Found 1963 Articles for Differences

Difference Between Bromine and Chlorine

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 12-May-2023 11:31:55

1K+ Views

Bromine and chlorine are two halogens that are frequently used in industrial and household settings. Despite having many similarities, these elements differ in their physical and chemical properties. In this essay, we will explore the differences between bromine and chlorine in detail. What is Bromine? Bromine (Br) is a nonmetal chemical element of VIIA group of the Periodic system, which under normal conditions is a reddish-brown liquid with a highly irritating odor. Bromine is number 35 in the Periodic table and has an atomic mass of 79.904. It is less reactive than chlorine. However, under normal conditions, bromine participates ... Read More

Difference between Cast and Splint

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 12-May-2023 11:39:16


A cast and a splint are both used in orthopedic medicine to immobilize an injured or broken bone. They serve the same purpose, but they differ in their construction, application, and durability. This essay will explore the differences between casts and splints, including their uses, advantages, disadvantages, and potential complications. What is a Cast? A cast is a rigid, supportive device made of plaster or fiberglass. It is typically applied by a healthcare professional, who first covers the affected area with a layer of cotton or synthetic padding. The padding serves as a barrier between the skin and the cast, ... Read More

Difference Between Cell Membrane and Plasma Membrane

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 12-May-2023 11:45:11


The cell membrane and plasma membrane are two terms that are often used interchangeably to describe the same structure. However, there are subtle differences between these two structures that are important to understand. What is Cell Membrane? The cell membrane is a type of plasma membrane that encloses the entire contents of a cell, including the cytoplasm and all the organelles. The cell membrane is not always the outermost layer of the cell since plant cells also have a cell wall that further encloses the cell membrane. Animal cells however have no cell wall and the cell membrane is ... Read More

Difference Between CHF and Kidney Failure

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 12-May-2023 11:47:22


Heart failure and kidney failure are two distinct medical conditions that affect the body's organs and can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. Although there are some similarities between these two conditions, there are also significant differences that need to be understood to help patients receive appropriate medical care. In this essay, we will explore the differences between heart failure (CHF) and kidney failure, including their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. What is CHF? Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's demands. This can lead to a ... Read More

What is the difference between SASS and SCSS?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 14:23:58


SASS is a language extension of CSS that can add new features for writing stylesheets easier. At the same time, Compass is a framework built on top of SASS that provides more functionality and simplifies the development of stylesheets. This means that every valid CSS3 stylesheet is a valid SCSS as well. The extension we use for scss files is .scss. SCSS uses the indentation of lines rather than brackets or semi-colons to identify the line blocks. Although no longer the primary syntax, the indented syntax will continue to be supported. Files in the indented syntax use the extension .sass ... Read More

What is the difference between LESS and SASS?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 14:20:57


SASS and LESS are two popular CSS preprocessors that offer additional features to enhance the efficiency of CSS coding. While both of these preprocessors are quite similar, there are a few differences that set them apart from each other. In this tutorial, we will explore the differences between SASS and LESS. What is SASS? SASS, also known as Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, provides features like variables, nesting, and mixins to simplify and streamline the CSS writing process. SASS code is written in .scss or .sass files and compiled into regular CSS files for use on the ... Read More

What is the difference between Compass and SASS?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 11-May-2023 14:14:23


SASS is a language extension of CSS that adds new features to make writing stylesheets easier. At the same time, Compass is a framework built on top of SASS that provides more functionality and simplifies the development of stylesheets. In this tutorial, we will explore the features of SASS and Compass and highlight the distinctions between these two tools. What is SASS? SASS is like a helper tool that makes writing CSS easier and more efficient. It provides additional features that aren't available in regular CSS. Some of the Key Features of SASS Include Variables − We can define ... Read More

What is the Difference Between Project Management and Portfolio Management?

Amboriish Nath
Updated on 10-May-2023 15:37:07


Managing projects and portfolios are two essential facets of business management that contribute to the successful and timely completion of organizational objectives. The goal of project management is to see each project through to a successful conclusion within the agreed-upon parameters of time, money, and scope. Portfolio management, on the other hand, entails prioritizing projects based on their value and allocating resources in an efficient manner so that they all contribute to the organization's strategic goals and objectives. The implementation of these management techniques has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include better resource allocation and decision-making, but disadvantages include ... Read More

Difference between Backtracking and Branch-N-Bound technique

Tapas Kumar Ghosh
Updated on 10-May-2023 13:59:21

6K+ Views

The Backtracking technique is an algorithm used to solve the decision problem whereas the Branch-N-Bound technique is an algorithm used to solve the optimization problem. Both techniques follow the brute force method and are used to generate the State Space tree. A State Space tree is the tree that represents the nodes in all possible states of the problem from a root node to the terminal node.Let us learn both techniques one by one and understand the difference in detail. Backtracking Technique Backtracking is the modified process of the brute force approach where the technique efficiently searches for a solution ... Read More

Difference between getDefaultSharedPreferences and getSharedPreferences in Android

Vaibhav Ahire
Updated on 09-May-2023 17:15:53


What is Sharedpreferences in Android ? SharedPreferences is an interface in the Android framework that allows you to save and retrieve key-value pairs of primitive data types. SharedPreferences is the way in which Android stores user preferences, such as which theme a user has selected, or whether or not sound should be enabled. This data is stored in an XML file, and can be accessed by multiple activities in an app. Storing Data at Activity Level While developing an Android application if you want to store / access data at activity level then you can use getPreferences. The main difference ... Read More
