Found 1965 Articles for Differences

Difference between PPPoE and PPPoA

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:32:30

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PPPoE and PPPoA are two protocols for connecting to the internet through DSL technology. Both protocols allow you to authenticate and connect to your internet service provider (ISP) over a phone line. PPPoE is a protocol that encapsulates PPP frames in Ethernet frames so that they can be carried over Ethernet networks. PPPoA encapsulates PPP frames in ATM cells and allows them to be sent over ATM-based networks. Read this article to find out more about PPPoE and PPPoA and how they are different from each other. What is PPPoE? PPPoE is a protocol that encapsulates PPP frames in Ethernet ... Read More

Difference between Pentium and Xeon

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:30:45


Pentium and Xeon are Intel Corporation CPUs that are commonly used in personal computers and servers, respectively. While both CPUs are made by the same company, they are built for different purposes and have significant features. Pentium processors are designed for simple computer activities, whereas Xeon processors are designed for more demanding and specialised workloads. Read this article to find out more about Pentium and Xeon and how they are different from each other. What is Pentium? Pentium is a CPU family invented and manufactured by Intel Corporation. It is a brand name for a type of CPU found in ... Read More

Difference Between MTP and MSC

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:29:17

4K+ Views

MTP and MSC are two alternative data transfer technologies that are used to transfer data between a computer and a digital device, such as a mobile phone or an MP3 player. MTP stands for Media Transfer Protocol, and MSC stands for Mass Storage Class. Both techniques offer advantages and disadvantages, and which mode to choose will be depends on the user's individual needs. Read this article to find out more about MTP and MSC and how they are different from each other. What is MTP? MTP has the advantage of providing a more standard method of exchanging media files. This ... Read More

Difference between ITX and ATX

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:28:13

6K+ Views

ITX and ATX are two motherboard form factors used in personal computers. The primary differences between the two are their sizes, compatibility with various components, and number of expansion slots. ITX (or Mini-ITX) is a smaller form factor for motherboards than the standard ATX form factor. ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) is the standard motherboard form factor and is larger than ITX. Read this article to find out more about ITX and ATX and how they are different from each other. What is ITX? ITX (or Mini-ITX) is a smaller form factor for motherboards than the standard ATX form factor. VIA ... Read More

APT vs APT-GET What's Difference

Satish Kumar
Updated on 02-May-2023 10:51:50

7K+ Views

If you're a Linux user, you may have come across terms APT and APT-GET before. While both terms refer to package managers used to install and manage software on Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu, they have some key differences. In this article, we'll explore differences between APT and APT-GET, and how they affect way you manage software on your system. What is APT? APT, short for Advanced Package Tool, is a command-line package manager used on Debian-based Linux distributions. It's primary package manager used on Ubuntu, and it can be used to install, update, and remove software packages on your ... Read More

Difference Between Revert and Unset Keyword in CSS

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:23:01


CSS is a powerful tool which enables developers to customize the appearance of websites according to their will. Since, there are numerous features and properties provided by CSS, it is quite possible that the developers use two keywords interchangeably in order to achieve a desired effect. So, it is important to know about such confusing keywords in detail to avoid further mistakes. Two such keywords are “revert” and “unset”. These two may appear similar, but have noticeable differences for some properties for certain elements. Here, we will discuss about these keywords, how and when to use them, and differences between ... Read More

Difference Between :first-child and :first-of-type selector in CSS

Riya Kumari
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:05:15

2K+ Views

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is fundamental language used for styling the webpages during web development. It enables the developers to customize the layout and add visual effects to it. CSS Selectors are an important tool which allows the developers to select or match HTML elements and apply styles to them. :first-child and :first-of-type are most commonly used selectors which are often confused by the developers. Some may have used them interchangeably by mistake. Although they look quite similar when applied to elements, there are few differences which may impact your web design (if not used appropriately). In this article, ... Read More

Difference Between Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:39:14


Databases frequently store data about individuals, like clients or clients. For instance, web-based entertainment stages use data sets to store client data, for example, names, email locations, and client conduct. The information is utilized to prescribe content to clients and further develop the client experience. A data set is essential to store information to improve applications like a work area, portable, and web. Capacity is required where we can keep and control the information so that each application can get similar information. Firebase gives Firestore and Firebase real-time databases. These data sets are cloud-based, client-available arrangements supporting real-time data syncing. ... Read More

Differences Between Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:16:41

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Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner are examples of cloud-based solutions that function on GCP. You may scale your database using various services available in the public cloud. Significant distinctions between "NoSQL" and "SQL" databases must be considered when comparing cloud databases. We'll compare Cloud SQL with Cloud Spanner so you can decide which to utilize for your next project. Knowing the differences between Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner, two of the most popular SQL cloud databases, might help you choose between them. What is Google Cloud SQL? MySQL is the underlying database technology for Google Cloud SQL. Google Cloud handles ... Read More

Difference Between Tortie and Calico

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:11:37

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Calico and tortoiseshell are the names used to describe the pattern and coloring of a cat's hair. Cats can be either calico or tortoiseshell, but not both. While the genetics of both types of cats are identical, calico cats have one extra copy of the allele responsible for white spots. When you look at a tortoiseshell cat, you'll notice that her coat has almost no white markings. Most calicos and torties are female. Few males may be found here. A defect in the genes of both calico and Tortoiseshell cats causes sterility to occur in one in every three thousand ... Read More
