Found 153 Articles for Economics and Finance

Program Budget

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:36:41


Introduction Organizations may make wise financial decisions and guarantee the effective use of resources for program success by clearly understanding the program budget. We shall discuss the idea of a program budget and its function in financial management in this tutorial. We will look at how program budgets are made, how they are used to allocate resources, and what benefits and drawbacks come with using them. We will also give instances of program budgets from other industries to show how useful they are. Program Budget: Definition A program budget is a financial plan that specifies how money will be ... Read More

Post Office Saving Schemes

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:38:05


Introduction Post office schemes have a variety of investment and savings options made available by a nation's postal service. Post office schemes aim to offer safe investment options, encourage saving habits, and provide financial services to the general population. The accessibility of post office programmes is one of its essential characteristics. People in both urban and rural locations can easily utilize these programmes because post offices are widely dispersed across the nation. Because of this accessibility, many people, including those without access to traditional banking services, can take advantage of the advantages that these programmes have to offer. About ... Read More

Pay Day Loan

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:40:50


Introduction Taking out loans is a convenient way of financing projects or property buying. However, what is the option when you don't need funding of such large amounts. What if you are in need of smaller amounts and that too immediately. This is when a Payday loan comes into picture. Let us understand what a Payday Loan is in detail. Define Payday Loan Payday Loans are short-term loans unlike other loans. As they are short term loans, the rate of interest is higher as compared to other loans. These loans are generally $500 or less depending on your ... Read More

Passive VS Active Portfolio Strategy

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:42:16


Introduction We have examined the definitions, characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of active and passive portfolio strategies in this post. With an active portfolio strategy, portfolio managers actively choose securities in an effort to outperform the market. The objective of a passive portfolio approach, on the other hand, is to mimic the performance of a market index with the least amount of intervention possible. General example of Product Portfolio Define Active Portfolio Strategy In an active portfolio strategy, portfolio managers actively choose investments in an effort to outperform a market benchmark or index. In order to provide larger returns than ... Read More

Cross-Border Payments

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:43:52


Introduction According to research, the vast majority of cross-border payment management practises are inefficient in terms of both cost and time. Current business practises frequently result in lower productivity, more labour, higher payment fees, and strained relationships with suppliers. However, these issues can be addressed by implementing best practises and software technology to improve cross-border payment effectiveness, such as an advanced global payments system. Cross-Border Payments: Definition Cross-border transactions commonly referred to as international payments, comprise entities that do not reside in the precise same country which can be the payer (the customer) or the recipient (the merchant). Such transactions ... Read More

Qualified Dividends

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 09:54:47


Introduction Public companies raise funds from the external sources by issuing shares. People who buy these shares becomes the shareholders of the company. Fig 1: Qualified Dividends In return, the company offers dividend to the shareholders for holding the shares for a time period without selling it in the market. These dividends are grouped into qualified and unqualified dividend. Here, the discussion point will be only about qualified dividend. Meaning of Qualified Dividends Qualified dividends are a type of dividend income earned by common stock investors. These dividends are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary dividends. ... Read More

Peace Dividend

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 09:46:55


Introduction The government should allocate funds in such a way that it benefits the economy for a long term. On that note, the term peace dividend has garnered much attention in international and domestic circles. As wars create disruption to the country as well as economy at large, instead of splurging money on military restoration, the government diverts those funds to construct the economy and welfare at large. In simple words, this concept revolves around the idea of how military funds used for economic purposes. Definition of Peace Dividend The term "peace dividend" was first ... Read More

Mezzanine Financing

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 09:39:31


Introduction Mezzanine financing is a versatile funding option that converts debt to equity financing to provide businesses with a lower-cost source of capital than traditional equity financing. Are you a business owner looking for funding to help you take your business to the next level of success? Or are you an investor seeking high returns with little risk? In any case, mezzanine financing may be the ideal solution for you. Mezzanine financing is a type of financing that combines the attributes of debt and equity financing. Define Mezzanine Financing Mezzanine financing is a type of financing ... Read More

Medallion Signature Guarantee

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 09:20:46


Introduction Medallion Signature Guarantee is a secured authorization stating that the transfer of any securities, be it bonds or stocks, are legal and authentic in nature. SEBI- Securities and Exchange Board of India, the watch dog or regulator oversees all the activities in the securities market, thereby protecting the investor from all sorts of frauds. While all that’s good, but what about selling or transferring of securities to another shareholder in physical form? Thanks to Medallion Signature Guarantee, it came to rescue to protect the interest of the shareholders, offering the desired legitimacy. So, what exactly is this concept ... Read More

Market Cap vs Enterprise Value

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 09:13:23


Introduction Market Cap vs Enterprise Value are thrown around in finance circles without truly understanding what they mean? Don't worry; you're not alone. These two phrases may seem interchangeable at first, but they are entirely different evaluation metrics . Meaning of Market Cap Market cap is short for market capitalization, which measures a company's value in the stock market. Market cap is an important metric for investors because it indicates a company's size and potential for growth and volatility. The resulting figure represents the total dollar value of all the company's outstanding shares. Market Cap Explained Market ... Read More
