Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Data Mining and Big Data

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 12:37:24

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Big Data represents the vast amount of data that can be structured, semi−structured, and unstructured sets of data ranging in terms of terabytes. In contrast, Data Mining is the process of discovering meaningful new correlations, patterns, and trends by sifting through a large amount of data stored in repositories, using pattern recognition technologies as well as statistical and mathematical techniques. Data mining utilizes tools like machine learning, visualization, statistical models, etc. to extract the useful data from the Big Data. Read this article to find out more about Data Mining and Big Data and how they are different from each ... Read More

Difference between Data Mining and Machine Learning

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 14:10:46


Data Mining and Machine Learning are two fields which have influenced each other. Data mining is the field in which operations are performed on sets of data to determine certain patterns in the data sets, whereas machine learning uses certain algorithms that automatically improves the analysis processes through data based experiences. Although data mining and machine learning have many common things, they are quite different from each other. Read this article to learn more about Data Mining and Machine Learning and how they are different from each other. What is Data Mining? Data Mining is the process of discovering ... Read More

Difference between Bit Rate and Baud Rate

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 24-Nov-2022 12:43:49

9K+ Views

In telecommunication and electronics engineering, Bit Rate and Baud Rate are two commonly used terms in the context of data communication. Both these terms represent the speed of data transmission in the computer networks. The basic difference between Bit Rate and Baud Rate is that the Bit Rate is defined as the number of bits (binary 0s and 1s) transmitted over a network in unit time, whereas Baud Rate is defined as the number of signal units transmitted over a network in unit time. Thus, bit rate and baud rate both the related terms, and the relationship between these ... Read More

Difference between Router and Gateway

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Aug-2022 09:01:54

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Both Routers and Gateways are network connecting devices. Routers work at the network layer and are responsible to find the shortest path for a packet. Routers connect devices across multiple networks. Gateways, in contrast, function as a node that serves as a gateway to a network's other nodes. Read through this article to find out more about Routers and Gateways and how they are different from each other. What is a Router? A router is basically a network connecting device that determines the quickest path for a packet to go to its destination. The primary objective of using a router ... Read More

Difference between Adaptive and Non Adaptive routing algorithms

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 15:23:19

2K+ Views

Have you ever wondered how routers perform various tasks for us? For example, when searching for something on the Internet or fetching some data, routers perform some functions. There are different ways to do the same function as we do in day-to-day life. Similarly, routers also have different ways of delivering the data packets to us. Two such ways are − Adaptive or Dynamic Routing algorithms, and Non-Adaptive or Static Routing algorithms. Read this article to find out more about adaptive and non-adaptive routing algorithms and how they are different from each other. What is Adaptive Routing Algorithm? ... Read More

Difference between Memory Address Mode and Register Address Mode

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:02:28

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We can define an address mode as the way in which the memory address of an operand is specified in a computer instruction. Address modes specify how the location of an operand in memory is represented in an instruction. Operations are performed with the help of some data and the data is stored in a computer memory or registers. On the basis of that, there are two types of addressing modes namely, memory address mode and register address mode. The most basic difference between the two is that in the memory address mode, the address of the operand is present ... Read More

Difference Between RISC and CISC

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Sep-2023 11:35:15

76K+ Views

RISC and CISC are two different types of computer architectures that are used to design the microprocessors that are found in computers. The fundamental difference between RISC and CISC is that RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) includes simple instructions and takes one cycle, while the CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) includes complex instructions and takes multiple cycles. Read this tutorial to find out more about RISC and CISC and how these two architectures are different from each other. What is RISC? In the RISC architecture, the instruction set of the computer system is simplified to reduce the execution time. RISC ... Read More

Difference Between CAD and CAM

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 14:34:55

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CAD and CAM are the advanced computer-based technologies used in product designing and manufacturing processes. The most basic difference between the two is that CAD (Computer Aided Design) is used for designing of products using some designing software, whereas CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) is a software used to control the machines (like CNC machine) involved in industrial processes. Read this article to find out more about CAD and CAM and how they are different from each other. What is CAD? CAD stands for Computer Aided Design. CAD is basically the implementation of digital computers in engineering designing processes. A CAD ... Read More

Difference Between Verification and Validation

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 17:59:27

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Verification is the process of verifying something to ensure its correctness, while Validation is the process of validating something in which the user tests the system with some inputs and verifies whether the output is as per the expectation or not. In software testing, both Validation and Verification are the parts of the V-model in which the development and testing activities are started based on the requirement of document specification. In other words, we can say that Verification is the process to ensure whether the product that is developed is right or not. It verifies whether the developed product fulfils ... Read More

Difference Between Smoke and Sanity Testing

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 14:18:20


Smoke testing and Sanity testing are two important types of testing in software development. Both the tests are used to validate the functionality of a software product and identify any critical issues, however they are quite different in their scope. The basic difference between the two is that smoke testing is one that ensures that the features of an application are working fine or not, whereas sanity testing is one that is performed to test whether all the errors have been fixed after the build of the application. Read this article to learn more about smoke testing and sanity ... Read More
