Found 1962 Articles for Differences

Difference between RGB vs RGBA color format

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:33:17


In HTML, the RGB i.e. (red, green, and blue) specifies the shades or intensity of the color with a value between 0 and 255. The RGB color model has a total of 256 x 256 x 256 = 16777216 possible colors. By adjusting the RGB values we can come up with different shades of colors, following are a few examples − Let’s say we want a “black” color, set all the parameters as, rgb(0, 0, 0). If we want to display a “white” color, set all the parameters as, rgb(255, 255, 255). If we set the parameters as rgb(255, ... Read More

Difference between normal links and active links

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:31:48


The hyperlinks, which are also known as links, are crucial components in websites nowadays. These are clickable and can be used to navigate between source webpage to different pages or the sections in the same webpage. In most of the websites, the links will appear as underlined and differently colored. Links are categorized into the following types − Unvisited Links Visited Links Active Links Let’s discuss about the links mentioned above with suitable examples further in this article. Unvisited Links In HTML, an unvisited link is a hyperlink that is not yet clicked by the user. By default, ... Read More

Difference between link and anchor Tags

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:23:46

3K+ Views

While developing a website, we may come across a situation where we need to create a hyperlink to another webpage or to a certain part of the webpage (these links are clickable). Additionally, there can be a situation where we need to add stylings to the content present in the website using external CSS (these are not clickable). These behaviors are achieved by using the HTML and anchor tags. HTML tag In HTML, the tag is used to link the external resources, such as CSS style sheets, or to add a favicon (small image displayed next ... Read More

Difference between “blank” and “_blank” target attributes in HTML

Nikhilesh Aleti
Updated on 29-Aug-2023 17:19:19


Sometimes, we may have noticed links on webpages that leads us to a different webpage. In some websites, if we click on that certain links, they will open in a new browser tab or on a new window and some websites reuse one new browser tab for subsequent clicks on the link. Additionally, some websites use the same original page for the links. These behaviors are achieved by utilizing the HTML target attribute. In this article, we will explore how to use the target="blank" and target="_blank" attributes to open hyperlinks in new tabs. The Target Attribute The target is an ... Read More

Difference between Packets and Frames

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 10:11:17


A packet is a data unit created in the network layer. A frame is a data unit created in the data link layer. A packet is created first followed by the Frame. Both of them consists of data that is being transferred. What are Packets? A packet is a small fraction of data that is transmitted between the systems through internet. During data transfer, the entire data is not sent as a single unit over the network. The data to be transferred is broken down into multiple segments called packets. Transferring data in small packets increases the speed of data ... Read More

Difference between Native App and Hybrid App

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 10:08:34


Mobile applications have become a crucial aspect of our life in the current digital era. We rely significantly on mobile apps for our daily duties, from placing food orders to reserving rides. There are two main alternatives when it comes to creating a mobile app: Native Apps and Hybrid Apps. Native apps are created using programming languages like Swift or Java for specific platforms like iOS or Android. Yet, Hybrid Apps can operate on various platforms, thanks to a native container and are created using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. What is a Native App? A mobile ... Read More

Difference between the shortest and second shortest path in an Unweighted Bidirectional Graph

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 15:21:32


Introduction In the area of graph theory, unweighted bidirectional graphs form a fundamental framework for modeling various real-world scenarios. These graphs allow us to explore relationships between different entities, such as road networks or social connections. One key aspect that captures our attention is finding paths between two nodes and determining their respective lengths. In this article, we dive into one interesting facet of this topic – understanding the distinction between the shortest path and second shortest path in an unweighted bidirectional graph. Shortest and second shortest path Unweighted bidirectional (or undirected) graphs consist of vertices or nodes connected by ... Read More

Difference between Minimum Spanning Tree and Shortest Path

Updated on 25-Aug-2023 11:16:37


Introduction The Minimum Spanning tree and the shortest tree plays a vital role in the field of graph theory to design the networks. While they share similarities as fundamental concepts, their purposes diverge significantly. In this article, we will dive into these two interesting elements within graphs and highlight their differences. MSTs aim at establishing minimal-cost connectivity among all vertices of a graph without loops, while shortest paths target identifying optimal routes between specific nodes in terms of distance or weight accumulation. Difference between Minimum Spanning Tree and shortest Path Graph theory offers various tools for analyzing connections and pathways ... Read More

Difference between Queue and Deque in C++

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 14:24:13


Queue and Deque both are linear data structures that are defined in STL of C++ programming language. Queue works on the principle of the first in first out, the element added to the queue first will be removed first, on the other hand, deque has properties to add an element either at the first index or last index, and similarly, any one of them can be removed. We will see the code of both data structures to get the exact differences. Basics of Queue As we have seen above, the queue is based on the concept of the first in ... Read More

Difference between Numpy Arrays and Matrices

Jay Singh
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 11:35:54


Have you ever used Python to explore the realm of scientific computing? If so, you've probably come across NumPy, a robust numerical computing package that has gained widespread use in the industry. However, the contrast between NumPy arrays and matrices can occasionally confound even seasoned practitioners. Their apparent similarity causes confusion, which raises queries about when to employ each data format. By outlining the crucial distinctions between NumPy arrays and matrices, we want to clear up any misconceptions in this blog article. By the conclusion, you'll have a thorough knowledge of their distinctive qualities and be prepared to use these ... Read More

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