Found 1024 Articles for Digital Electronics

Edge-triggered Latches

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:27:21


In digital circuits, a latch is a sequential logic circuit which has two stable states. Hence, a latch is also called as a bistable-multivibrator. A latch has capacity to store 1-bit of information. A latch has one or more inputs and two outputs. The outputs of a latch are specified by Q and Q'. Where, Q is the normal output of the latch and Q' is the inverted output. The block diagram of a latch is shown in Figure-1. In this article, we will discuss about the edge triggered latches, their types, applications. So, let us start with the ... Read More

Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:18:45

16K+ Views

Let's start this article with a brief overview of basic flip-flops before moving onto discuss a special type of flip-flop called edge-triggered flip-flop, how it works, its types and applications. What is a Flip Flop? In digital electronics, a flip-flop (FF) is a sequential logic circuit which is used for storing 1-bit of information. As we know, in digital systems, information is represented in binary form, i.e. in terms of 0 and 1. Where, a binary 0 and a binary 1 is referred to as a bit. The flip flop is a 1-bit memory cell that stores information in terms ... Read More

Design of Synchronous Counter

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:16:43

10K+ Views

In digital electronics, a set of flip-flops that changes its states in response to pulses applied at the input is called a digital counter. In the digital counter circuit, the flip flops are connected in such a way that their combined state at any time is the binary equivalent of the total number of pulses that have occurred up to that time. Therefore, as its name implies, a counter is used to count pulses in a digital system. Digital counters are classified into the following two types namely, Asynchronous Counter − The type of counter in which the flip ... Read More

Conversion of SR Flip-Flop to JK Flip-Flop

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:11:44

25K+ Views

What is SR Flip-Flop? SR flip-flop is a simple 1-bit storage element which has two inputs namely S and R, and two outputs, i.e. Q and Q'. Where, S specifies Set input and R specifies Reset input. The output Q is the normal output and the Q' is the complemented or inverted output. In addition to SR inputs, the SR flip flop also has a clock input which is used for triggering the circuit. The block diagram of SR flip flop is shown in Figure-1 below. The operation of the SR flip flop can be analyzed using its truth ... Read More

Conversion of JK Flip-Flop into T Flip-Flop

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 11:10:39

6K+ Views

What is a JK Flip-Flop? JK flip flop is also a 1-bit storage device having two inputs similar to SR flip flop, but it has inputs denoted by J and K instead of S and R. It has two outputs viz. Q (normal output) and Q' (inverted output). The clock signal is used for synchronization of the circuit. The block diagram of the JK flip flop is shown in Figure-1 below. The operation of the JK flip flop can be understood with the help of its truth table which is given below − Inputs Output ... Read More

Binary Counter in Digital Electronics

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 10:17:09

10K+ Views

In digital electronics, a binary counter is a type of sequential logic circuit which is able to count in binary numbers. A binary counter can counter from 0 to 2(n-1), where n is the total number of bits in the counter. Basically, a binary counter is a type of digital circuit which counts the number of clock pulses that occur over a time period. The binary counters are built up of flip flops, where a flip flop is a most elementary memory element that can store 1-bit of information. In a binary counter, each flip flop represents one bit of ... Read More

Difference between Monochrome and Color Displays

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 11:22:18

3K+ Views

Display is the most important part of a visual display unit (VDU) like TV, monitor, etc. Depending on the colors displayed on the screen, displays are of two types namely, monochrome display and color display. The fundamental difference between monochrome and color display is that a monochrome display can display graphics like images, text, etc. in gray shades only, while a color display can display graphics in full color. In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between monochrome display and color display. But before discussing the differences, let us first have a look into their basics. ... Read More

Difference between LED TV and Plasma TV

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 11:12:45

2K+ Views

TV, Television, is a well-known electronic device used to display audio-video content on a screen. Based on display technology used, several types of TVs available, such as LCD TVs, LED TVs, Plasma TVs, CRT TVs, etc. In this article, we will discuss the important differences between LED TV and Plasma TV. But before that let us first have a look into the basics of LED TV and Plasma TV individually. What is LED TV? A type of TV in which LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are used to illuminate the display screen is called LED TV. LED TV is basically ... Read More

Difference between LCD TV and Plasma TV

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 11:08:06

2K+ Views

TV, Television, is a very common electronic device used to display audio-video content on a screen. Based on the display technology used, several types of TVs available, such as LCD TVs, LED TVs, Plasma TVs, CRT TVs, etc. In this article, we will discuss the important differences between LCD TV and Plasma TV. But, before going to discuss the differences, let us first have a look into the basics of LCD TV and Plasma TV individually. What is LCD TV? LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. A type of television in which liquid crystal display technology is used for ... Read More

Difference between DVI and HDMI

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:42:52


There are two types of digital video interfaces namely, DVI (Digital Visual Interface) and HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) that are used for transmitting digital video signals from source devices to a display device like TV, monitor, projector, etc. The most fundamental difference between DVI and HDMI is that DVI (Digital Visual Interface) can transmit only video signals, while HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) can transmit both video and audio signals. In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between DVI and HDMI interfaces. But before that let us first discuss a bit about DVI and HDMI individually. What ... Read More
