Found 76 Articles for Diseases

Menopause Symptoms

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 15:30:05


Introduction Females take part actively in fertilization in humans, the male gamete which is known as sperm combines an egg or ovum from a female to form a zygote. Both the egg and sperm must undergo many steps to make fertilization successful. At this point, pregnancy begins and takes a 280-day journey to complete the development of the fetus. Females cannot carry a child or conceive once they reach menopause. When a woman's menstrual cycle is completely stopped then this condition is considered as menopause. In this tutorial, we will learn about menopause in depth. What is Menopause? The end ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Arthritis Joints in our body are prone to erosion that could cause friction due to the depletion of supporting tissues between two bones of the joints. Prolonged friction can cause the wearing off of cartilage and ligaments, resulting in arthritis. Arthritis is a non-communicable joint disease that could affect any significant body joint. We can define Arthritis as inflammation in the joints, which can have symptoms like stiffness, intense pain, and swelling and redness around the joints. Symptoms and causes Arthritis can affect various joints in the body as well as organs. Common symptoms of arthritis can be severe pain, ... Read More

Arthritis Symptoms

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Arthritis: Definition Arthritis can cause inflammation in joints. Inflammation is a defensive action by body tissues towards damage that could be caused by physical agents or by microbial infection. Arthritis can be identified with intense pain, swelling, and redness around that joint. It could cause difficulty in using and moving that joint. Arthritis cannot be associated with any age group or gender, or pedigree. Arthritis is either a genetic disorder, although the wear and tear due to prolonged stiffness cause inflammation in joints, resulting in arthritis. Types and symptoms There are two main kinds of arthritis. They are − ... Read More

Blood Pressure Symptoms

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction − Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force that blood exerts against the artery walls when the heart beats. With distance from the left ventricle, the pressure decreases gradually. The blood pressure measurement can be checked based on two type of pressure measurements. The are − The first is Systolic Blood Pressure and The second is Diastolic Blood Pressure. Systolic Blood Pressure Systolic Blood Pressure measurement is the measurement of the pressure in the blood vessels that is created when the heart beats. Diastolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure measurement is the measurement of the force on ... Read More

Blood Cancer

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


What is Blood? Blood is a type of fluid connective tissue that transports nutrients, hormones, and breathing gases, among other things. Body temperature, pH, and other thermoregulation mechanisms are all managed by blood. Images Coming soon Erythrocytes (RBCs), leucocytes (WBCs), thrombocytes (blood platelets), and plasma (proteins, salts, and water) are all components of human blood. What is Blood Cancer? Hematologic cancer is another name for blood cancer. When the bone marrow and blood cells are damaged, this disease arises. As a result, the creation and activity of these cells cease (fighting infections and repairing our body cells), and cancer cells ... Read More

Acidity Symptoms- Causes and Risk Factors involved

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Food is essential for us to obtain energy to perform metabolic processes. However, the food we eat cannot be assimilated in the form in which it is consumed. It is broken down into simple substances and is absorbed into the circulating fluids by the digestive system. The proper assimilation of nutrients in the food is ensured by its proper digestion and absorption. Proper digestion and absorption can occur only when the digestive system is functioning properly. A proper quantity of nutritional diet and a healthy lifestyle guarantees good health for the digestive system. Unhealthy dietary habits can lead to ... Read More

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