Found 1024 Articles for Digital Electronics

Difference between an Inverter AC and a Non-Inverter AC

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 08:12:47

7K+ Views

An air conditioner (AC) is a mechanism which is used to regulate the temperature of a closed space by removing the heat from the space and throwing it to an outside area. The cool air then can circulate in the closed space such as a room or a hall.Air conditioners use a cold liquid refrigerant which absorbs the heat from the hotter space (room) in the evaporator and hence cooling down the room. After absorbing the heat, the refrigerant turns into the gaseous state and is put through a compressor to rise its temperature. This gaseous refrigerant then passes through ... Read More

Difference between LCD and LED

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 08:10:19

5K+ Views

LCD and LED are popular technologies used to display texts and images. Both LCD and LED are extensively used in display screens in various electronic devices such TVs, computers, laptops, smartphones, etc. There are many differences between LCD and LED displays, where one of the major difference is that LCD uses the liquid crystal and cold cathode fluorescent lamp for the formation of image on the screen, whereas the LED uses a PN junction diode which emits light when the current passes through it that is used as backlight in the display.In this article, we will explain the various differences ... Read More

Difference between Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 08:07:28

15K+ Views

A transformer is a static electrical machine which is used to transform the level of alternating voltage, i.e. a transformer increases or decreases the value of alternating voltage without changing in its frequency.As every electrical machine has some power loss in it, thus depending upon the losses occur in the transformer, the transformer is of two types viz. −Ideal transformerPractical transformerIn this article, we will enlist all the significant differences between ideal transformer and practical transformer. We have also added a short description of ideal transformer and practical transformer for your reference.What is an Ideal Transformer?The theoretical model of a ... Read More

Difference between Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 08:00:55

10K+ Views

A mechanical device which converts the kinetic energy of some fluid like steam, water, flue gas, etc. into rotational energy to perform work is called a turbine. Based on the source of rotation, the main types of the turbines are −Steam turbineWater turbineGas turbineWind turbineIn this article, we will discuss the differences between gas turbine and steam turbine on the basis of definition, components, size, cost, efficiency, etc. We also added a brief description of both gas turbine and steam turbine for your reference.What is a Gas Turbine?A gas turbine, also called combustion turbine, is a type of internal combustion ... Read More

Difference between Electron and Proton

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 07:52:26

5K+ Views

According to the Electron Theory of Matter, ever matter is composed of minute particles called molecules. A molecule is in turn made up of atoms. Therefore, the atom is the basic building block of the matter.An atom consists of two main parts viz. nucleus and extra-nucleus. The nucleus is the central part of the atom and has two subatomic particles viz. proton and neutron. Whereas, the extra-nucleus is the space around the nucleus in which the electrons revolve around the nucleus in different orbits.In this article, we are going to enlist all the major differences between electron and proton. Although, ... Read More

Difference between Electricity and Magnetism

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 07:49:21

1K+ Views

The terms electricity and magnetism came into existence thousands of years ago and for a long period of time, both the electricity and magnetism are supposed two different and unrelated phenomena. But, in 1820, a Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism by his experiment. Oersted found in his experiment that a current flowing through a wire deflects the needle of a magnetic compass placed near to it. By this observation, he concluded that the flow of electric current (or movement of charge) produces a magnetic field in its nearby region.In 1831, Michael Faraday shown ... Read More

Difference between Diode and Silicon Controlled Rectifier(SCR)

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 07:44:56

6K+ Views

Both diode and SCR are types of semiconductor devices that act as a static switch to control the flow of electric current. Both diode and SCR are unidirectional switches used in a number of electronic circuits. One major application of diode and SCR is that both are used for rectification purpose. However, there are many differences between diode and SCR based on their basic definition, construction, working, applications, etc.In this article, we will explain all the major differences between diode and SCR along with their short description.What is a Diode?A diode is a two-terminal PN junction semiconductor electronic device which ... Read More

Difference between Damped and Undamped Oscillations

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 07:40:37

9K+ Views

In electrical and electronics engineering, a periodic vibration in voltage or current is known as oscillation or electronic oscillation. Oscillation in electronics can also defined as a process of repeating cyclic vibrations of voltage or current about its equilibrium value in time.The number of times the cycle repeats per second is known as the frequency of the oscillation and is measured in cycles per seconds or Hertz (Hz).Some energy at a specific frequency is required to produce the oscillations, this requirement is fulfilled with the help of an electronic circuit called oscillator. An oscillator is an electronic circuit which is ... Read More

Difference between Conventional Grid and Smart Grid

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 07:37:30

12K+ Views

The electrical power produced at the generating stations is transmitted to the points of utilization which is achieved with the help of grids (an interconnected network for electricity transmission and distribution from producers to the consumers). Based on the devices used and their functionality, the electric power grids are classified into two categories viz. −Conventional grid (or traditional grid)Smart gridMany issues contribute to the incapability of conventional grid to competently meet the demand for consistent power supply. In order to resolving these problems, the smart grids are developed which is infused with the intelligent sensors and controllers, automated switches and ... Read More

Difference between Brushed Motors and Brushless Motors

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 07:25:29

2K+ Views

An electrical machine that is used for the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is known as electric motor. Based on the type of electric supply input, the electric motors are of two types − AC motor and DC motor. An AC motor is the one which takes alternating current supply as input and converts it into mechanical energy while the DC motors takes DC supply as input.Present day advancements in the motor technology allows the use of DC motors in several applications from small toys to larger industrial machinery. DC motors come in two variants viz. Brushed DC ... Read More
