Found 1966 Articles for Differences

Difference between 3G and 4G Technology

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:24:33


Both 3G (third generation) and 4G (fourth generation) mobile telecommunications technologies enable wireless data transfer between mobile devices and the Internet. 3G technology came in the early 2000s, offering data transfer speeds of up to 2 Mbps, which was more than its predecessor, 2G technology. The use of 3G technology enabled speedier internet browsing, video streaming, and video calling. In the late 2000s, 4G technology was developed, offering data transfer speeds of up to 100 Mbps, which was much faster than 3G. 4G technology enabled speedier internet browsing, video streaming, and video calling, as well as the capacity to quickly ... Read More

Difference between Classful Routing and Classless Routing

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:23:23

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Routing Protocols help the routers to guide them in transferring the data from source to destination. Routing protocols are broadly classified based on their operation, behavior, and purpose. The purpose involves the gateway protocols and the operation deals with distance vector and link state routing protocol. Classful and Classless routing comes under the category of behavior. The primary difference between the classful and classless protocols is that the routing updates do not include subnet mask information and include subnet mask information respectively. In the current trend, modern networks do not use classful routing. What is Classful Routing? In routing updates, ... Read More

Difference between cheerio and puppeteer

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:22:17


Cheerio and Puppeteer are two prevalent JavaScript libraries utilized for web scratching and computerization, but they have distinctive functionalities and utilize cases. Cheerio could be a lightweight library utilized for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML records, whereas Puppeteer may be a more strong library utilized for controlling headless Chrome or Chromium browsers and mechanizing web browsing errands. Cheerio is utilized for web scratching and information extraction, whereas Puppeteer is utilized for web computerization, testing, and scratching. The choice between Cheerio and Puppeteer depends on your particular needs and necessities. What is Cheerio? Cheerio could be a quick and lightweight ... Read More

Difference between Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:20:44


Hosting Each website that is stored on the server and hosted on the web platform has a unique address, and when a user searches for a specific URL then they are navigated to the server where the website is hosted. When websites are hosted, the data or contents of the website can be accessed on the web browser with an internet facility. Once the website is ready to be displayed as a live page in an internet browser, the individual or organization has to wisely choose the hosting platform. Based on the company or user needs, choosing the hosting plan ... Read More

Difference between Client/Server and Distributed DBMS

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:09:46

1K+ Views

Database system Database Management System is used to manage the user information or files and to perform operations like create, edit, share, delete, backup, retrieve, etc. The data stored in the database are organized as tables, rows, columns, and key values which are useful for retrieving relevant information. This database system can be classified based on the number of users and the location of the database on computer devices. Single and multi-users can function on the database depending on the configuration made. MySQL, Oracle DB, mongo DB, cloud DB, and SQL server are a few databases used to store and ... Read More

Difference between Cloud Computing and Distributed Computing

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:08:08

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Cloud Computing Cloud Computing is referred to the online services provided via the internet, the services include storage, database, networking, server management, and other IT services. The IT services are everything revolving around hardware, software, and network resources that are hosted via the internet to its customers. Cloud computing is delivered by various third-party companies like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc. The services are given as per the payment structure, the various software or hardware services can be used on-demand without any extra infrastructural requirements. The services offered are greatly effective due to their huge flexibility and scalability. The ... Read More

Difference Between Wild Turkey and Turkey Vulture

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:17:46


In excess of 7 million animal species have been identified so far. In light of this, it is reasonable to state that even the more frequent ones may be extremely puzzling, even if they are not particularly rare. For instance, while members of the same species of animal may have some external characteristics, they would nevertheless be considered to belong to separate species. As an example, the wild turkey and the turkey vulture are both large, flightless birds with distinctive red heads. Yet there are certain distinctions between them, as we shall see. What is Wild Turkey? This bird, native ... Read More

Difference Between Whole Genome Sequencing and Next Generation Sequencing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:15:58


Our understanding of the human genome has grown tremendously over the last few decades, paralleled by the fast rise of sequence databases and bioinformatics tools. And the need to manufacture more, quicker, and cheaper DNA sequences has become critical for scientific inquiry. Advances in microarray technology enabled scientists and researchers to investigate the human genome with increasing resolution in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Traditional approaches have limits that need the creation of new experimental procedures. What is Whole Genome Sequencing? The full DNA sequence of a human, animal, plant, bacterial, or viral genome may be identified through ... Read More

Difference Between Traditional and Modern Biotech

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:13:48

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Biotechnology is the use of biology and technology to agricultural purposes, and the phrase was likely originated in 1919 by Hungarian agricultural engineer Karl Ereky. During the course of a year, he was able to breed and butcher over a hundred thousand pigs. He defined biotechnology as the biological transformation of basic resources into consumer goods with social value. He is considered by some to be the first person to work in the field of biotechnology because of this. At now, biotechnology is defined in a variety of ways by various groups. Biotechnology has grown in importance in recent years. ... Read More

Difference Between Torque and Force

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:09:34

2K+ Views

Torque and force are two concepts that are often used in the field of mechanics. While both of these concepts deal with the movement of objects, they are different in terms of their nature, application, and effect. What is Torque? Torque is the measure of the rotational force that is applied to an object. It is a vector quantity that is defined as the product of force and the distance between the force and the axis of rotation. In simpler terms, it is the force that is used to twist or turn an object around an axis. Torque is commonly ... Read More
