Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Browsing and Surfing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 04-Aug-2022 07:29:53

9K+ Views

When you search the Internet, do you know whether you are browsing the internet or just surfing? Next time you go on the Internet, you may relate to the following points to decide whether you are browsing or surfing. What is Browsing? When people visit a website, they cannot open it without using an online browser. A browser is a program that allows the user to type a search term and reach the source to gain more information. In simple terms, browsing is an act of looking for information and reading about a specific topic with a particular goal or ... Read More

Difference between Function and Procedure

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 11:42:06

61K+ Views

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a computer language which is used to interact with an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). It is basically a method of managing, organizing, and retrieving data from a relation database. In SQL, two important concepts are used namely, function and procedure. A function calculates the results of a program based on the inputs provided, whereas a procedure is used to perform some tasks in a specific order. There are many other differences between functions and procedures, which we will discuss in this article. What is Function? A function, in the context of computer programming languages, ... Read More

Difference between LAN and a WLAN

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Aug-2022 08:50:26

13K+ Views

LANs are privately owned and span a smaller geographical area (restricted to a few kilometers). It can be used in various settings, including offices, residences, hospitals, and schools. The setup and management of a LAN is quite straightforward. Just like a traditional wired LAN in which the connected devices transmit data over Ethernet cables, whereas in a WLAN, the connected devices transmit data through Wi-Fi. Mobile users can connect to a WLAN through wireless connection. The IEEE 802.11 group of standards describe the technologies for LANs. Go through this article to find out more about LAN and WLAN ... Read More

Difference between WAN and a WWAN

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Aug-2022 08:38:29

2K+ Views

Wireless WAN is a type of WAN that uses only wireless connections. A WAN in general is a network of local area networks (LANs) that link to other LANs via telephone lines and radio waves. WANs can also use wired connections. Go through this article to find out more about WAN and Wireless WAN and how they are different from each other. What is a WAN? A WAN (Wide Area Network) is a computer network that connects multiple locations across a large geographic area, albeit it may be limited to the boundaries of a state or country. It can be ... Read More

Difference between Bottom-Up Model and Top-Down Model

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 10:32:47

40K+ Views

In System Design, there are two types of approaches followed namely, the Bottom-Up Model and the Top-Down Model. The bottom-up model is one in which the different parts of a system are designed and developed and then all these parts are connected together as a single unit. On the other hand, the top-down model is one in which the whole system is decomposed into smaller sub-components, then each of these parts are designed and developed till the completed system is designed. Read this article to find out more about the bottom-up model and the top-down model of system ... Read More

Difference between Mirroring and Replication

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:04:07

5K+ Views

In database management systems (DBMS), there are two terms namely mirroring and replication which are related to copying of data. Mirroring is defined as the process of copying a database to another location, while replication is defined as the process of copying the database objects from one database to another. Read this article to learn more about mirroring and replication and how they are different from each other. What is Mirroring? Mirroring refers to keeping a backup database server for a master database server. If for some reason, the master database is down, then the mirror database can be used ... Read More

Difference between Software Testing and Embedded Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Dec-2022 05:39:20

2K+ Views

Software testing involves only the testing of software parts of the system, while embedded testing involves the testing of both software and hardware parts of the system. Read through this article to find out more about software testing and embedded testing and how they are different from each other. What is Software Testing? Software testing refers to verifying and validating the behavior of the software developed. It ensures that software works as expected without any defect. It also helps in documenting that software is meeting the requirements and is ready to use. Software testing also checks the exceptions and error ... Read More

Difference between JPEG and SVG

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 15:20:39

4K+ Views

JPEG and SVG are types of image formats. JPEG is a raster image format that uses a lossy compression algorithm to compress an image, whereas SVG is a highly scalable, text-based image format that uses mathematical structures to represent an image. JPEG images are used in photography applications, while SVG is used when high-resolution images are required. JPEG is a good choice for photographs and other images with lots of colors, while SVG is a better choice for simple images and graphics that need to be resized, such as logos and icons. Read this article to find out more about ... Read More

Difference between Agile Testing and Waterfall Testing.

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 07:48:45

1K+ Views

In the computer software testing world, there are two major software testing techniques namely Agile Testing and Waterfall Testing. Agile testing is more flexible and malleable, while waterfall testing is more structured and rigid. There are several other important differences between agile testing and waterfall testing which we will discuss in this article. But before going into the differences, let's start with some basics of agile testing and waterfall testing. What is Agile Testing? Agile testing is a software testing mechanism involving all team members where main owners are subject matter experts termed as Product Owners and testers as Quality ... Read More

Difference between MIS and DSS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 13:05:06

34K+ Views

MIS and DSS are the two common terms that are often heard in the field of business management. But, they are quite different from each other. MIS (Management Information Systems) and DSS (Decision Support Systems) are both types of information systems that are used to support decision making in organizations. Read this tutorial to learn more about MIS and DSS and how they are different from each other. What is MIS? MIS, Management Information System, is a computer-based program to assist users to make decisions based on information present in the system. MIS is a type of link that helps ... Read More
