Found 1966 Articles for Differences

Difference between DDR3 and DDR4

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:30:22


DDR stands for Double Data Rate. It is a version of RAM (Random Access Memory). The DDR RAM is capable of transferring data on both edges, i.e. falling edge and rising edge of the clock pulse. Thus, it doubles the data transfer rate, hence it named so. The DDR RAM also comes in several versions (or generations), such as DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, etc. Each version/generation of the DDR RAM offers enhanced performance in terms of speed, storage capacity, energy efficiency, etc. In this article, we will discuss the two generations, i.e. DDR3 and DDR4 of the DDR RAM, and ... Read More

Difference between CRT and LED Monitors

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:28:29

5K+ Views

In a computer system, monitor is the most significant output device that conveys the information from computer system to the output world. When it comes to the types of computer monitors, then several types of display technologies are used, such as CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), LED (Light Emitting Diode), Plasma Display, etc. In this article, we will discuss the important differences between CRT monitors and LED monitors. But before discussing the differences, let us first discuss the CRT and LED monitors individually. What is CRT Monitor? CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube. CRT is one ... Read More

Difference between AVR and PIC

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:25:03

3K+ Views

A microcontroller is a small processing device which is primarily designed to perform specific functions within a large system. For example, a microcontroller is used in an air conditioner to automatically control and adjust the temperature of a room. The main parts that a microcontroller has are: central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and I/O interfaces. All these components of the microcontroller are formed on a single chip. A microcontroller can be programmed using various programming languages like C language, assembly language, etc. to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are widely used in a variety of electronic devices, such as ... Read More

Difference between AVR and ARM

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:22:10

3K+ Views

A microcontroller is a small processing device which is primarily designed to perform specific functions within a large system. For example, a microcontroller is used in an air conditioner to automatically control and adjust the temperature of a room. The main parts that a microcontroller has are: central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and I/O interfaces. All these components of the microcontroller are formed on a single chip. A microcontroller can be programmed using various programming languages like C language, assembly language, etc. to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are widely used in a variety of electronic devices, such as ... Read More

Difference between Active and Passive Speakers

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:20:03


There are two types loudspeakers namely, active speakers and passive speakers, used in music systems to produce sound output. The fundamental difference between active speakers and passive speakers is that active speakers consist of a built-in amplifier to produce amplified sound output, whereas passive speakers do not have built-in amplifier, instead they need an external amplifier to power the speakers. In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between active speakers and passive speakers. But before that let’s have a look into the basics of active and passive speakers individually. What is an Active Speaker? A type ... Read More

Difference between Rows and Columns

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 12:27:20


There is a huge amount of data being generated in our day to day lives. This data needs to be stored and accessed whenever it is needed. Data is stored in the form of tables or spreadsheets. A table is a collection of rows and columns. A row represents the horizontal part of data while column represents the vertical part of the data. What are Rows? Data arranged horizontally from left to right in a sequence is known as a row. This data can be numbers or words. Data is present in the form of a straight line from left ... Read More

Difference between 8051 and AVR

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 10:17:57

1K+ Views

A microcontroller is a small processing device which is primarily designed to perform specific functions within a large system. For example, a microcontroller is used in an air conditioner to automatically control and adjust the temperature of a room. The main parts that a microcontroller has are: central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and I/O interfaces. All these components of the microcontroller are formed on a single chip. A microcontroller can be programmed using various programming languages like C language, assembly language, etc. to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are widely used in a variety of electronic devices, such as ... Read More

Difference between 8051 and ARM

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 11:51:18

2K+ Views

A microcontroller is a small processing device which is primarily designed to perform specific functions within a large system. For example, a microcontroller is used in an air conditioner to automatically control and adjust the temperature of a room. The main parts that a microcontroller has are: central processing unit (CPU), memory unit, and I/O interfaces. All these components of the microcontroller are formed on a single chip. A microcontroller can be programmed using various programming languages like C language, assembly language, etc. to perform a specific function. Microcontrollers are widely used in a variety of electronic devices, such as ... Read More

Difference between 64K and 128K SIM Cards

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 11:15:40


SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module. A SIM card is a tiny chip used in mobile devices to recognize a user’s identity uniquely to the mobile network. A SIM card helps a mobile device user to perform various functions, such as voice calling, video calling, messaging, accessing internet services, etc. SIM Card has a small memory to contain the details related to the user, such as contact numbers, text messages, and Meta data of the SIM card user. SIM cards require different voltage supplies like 1.8 V, 3 V, 5 V, etc. to work. In context of SIM cards, the ... Read More

Difference between 32K and 64K SIM Cards

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 11:11:12


SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module. A SIM card is a tiny chip used in mobile devices to recognize a user’s identity uniquely to the mobile network. A SIM card helps a mobile device user to perform various functions, such as voice calling, video calling, messaging, accessing internet services, etc. SIM Card has a small memory to contain the details related to the user, such as contact numbers, text messages, and Meta data of the SIM card user. SIM cards require different voltage supplies like 1.8 V, 3 V, 5 V, etc. to work. In context of SIM cards, the term “K” defines the ... Read More
