Found 10 Articles for Digital Wallets

Go Cashless – No Internet (no signal) No Problem ???

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 07:46:48


The cashless world after demonetization is no longer imagination for all of us, we might get there sooner than we think. While the idea of a cashless society is appealing, the challenges of implementation are huge.Today various modes of digital payments for cashless transactions are available such as Internet Banking and Mobile banking but these cashless solutions are heavily dependent on active internet connection and some people find it difficult to pay digitally due to poor or no internet connectivity. In this article, I will cover some of few options viable payment options which can be leveraged even without active ... Read More

Bitcoins – The New Digital Currency!

Sharon Christine
Updated on 24-Jan-2020 06:05:22


Bitcoin is a new digital currency across the globe, picking up very fast through its journey. Many countries have made it legal to use bitcoins for payments. You’ve likely to be heard of bitcoin, the digital currency that’s recently coming into the spotlight. Let us understand what is bitcoins and how to use them.Bitcoin is a digital currency that works on a peer-to-peer basis. It was invented somewhere in the year 2008 by an unknown programmer, or a group of programmers, under the name – Satoshi Nakamoto. It is designed for secure financial transactions taking place between users directly, without ... Read More

How Apps like Zcash, Blockstack, and Appcoins are changing the Face of Digital Payment Systems?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 06:21:20


If I ask you how much cash do you carry? Your answer would be limited up to maybe 5000 I guess, but still, you go out, shop, eat by spending very less cash. No, of course, you don’t get things for free but, with the digital payment mode. Paying through different platforms or online transactions has made life easier and less complex.You may have heard of the fancy word – Crypto-currency, something which always comes by digital payment. Just to brush up your knowledge, it is a digital currency which involves encryption techniques that are used to formulate the production ... Read More

How to Save Money When You Shop Online?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:52:04


Nowadays many people prefer online shopping because it offers more convenience and you get more discounts when compared to retail shopping, but you need to do some research in order to save more. I am sharing few online shopping tips and information on websites which might help you get the best deals.Online shopping is sometimes tricky. If you are negligent, you could lose few hundred’s or sometimes thousands, but by using simple online shopping tips, you can save more money.Online Shopping Tips to Save MoneyUse comparison shopping, where there are numerous shopping sites in India, hence it might take time ... Read More

Wallet on Delivery – OnDemand Feature to tackle CoD concerns

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:20:13


The sudden ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 was a great step by the Indian government to fight for black money, but its effects were clearly seen on common man’s life. Imagine you have Rs.500 in your wallet, and you come to know that you cannot use it anymore.The ATM machines and banks were closed, what to do? You need money for everything, if not cash then card atleast. In this situation all you can think of is, an online wallet. Yes, that’s right away where you can have some cash stored in online wallet, just like in any ... Read More

Types of Mobile Wallets and Leaders in India

Sharon Christine
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 07:57:29


Since the dawn of the digital era in the world, so much of our attention has moved from face to face conversation to online. The rise of mobile wallet technology in India began somewhere around 2006 and has now started to take off rapidly.Mobile wallets have seen a boost since November 2nd week when Rs 500 and Rs 1, 000 notes were demonetized. The govt has initiated temporary measures to encourage the use of mobile wallets by fixing the limits of Mobile Wallets from Rs 10, 000 to Rs 20, 000 and allowed merchants to transfer Rs 50, 000 per ... Read More

Top Mobile Wallets in India

Sharon Christine
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 05:24:25


With cash crunch going on in today’s Indian economy, mobile wallets can come to your rescue in this critical time. In fact, instead of using credit or debit card transactions, India has preferred mobile payments as an alternative solution for transacting online. Nandan Nilekani, one of India’s most famous technology guru, while supporting demonetization of Rs. 1, 000 and Rs. 500 currency notes, said digital transactions will increase in the next three to six months to a rate that would otherwise have taken three to six years. In this context, it is the need of the hour to know about ... Read More

Why to use Bitcoin?

Om Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


When digital or crypto currency gets a mention, bitcoin is the first thing that strikes the minds of the expert investor as well as the fanciers. Bitcoin can be referred as a virtual currency or a medium of conducting digital transactions just like any other digital currency. So, how is it better than any conventional currency?The global interest in bitcoin has gone up in the past a couple of years. However, those who still see its gloomy side, here are the reasons for going for this currency.Digital and Decentralized-Bitcoin comes with the liberty to exchange value with no intermediaries. This ... Read More

What are Bitcoin Mining Pools?

Om Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Bitcoin mining pools are nothing but a way for Bitcoin miners to pool their resources together. It also includes the sharing of their hashing power while distributing the payoff equally as per the amount of shares they contributed to puzzling out a block.Members of the Bitcoin mining pool gets a ‘share’ after presenting a valid proof of work that their Bitcoin miner solved. Bitcoin mining in pools commenced when the miners found mining extremely tough as solving them out could take years for slower miners to generate a block.The only solution miners could come up to solve this riddle was ... Read More

What is Bitcoin and how does it work?

Om Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


A couple of years ago, I came across Bitcoins and I immediately looked for some info about it before I would die of curiosity. After going through a decent deal of content over it, I realized that the information on this hot topic is not substantial and rather it is misleading to some extent. Therefore, I started going through some business and tech journals and all that I absorbed out of those pieces, here I pour out the essence.What Is Bitcoin?We can divide bitcoins into two major parts; 1. Bitcoin-the Token through which one can show the ownership of a ... Read More
