Found 1963 Articles for Differences

Difference Between Dataset.from_tensors and Dataset.from_tensor_slices

Rohan Singh
Updated on 06-Jul-2023 17:52:00


Dataset.from_tensors and Dataset.from_tensor_slices are methods in the TensorFlow library that are used to create datasets. Dataset.from_tensor creates a dataset from a single tensor whereas Dataset.from_tensor_slices creates data set by slicing a tensor along the first dimension. In this article, we will understand the difference between the two methods and how they are used in different use cases. from_tensor from_tensor_slices Creates a dataset from a single tensor Creates a dataset by slicing a tensor along the first dimension Useful for small datasets that can fit in memory Useful for large datasets that ... Read More

Difference between DataClass vs NamedTuple vs Object in Python

Rohan Singh
Updated on 06-Jul-2023 17:43:43


Dataclass, NamedTuple, and Object are used to create structured datatypes in Python. Though all three are used to create structured data they differ in their properties and implementation method. In this article, we will understand the difference between DataClass, NamedTuple, and Object in Python. Feature Object NamedTuple Dataclass Creation Objects are created by defining a class and its attributes and methods manually. Named tuples are created using the named tuple function from the collections module. The field names and values are specified manually. Data classes are created using the @dataclass decorator. The class attributes ... Read More

Difference between BeautifulSoup and Scrapy Crawler

Rohan Singh
Updated on 06-Jul-2023 17:34:01


Beautiful Soup and Scrapy Crawler are used for doing web scraping in Python. Both of these tools have the same use case but have different functionalities. Web scraping is useful in data collection and analysis in fields like research, marketing, and business intelligence. In this article, we will understand the difference between Beautiful Soup and Scrapy Crawler and how they are used in web scraping. Feature Beautiful Soup Scrapy Parsing Used for parsing HTML and XML documents Uses a combination of parsing and crawling to extract data from websites. Ease of Use Simple ... Read More

Difference between Trap and Interrupt in Operating System

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:24:00

3K+ Views

An operating system is in charge of controlling a computer system's resources and acting as an interface between the hardware and software. The management of events that arise during the execution of programmes is a crucial component of operating system design. Traps and interrupts are two often utilised methods for this purpose. A trap is a computer-generated occurrence that results from an error or exception in the programme that is running at the time. Division by zero, page errors, and illegitimate instructions are a few examples of traps. The CPU instantly enters kernel mode after a trap occurs and ... Read More

Difference between System Software and Operating System

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:23:07

2K+ Views

A software is a set of rules or instructions that are given to a computer to perform some function. Basically, software is classified into two types: Application software and System software. Application software is additional software in a computer which is used to perform a specific function. Users has a direct access to this application software and this software is not mandatory in a system. We can use system without this application software. System software is the main software of a computer that has a direct access to the system’s hardware. It takes care and monitors all the other ... Read More

Difference between Mobile and Desktop Operating System

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:22:04

2K+ Views

An Operating System is a bridge between the software and underlying hardware. It is the first program that is loaded by BIOS when the computer is turned on. OS is stored in hard disk. It manages the overall components of the computer. OS executes all the other applications in a computer or any other devices. OS interacts with users with the help of CLI or GUI. It allows us to store and share data such as pictures, videos, etc. It performs high level operations. User can perform number of tasks at the same time. It is involved in file and ... Read More

Difference between indexOf and findIndex Function

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:21:02


JavaScript is a dynamic programming language which can be used on both client side and server side. JavaScript is used to create interactive webpages. It has many frameworks such as React JS, Angular JS, Node JS etc. JavaScript provides some methods using which the index of the specified element can be obtained. indexOf and findIndex are those methods. The indexOf Function in JavaScript The indexOf function in JavaScript allows us to search for an element in an array and returns the first found index in that array. If it can't find the element, then -1 is returned. The syntax of ... Read More

Difference between Host and Guest Operating Systems

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:16:30


Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of an operating system. It also creates virtual versions of servers, network resource etc., Generally, some applications don’t have the compatibility to run in a system. Using virtualization concept, this application can be made to run in the same computer. Virtualization breaks the system into multiple parts called virtual machines. The system on which virtualization is applied is known as a Host system and the OS is known as host OS. The virtual machines formed are known as Guest systems and their OS is known as guest OS. What is a ... Read More

Difference between GET and POST Request in JavaScript

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:14:50


HTTP requests are frequently used in web development to send and receive data from a server. GET and POST queries are two of the most frequently utilised HTTP requests. It is crucial for web developers to comprehend the distinctions between these two request kinds if they wish to build apps that are both secure and effective. GET and POST requests serve different functions and have different properties. Data can be retrieved from a server using GET queries and submitted to a server using POST requests. POST requests are used for requests that alter or generate data on the server, whereas ... Read More

Difference between Firmware and Operating System

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Jul-2023 16:13:18


A Firmware is a set of instructions or a block of code that is programmed in hardware devices. It instructs the hardware to perform its function when the call is made. Firmware is present in computers and electronic devices. Operating system is a software that sits in between the software and hardware of the computer system. It acts as a mediator and provides the interface to interact with them. Operating systems are used in computers, laptops, TV, mobiles, etc. What is a Firmware? A Firmware is a small code embedded in the hardware. They are modified software versions. The ... Read More
