Found 1966 Articles for Differences

Difference between JavaScript and NodeJS

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:33:08


JavaScript is a scripting language which is used to develop HTML pages that are interactive with users. It is usually run on web browsers. NodeJS is a platform or runtime environment using which we can run JavaScript in a system rather than a browser. What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a front-end programming language used in web development. It is a lightweight object oriented scripting language that make the web page dynamic and interactive with users. HTML creates website (structure layer), CSS makes it more attractive (design layer) and JavaScript allows the users to interact with these websites rather than simply ... Read More

Difference between JavaScript and C#

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:31:58


Two programming languages that have been widely used in the field of software development are JavaScript and C# (pronounce "C sharp"). Both languages are employed for various purposes and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main application of the programming language JavaScript is the creation of websites. It is frequently used to build dynamic and interactive web sites. Because JavaScript is a client-side language, it executes in the client's browser rather than on the server. It is a popular option for novices because it is simple to learn and has a low entry barrier. On the ... Read More

Difference between CSS and JavaScript

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:22:08

2K+ Views

A website is developed using HTML. HTML is the backbone and provides the skeleton for the website. But using HTML alone, we can’t create our desired website. Cascade styling sheets is another language that adds another layer to the website. It applies formatting to the website, changes the layout of the website and makes the website appear beautiful. JavaScript is a programming language that makes a website functionable. It adds animations, pop up screens and a lot more to interact with the user. What is CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a language which is used ... Read More

Difference Between Backward Chaining and Forward Chaining

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:16:07

3K+ Views

Backward chaining and forward chaining are two typical reasoning techniques used in artificial intelligence and logic programming to arrive at a goal by moving backward or ahead through a list of rules or conditions. While each strategy has benefits and drawbacks, developers and researchers must be able to distinguish between them in order to select the way that is best suited to solving a particular issue. Read this article to understand the major distinctions between backward chaining and forward chaining, as well as their benefits and drawbacks. We will also discuss how they are applied in various situations. ... Read More

Difference between ArrayList and Vector

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:13:02

1K+ Views

We can store and manage a list of items using the Java Collections Framework classes ArrayList and Vector. Nonetheless, it's crucial to recognise some significant distinctions between the two. We will examine the efficiency, synchronisation, and iterator capabilities of ArrayList and Vector, as well as their similarities and differences, in this tutorial. You will have a comprehensive knowledge of when to utilise ArrayList or Vector in your Java projects by the end of this course. then let's get going! What is an ArrayList? Java's ArrayList class offers an implementation of a dynamic array. It is a resizable array that may ... Read More

Difference Between AngularJS and ReactJS

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 17:10:32


Two well-liked JavaScript-based front-end web development frameworks used to create contemporary online apps are AngularJS and ReactJS. Although though both frameworks can handle data-driven applications, for example, they differ greatly in terms of their design, programming paradigms, and development strategies. Developers must be aware of the differences between AngularJS and ReactJS in order to choose the best framework for their individual project requirements. We will compare and contrast AngularJS and ReactJS in this lesson, outlining their advantages and disadvantages to assist developers in selecting the ideal framework for their web development projects. What is AngularJS? An open-source front-end web ... Read More

What is the difference between overflow: auto and overflow: scroll in CSS?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 14:19:06


In CSS, the ‘overflow’ property is used to specify the overflow of the content of the HTML element. For example, if the height of the div element is ‘500px’, and the height of the inside content is ‘1000px’, we need to make the content scrollable. In this tutorial, we will learn the difference between the ‘auto’ and ‘scroll’ values of the CSS ‘overflow’ property. Overflow: auto in CSS In CSS, overflow: auto sets the overflow of the HTML element to auto. It means if the content of the div is overflowing, it sets the ‘scroll’ as a value of ... Read More

Difference between Step-Up and Step-Down Transformer

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 15:33:11

4K+ Views

What is a Transformer? A transformer is an electrical device whose main function is to transmit alternating current between two circuits at a constant value of frequency, but at varying voltage levels. A transformer is constructed by combining two kinds of coil. The first coil carrying the magnetic flux is called the primary coil, while the second coil placed opposite to it, in which electromotive force (E.M.F) is induced is called as the secondary coil. Figure-1 illustrates a standard representation of a transformer. Input voltage at the primary side of the transformer produces the varying magnetic flux on the primary ... Read More

Difference Between Seizure and Unconsciousness

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 11:21:38


Passing out during a seizure can happen to some people, which can make distinguishing between the two conditions difficult. Seizures, usually referred to as convulsions, are sudden, uncontrolled electrical abnormalities in the brain. In contrast, when someone is unconscious, they have completely lost consciousness, as happens during profound slumber or a coma. The following topics will go into the comparison between unconsciousness and seizures. What is Seizure? The abnormal electrical impulses in the brain's cortex cause the strange behaviour known as a seizure. Symptoms − Twitching and other uncontrollable action of the limbs and body, mental confusion, a loss ... Read More

Difference Between Rum and Whiskey

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 11:20:25

2K+ Views

Rum and whiskey are two of the most popular alcoholic beverages worldwide. Despite their similarities, they have several differences in terms of origin, production, flavor, and drinking preferences. Rum and whiskey are both distilled spirits made from grains or sugarcane, but they differ in their base ingredients, fermentation process, aging, and flavor profile. What is Rum? Rum is a distilled spirit that is primarily made from sugarcane. The process of making rum involves crushing and pressing the sugarcane to extract the juice, which is then boiled to create a thick syrup. The syrup is fermented with yeast, and the resulting ... Read More
