Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Substitution Cipher Technique and Transposition Cipher Technique

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:30:07

9K+ Views

Both Substitution Cipher and Transposition Cipher are traditional techniques used in cryptography to encrypt a plaintext into ciphertext in order to prevent it from getting tampered. Read through this article to find out more about Substitution cipher and Transposition cipher and how they are different from each other.What is Substitution Cipher Technique?In the Substitution Cipher technique, each character is substituted with other character/number or other symbol. This technique changes the identity of a character but not its position in the string.A substitution cipher encrypts a text sequence by replacing letters or units of text with other letters or units of ... Read More

Difference between Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:16:40

2K+ Views

A SAN is a network of storage devices that can be accessed by multiple servers or computers. It provides a shared pool of storage space. Each computer on the network can access the storage on the SAN as though they were local disks connected directly to the computer. SAN uses SCSI and SATA protocols.NAS are storage devices that are linked to a network and provide file access services to computer systems. These devices generally include an engine that executes the file services and one or more devices on which data is stored. NAS uses file access protocols such as NFS ... Read More

Difference between Steganography and Cryptography

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 04-Aug-2022 08:30:16

5K+ Views

Steganography, or cover writing, is a method where a secret method is converted into fake looking message. This technique helps to keep a message secret. It is pretty difficult to use and understand. The structure of data remains unaltered in Steganography. It is used in text, audio, video or images. Cryptography, or secret writing, is a method where a secret method is converted in cipher text and sent to other person who then decrypt the cipher text into plain text. Cryptography can be classified as Symmetric key cryptography or Asymmetric key cryptography. Read through this article to find out more ... Read More

Difference between Static Routing and Dynamic Routing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Aug-2022 08:29:10

7K+ Views

Static Routing or Non-Adaptive Routing follows user-defined routing. Here, the routing table is not changed until the network administrator changes it. Static Routing uses simple routing algorithms and provides more security than dynamic routing. Dynamic Routing or Adaptive Routing, as the name suggests, changes the routing table if there is any change in the network topology. During network change, dynamic routing sends a signal to router, recalculates the routes and sends the updated routing information. Read through this article to find out how Static Routing differs from Dynamic Routing. What is Static Routing? One of the essential techniques ... Read More

Difference between Waterfall Model and RAD Model

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Dec-2022 06:03:58

4K+ Views

The most basic difference between the waterfall model and the RAD model is that the waterfall model is a linearly-sequential life cycle model of software development in which software testing is done after the completion of all coding phases. On the other hand, RAD (Rapid Application Development) is an incremental model of software development. Read through this article to find out more about the waterfall model and the RAD model and how they are different from each other. What is Waterfall Model? Waterfall Model is the classical model of software development where each phase of software development is completed in ... Read More

Difference between Procedural and Declarative Knowledge

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 17:27:47

15K+ Views

We can express the knowledge in various forms to the inference engine in the computer system to solve the problems. There are two important representations of knowledge namely, procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge. The basic difference between procedural and declarative knowledge is that procedural knowledge gives the control information along with the knowledge, whereas declarative knowledge just provides the knowledge but not the control information to implement the knowledge. Read through this article to find out more about procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge and how they are different from each other. What is Procedural Knowledge? Procedural or imperative knowledge clarifies ... Read More

Difference between Private Key and Public Key

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 01:15:19

41K+ Views

Private Keys and Public Keys terms are used in cryptography. These keys are used to encrypt/decrypt sensitive data. Read through this article to find out more about private and public keys and how they are different from each other.What is Private Key?The private key is used in both encryption as well as decryption. This key is shared between the sender and receiver of the encrypted sensitive information. The private key is also called "symmetric" because it is shared by both parties. Private key cryptography is faster than public-key cryptography mechanism.A private key is generally a lengthy, non-guessable sequence of bits ... Read More

Difference between Performance Testing and Load Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:09:23

5K+ Views

Performance testing is a type of testing that is performed for verifying the performance of a system and to monitor the behavior of the system under stress. It tells about the reliability, stability, response time, and scalability of a system. On the other hand, load testing is primarily aimed for identifying the behavior of a system under the expected load. Read this article to learn more about performance testing and load testing and how they are different from each other. What is Performance Testing? Performance testing is performed over the software to test its performance under a particular workload for ... Read More

Difference between Performance Testing and Stress Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:11:15

2K+ Views

Testing is an important stage in the process of delivery of any software product. It not only validates the quality of a software product but also provides an opportunity to the developer to improve its product. There are various types of software testing which are carried out to test different aspects of a software product. In this article, we will concentrate our focus on Performance Testing and Stress Testing. The most basic difference between these two types of testing is that performance testing is performed to check the performance of a software, website, network, etc. for different load conditions, while ... Read More

Difference between Network OS and Distributed OS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 15:38:09

11K+ Views

Both Network OS and Distributed OS work on multiple systems/nodes. The main difference between a network operating system and a distributed operating system is the way they handle resources and communication between devices. A network operating system is primarily concerned with managing resources and communication within a single network, while a distributed operating system is designed to manage resources and communication across multiple networks. Read this tutorial to find out more about Network OS and Distributed OS and how they are different from each other. What is Network OS? A Network OS is a type of operating system that is ... Read More
