Found 1963 Articles for Differences

Difference between Data Science and Machine Learning

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:08:58


Data science is the study of data cleaning, creating data models and then analyzing them to find insights from the data collected. Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence and a sub field of Data science that allows computers to learn from data. What is Data Science? As the name implies, Data science deals with data. It is the study of huge amounts of data of an organization. Data science uses statistical methods, machine learning algorithms and some analytical techniques and apply them on data so that they can develop some useful insights from that data which is ... Read More

Difference Between Class Method, Static Method, and Instance Method

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:03:42

2K+ Views

A well-liked programming paradigm called object-oriented programming (OOP) emphasizes the use of objects to represent and manipulate data. The ability to construct methods that can interact with these objects is one of the main characteristics of OOP. Class methods, static methods, and instance methods are the three different categories of methods in Python. Methods that belong to a class rather than an instance of that class include class methods and static methods. Class methods receive a reference to the class or instance as their first argument, but static methods do not. This is the primary distinction between them. ... Read More

Difference Between Bug, Defect, Error, Fault and Failure

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 15:57:37

7K+ Views

Several terminologies are used in the field of software development to characterise problems that can arise in software systems and applications. These phrases include "bug, " "defect, " "error, " "fault, " and "failure, " yet they are frequently used synonymously, which causes misunderstanding among stakeholders and developers. In order to effectively communicate and solve problems in the software development industry, it is crucial to comprehend the differences between these phrases. What are Bugs? An mistake, flaw, or fault in a computer programme or system that makes it act unexpectedly or produce inaccurate or undesired consequences is known as a ... Read More

Difference between Apoplast and Symplast

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 15:55:33


Water is essential for all living organisms. It provides the medium for transporting solutes to various parts. In plants water is absorbed through roots. There are three methods for the transportation of water in plants. They are diffusion, root pressure and transpiration pull. Some of the plants are shorter, hence water can be translocated through diffusion and root pressure. But in order to transport them to longer distances, diffusion and root pressure are not enough. Diffusion is a very slow process and root pressure can’t uplift water to more heights. Hence, for long distance transportation of water, transpiration pull mechanism ... Read More

Difference Between Dispersion and Skewness

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 15:31:47

5K+ Views

Dispersion and skewness are two important measures of statistical analysis that are used to study the distribution of data. Dispersion measures how much the data is spread out around its central tendency, whereas skewness measures the symmetry of the data. In this essay, we will discuss the difference between dispersion and skewness, their significance, and how they can be calculated. What is Dispersion? In statistics, dispersion is a measure of how distributed the data is meaning it specifies how the values within a data set differ from one another in size. It is the range to which a statistical distribution ... Read More

Difference Between Parasite and Virus

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 14:57:36


Parasites and viruses are two types of organisms that can cause diseases in humans and other living organisms. While both can lead to health complications, there are notable differences between parasites and viruses. This essay will explore the differences between parasites and viruses. What are Parasites? Parasite is any organism, from unicellular to multicellular organisms, that lives in or on a host, negatively impacting the host to a certain degree since they feed off the host tissue. They can live on a single host, or have complex life cycles which involve different hosts. There are three kinds of parasites that can ... Read More

Difference Between Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 14:56:34


Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver and causes inflammation. There are five different types of hepatitis viruses, but the most common are hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Both viruses are transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, and both can cause chronic liver disease if left untreated. However, there are some key differences between the two viruses that are important to understand. What is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver caused by a DNA virus that is known as the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The virus is in the genus Orthohepadnavirus in the Hepadnaviridae ... Read More

Difference Between Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 14:55:36


The concept of mindset has gained significant attention in recent years, especially in the field of education and personal development. Mindset refers to the set of beliefs and attitudes that individuals hold about their abilities and their potential for growth and development. Two predominant mindsets that have been identified in research are the "growth mindset" and the "fixed mindset". In this essay, we will explore the differences between the growth mindset and the fixed mindset, and the impact each mindset has on personal development, education, and success. What is Growth Mindset? People with a growth mindset believe that intelligence ... Read More

Difference Between Forecasting and Prediction

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 14:54:43

3K+ Views

Forecasting and prediction are two terms that are often used interchangeably in everyday language. However, in the field of data analysis and decision-making, these two terms have different meanings and applications. Forecasting and prediction are both methods used to estimate future outcomes, but they differ in terms of their purpose, methodology, and application. In this essay, we will explore the difference between forecasting and prediction and how they are used in different fields. What is Forecasting? Forecasting is the process of making predictions or estimates about future events or conditions based on past and present data. Forecasting is used in ... Read More

Difference between Exercise and Yoga

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Jun-2023 14:52:53

4K+ Views

Exercise and yoga are two popular physical activities that are often confused with each other. Although both of these activities are intended to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of an individual, they are fundamentally different in their approach, goals, and benefits. What is Exercise? Exercise is a physical activity that involves repetitive movements, such as jogging, weightlifting, or swimming, with the primary aim of strengthening the muscles, improving cardiovascular health, and burning calories. Exercise is often associated with high-intensity workouts, which require a significant amount of energy and are focused on achieving a specific fitness goal, such as ... Read More
