The risks and the uncertainty attached to shares is what makes one think twice before they get into it. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind before investing in stocks.Research Before You Buy − Runs quick research on the company and its performance in the ... Read More

Why is India a poor country and what needs to be done to make it rich once again?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 11:51:35


Reasons Behind Poverty In IndiaOur own poor mentality.Our Laziness.Illiteracy.No will and courage to change things around us.What Needs to Be DoneFirst of all, fix the aforementioned issues.Raise the self-confidence and start believing in ourselves as a country.Never forget, we are no less than anyone else is in the world.Love your country and contribute to its development.

What the is the functionality of RBI?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 18-May-2022 10:22:29


The Reserve Bank of India is considered as India's main bank, which controls the financial strategy of the Indian currency. It initiated its operations in 1935 amid the British Rule. The RBI has an essential impact on the Development Strategy of the Government of India.A Central Bank is an independent powerful banking authority which controls inflation, makes financial policy report and responsible for depositing foreign exchange reserves etc. The RBI needs to play out an extensive range of duties to reach out to the national objectives and industrial objectives.The general superintendence and course of the RBI is ensemble of 21-member ... Read More

How to initiate a new business?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 19-May-2022 05:54:09


Every new business starts with an innovative idea and vision. The idea when gets converted into action, a new business is created. Initially, there will be many problems when a new business is started. With careful planning and meticulous implementation of the plan are required to kick-start the business.To initiate a new business a procedure has to be followed.Compose a one-page business strategyThe start an independent venture, particularly in the start-up stage, one has to keep things basic and costs low. Expenditure and time, both must be taken care of to achieve a proper setup of the business.Many entrepreneurs fall ... Read More

Should government’s controlling stake in public sector undertakings be reduced to a partial stake not exceeding 25% of authorized capital?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:55:52


One of the thumb rules of efficient economics is that governments should not be involved in the business as sellers, traders, and merchants. That is a direct conflict of interest because, in such a situation, the government-run businesses will get favourable treatment over other private sector competitors. That's one argument against government involvement in business. The government's job is to regulate laws, safeguard them and enforce them in cases of non-compliance by individuals, institutions, and organizations, of those laws.Take the case of Air India, which was one of the world's best airlines under the Tatas, who founded it, JRD Tata ... Read More

Why can’t corporate CSR be used more effectively to increase the number of cattle shelters which are known to be largely economically sustainable?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:59:07


CSR or corporate social responsibility is already being used by companies in India to support cattle shelters that provide shelter to stray cattle that have been abandoned by their owners as they have become old and unproductive. In a country which has generally followed the tradition of not harming bovines from very ancient times, the tradition has continued with occasional periods of upheaval under foreign rule. The directive principles of state policy enshrined in the Indian constitution has a provision that calls for protection of bovines especially cows.Institutional SupportAs with a lot of other traditions, this one was also abused ... Read More

What are the golden rules for handling your money?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:14:45


There are many interesting descriptions of money - "like water", "slippery", "fuel" and lot more. It has been defined on the basis of perceptions by different individuals in different situations. For some it has viscosity like water, and therefore needs to be held in place; in other words, it needs to be saved and managed securely.Managing May Also Be InvestingWhen we talk about managing money, it usually refers to the proper utilization of money which includes expenditures, investments, and incomes. It depends on the individual how he sees his expenditures because, in many situations, they tend to become investments, e.g. ... Read More

Why was silver replaced by gold to control the Indian economy?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 13:42:50


First, it's a huge exaggeration to say that the Indian economy is controlled by any one factor, even if that happens to be precious metals like gold or silver. Also, to say that silver ever had a controlling stake in the Indian economy is also far from the truth.Indian Economy Actually Lies OnThe Indian economy in nominal dollar exchange terms is the sixth largest in the world valued at around $ 2.5 trillion and in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) terms, it is the third largest in the world valued at around $ 10 trillion.Around 16-17% of that amount comprises India's ... Read More

How to convert a small brand into a big one?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:30:10


Don't we all dream of doing that someday? After all the startup craze is about building brands in super quick time and many startup entrepreneurs have actually succeeded in doing just that. Take the case of Oyo Rooms, which was founded by an 18-year-old youngster, Ritesh Agarwal back in 2011 although it wasn't known as Oyo Rooms then; it was known as Oravel.Today, the company is sitting pretty with over $25 million of funding from some of the most renowned names in funding, worldwide. Although the Oyo story is alleged to have another darker side to it, the objective of ... Read More

I have recently sold a property worth Rs. 20 Lakh but I have no clue where to invest this money and get decent returns. Please suggest!

Dev Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 09:31:02


Hopefully, you sold it at a much higher price than what you had bought it for. One great thing about real estate is that there's no depreciation in the value and there is guaranteed appreciation although the percentage varies, which is absolutely normal. Now, if this was the only piece of real estate you ever had, then you should focus on acquiring another property that is more compatible with your present situation, e.g. conveniently located from your place of work, potential of infrastructure development in the near future, secure gated community and other standard amenities that most residents expect. Having ... Read More
