Found 51 Articles for Django

{{ form.as_table }} – Render Django Forms as table

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 18:01:57


In the arena of web development, Django has emerged as a famous, open−source, and high−stage Python internet framework that encourages fast improvement and easy, pragmatic design. Django boasts a robust form of coping with devices, which allows developers to create, validate, and technique paperwork effortlessly. One essential component of Django's shape dealing with devices is its potential to render forms as HTML tables. In this post, we will go through the procedure of rendering Django forms as tables, which include the blessings, how to gain this, and a few exceptional practices to observe. By the end of this post, you ... Read More

Email + Social Logins in Django - Step-by-Step Guide

Updated on 22-May-2023 09:57:26


Email and social logins are common techniques for websites and apps to allow users to establish accounts or check in. Users must provide their email address and password for email login, however, social login allows users to sign in using their social networks accounts, such as Facebook or Google. In this tutorial, we'll go through how to set up email and social logins in Django. Method With Django, there are numerous ways to incorporate email and social logins. The Django-allauth package, which supports authentication for numerous login methods, including email and social logins, is one of the most prevalent. Another ... Read More

How to Create and Use Signals in Django?

Manthan Ghasadiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 15:31:15

3K+ Views

Django is a Python web framework developer used to develop web applications faster and write down easy code syntax. Also, Django is a full feature rich application as it contains many features, including the Django signals. In Django, signals are used to trigger some function whenever any event occurs. For example, when users make some changes in the database, we can trigger a particular function, which can show the changes to users on the web page. The Django contains a total of 3 types of signals which we have explained below. Pre_save/post_save − It triggers the action whenever a ... Read More

How to Create an App in Django?

Manthan Ghasadiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 15:20:14


Django is a Python web framework. Developers can use Django to develop web applications rapidly, and the Django framework contains multiple libraries and tools to improve the web development experience. The Django project contains various features, such as automatic admin interface integration, built-in form handling, URL and user request handling, etc., and one of them is Django App. In the Django project, the app is a module that contains templates, URLs, models, views, etc. So, the app is a module in large projects which we can resuse in other projects. Furthermore, the app makes it easy to manage the code ... Read More

How to create Abstract Model Class in Django?

Manthan Ghasadiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 14:38:02

2K+ Views

We will learn about how to create Abstract Model Class in Django. An abstract model class in Django is a model that is used as a template for other models to inherit from rather than one that is meant to be created or saved to the database. In an application, similar fields and behaviours shared by several models can be defined using abstract models. With Django, you define a model class that derives from Django.db.models to establish an abstract model class. Model and set True for the abstract attribute. The attributes and methods of this abstract class will be inherited ... Read More

{{ form.as_p }} – Render Django Forms as Paragraph

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:49:41

2K+ Views

Django, a broadly used and effective web framework for Python, has made it less difficult for developers to create dynamic, information-driven web applications. One of the essential components of web packages is the capability to create and manage forms. Django affords a robust shape device that allows developers to fast create, validate, and process forms. In this post, we will explore a lesser-acknowledged feature of Django's form system - the {{ form.as_p }} method which makes it smooth to render forms as paragraphs. Django Forms Before diving into {{ form.as_p }}, let's briefly review how Django forms work. Django ... Read More

Create View Class Based Views Django

Tamoghna Das
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 17:16:53


What is Django? Django is a well-known web framework written in Python that enables developers to create web applications more quickly. The views in a Django application are the ones in charge of processing HTTP requests and sending back HTTP answers. Class-based views, also known as CBVs, are an alternative to function-based views, also known as FBVs. They provide a method to designing views that is more object-oriented. Python classes that inherit from one of Django's built-in view classes are what are referred to as CBVs in the Django framework. These classes provide methods that correlate to the various HTTP ... Read More

Tensorflow vs sklearn: Machine Learning in Django

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 17:14:42


Introduction For companies and organizations wanting to get insights and predictions from their data, machine learning has emerged as a critical tool. TensorFlow and scikit-learn are two well-liked frameworks for putting machine learning algorithms into practice (sklearn). Google created the deep learning library TensorFlow, whereas Sklearn is a more versatile machine learning framework. These two libraries will be compared, contrasted, and their applications to the Django web framework will be discussed in this article. TensorFlow is particularly well-suited for creating and training neural networks, which makes it the best choice for projects like text classification, voice and picture recognition, and ... Read More

How to add groups in Django using authentication system?

Gayatri Jandhyala
Updated on 05-Sep-2022 11:06:24

3K+ Views

Django is equipped with built-in permissions system that assigns permissions to specific users or groups of users. Permissions used by the Django-admin site are as follows, Users with the "view" or "update" permission for that type of object have access to view objects. Only users with the "add" permission for that type of item have access to view the "add" form and add an object. Users having the "change" permission for that type of item have access to the change list, the "change" form, and the ability to change an object. Only users having the "delete" permission for that ... Read More

How to create user and superuser in Django Authentication System?

Gayatri Jandhyala
Updated on 05-Sep-2022 11:04:37

4K+ Views

The demand for dynamic websites increased as more features were required in websites. In this, in addition to delivering content, the server stores data and responds to user input. One of the key reasons for having a dynamic site is the ability to authenticate users and limit the material they may access. User objects are the core of the authentication system. Like mentioned above, users are the people interacting with your site. they are used to enable things like restricting access, registering user profiles, associating content with creators etc. Let us go ahead and understand how to create users and ... Read More
