Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference Between Inheritance and Polymorphism

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 14:55:03

6K+ Views

In computer programming, Inheritance and Polymorphism are two important concepts. The most basic difference between inheritance and polymorphism is that "inheritance" is a concept of objectoriented programming that allows creating a new class with the help of the features of an existing class, whereas the concept "polymorphism" represents multiple forms of a single function. Read this article to learn more about Inheritance and Polymorphism and how they are different from each other. What is Inheritance? Inheritance is a concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that refers to the process by which an object can take on the features of one or ... Read More

Difference Between & and && in C Programming

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 12:40:35

17K+ Views

The "&" and "&&" operators are both logical AND operators in most programming languages, but they can behave differently in certain circumstances. Both "&" and "&&" are operators used for evaluating conditional statements. The most basic difference between the two is that the "&" operator is a logical as well as a bitwise operator, whereas the "&&" operator is only a logical operator. Read this article to find out more about these two operators and how they are different from each other. Let's start with a basic overview of "&" and "&&" operators. What is "&" Operator? The & operator ... Read More

Difference Between Array and Structure

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 16:05:22

14K+ Views

Arrays and Structures are two different types of container datatype. The most basic difference between an array and a structure is that an Array can contain the elements of same datatype, while a Structure is a collection that can contain the elements of dissimilar datatypes. Read this article to learn more about Arrays and Structures and how they are different from each other. What is an Array? An array refers to a collection that consists of homogenous elements, i.e. of same data type. Arrays are declared using '[]'. It uses subscripts/ '[ ]' (square brackets) to access the elements. An ... Read More

Difference Between Recursion and Iteration

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 01:10:57

41K+ Views

Recursion and Iteration both repeatedly execute the set of instructions. Recursion occurs when a statement in a function calls itself repeatedly. The iteration occurs when a loop repeatedly executes until the controlling condition becomes false. The basic difference between recursion and iteration is that recursion is a process always applied to a function and iteration is applied to the set of instructions which we want to be executed repeatedly. Read through this article to find out more about Recursion and Iteration and how they are different from each other. What is Recursion? Recursion is defined as a process in which a function calls itself repeatedly. Recursion uses selection structure. If the recursion step does ... Read More

Difference Between Data Hiding and Encapsulation

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 12:35:25

13K+ Views

Data Hiding and Encapsulation are important concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). Data hiding helps prevent the illegal or unauthorized access of members of a class, while encapsulation helps in the wrapping up of data members and methods inside a class. The most basic difference between data hiding and encapsulation is that data hiding focuses on data security, while encapsulation focuses on hiding the complexity of the system. Read this article to find out more about Data Hiding and Encapsulation and how they are different from each other. Let's start with a basic overview of these two important concepts, Data Hiding ... Read More

Difference Between List and ArrayList in Java

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 23-Jun-2023 13:29:42

2K+ Views

A collection framework in Java consists of a set of classes and interfaces which helps in implementing various data structures. List and ArrayList belong to this collection framework. List is an interface and ArrayList is a class. Their main motto is to create a list data structure. List is a collection of ordered elements arranged using the concept of indexing. Arrays use the concept of dynamic array to store elements. What is a List in Java? A list is one of the interfaces of the collection framework. It stores objects in an ordered manner. Here, the elements are stored sequentially. ... Read More

Difference Between Array and Linked List

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 15:45:40

5K+ Views

The basic difference between an array and a linked list is in their structure. An array relies on the index-based data structure, whereas a liked list is based on the references. Read this article to find out more about Arrays and Linked Lists and how they are different from each other. What is an Array? An array is a consistent set of fixed number of data items. Array stores elements in contiguous memory locations. This means the specific elements can be accessed using easily calculable addresses. Hence, an array provides fast access to find element at a specific index. Another ... Read More

Difference Between HTML and CSS

Updated on 01-Nov-2023 15:45:41


In this post, we will understand the difference between HTML and CSS HTML HTML refers to Hyper Text Markup Language. It helps create web pages and applications − It helps define structure of web page. It is a markup language. It helps create static pages as well. It helps display data. HyperText helps define link between multiple web pages. Markup Language helps define text document using tags, which gives a structure to the web page. It has less backup and support options. HTML can’t be used inside a CSS sheet. It helps annotate the text so that a system ... Read More

Difference Between Bubble Sort and Selection Sort

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 16:21:13

11K+ Views

The task of arranging elements of an array in a particular order is referred to as sorting. The sorting of an array or a list is mainly done to make the searching easier. There are two types of sorting algorithms namely, Bubble Sort and Selection Sort. Bubble sort performs sorting of data by exchanging the elements, while the selection sort performs sorting of data by selecting the elements. Read this article to learn more about bubble sort and selection sort and how these two sorting techniques are different from each other. What is Bubble Sort? Bubble sort is a simple ... Read More

Difference Between B-tree and Binary tree

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 16:14:47

6K+ Views

There are two types of non-linear data structures namely, B-Tree and Binary Tree. These two terms sound similar but they are absolutely different from each other. The most basic difference between a B-Tree and a Binary Tree is that a B-Tree is used for data storage on a disk, whereas a Binary Tree is used for data storage in RAM. Read this article to learn more about B-tree and Binary Tree and how they are different from each other. What is a B-Tree? B-Tree, also called Balanced Sort Tree, is a type of balanced M-way tree. In a B-tree, the ... Read More
