Found 1980 Articles for Differences

Difference between Microservices and Web Services

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:38:25

1K+ Views

Microservices are characterized by their compact size and their independence from one another. They bring a fresh perspective to the modularization of software, which itself is not an original idea. They are separate processes that coordinate their efforts and share information with one another in order to complete a mission inside a more comprehensive programme. Businesses now have the ability to implement new technologies in a more timely and efficient manner than ever before, thanks to Microservices.Web services are any services that are accessible over the internet and are constructed using standard Internet technologies. These technologies are considered to be ... Read More

Difference between Hub and Modem

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:34:57

2K+ Views

We have complimentary equipment like hubs and modems in most modern residences, with two or more computers and Internet connections, which normally don’t speak with but serve to maintain the network.Hubs carry data efficiently to all ports; consequently, they are typically a repeater multi-port. Modems are physical devices that allow the Internet to be linked to a computer or other devices like a router or a switch. Modems transform or alter an analogue signal to digital data (1s and 0s), recognised by the computer, from a telephone or cable line.The primary distinction between a hub and a modem is that ... Read More

Difference between Gateway and Switch

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:32:07

3K+ Views

A computer network is a collection of various devices that are connected to one another via links. There are various types of network equipment, each with their own set of functions. The architecture of computer systems is significantly impacted by the presence of networks. When it comes to computer networking, "gateways" and "switches" are considered highly important components.A gateway is a device in a computer network that is used to transform data between two or more computer systems that do not use the same networking model. It connects two separate networks to create the appearance of a single network by ... Read More

Difference between Gateway and Modem

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:29:13


A computer or any other networking device such as a router, needs a modem in order to connect to the Internet. The term "modem" is an acronym for "modulator-demodulator, " and it refers to the hardware device.In the realm of computer networking, the word "gateway" can refer to a number of different things depending on the circumstances. A gateway is a type of networking equipment that, in general, serves to connect two or more distinct networks together. Its primary function is to act as a link between networks that make use of distinct architectural styles, protocols, or platform types.Read through ... Read More

Difference between Gateway and Firewall

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:25:49

3K+ Views

A gateway is a piece of networking hardware or a network node that allows two separate networks to communicate with one another. Computers and routers are the most typical gateways that can connect a company to the internet. A firewall is a network security system that determines which data packets are allowed to access the network.Read through this article to find out how Gateways are different from Firewalls.What is a Gateway?A gateway is a network hardware device, sometimes known as a network node, that establishes a connection between a host network and a remote network. Because the gateway serves as ... Read More

Difference between Cache and RAM

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:20:35

8K+ Views

Before discussing the above categories, let's define computer memory. The data is kept as 0s and 1s so the user can save and retrieve it. Memory is like a person's brain. Computer memory allows speedy data access. The CPU may talk to the application faster. Without computer memory, the user couldn't save anything.Computer memory stores data either temporarily or permanently, based on which it is classified as either primary (internal memory) or secondary (external memory).There are two types of memory −External Memory − Most of the time, external memory means storing files on an external hard drive or on the ... Read More

Difference between Big Data and Cloud Computing

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:16:06

2K+ Views

Big Data is the process of managing massive amounts of data in an efficient manner, while Cloud Computing is the process of storing and managing the data resources and models that are stored on distant servers and infrastructures.Data from social media platforms, e-commerce platforms and enterprises, methods for determining the weather, Internet of Things sensors, and other domains are all examples of applications for big data. With the help of big data, platforms can be centralized, backups can be made, and maintenance can be handled in a way that saves money.What is Big Data?"Big Data" is short for very large ... Read More

Difference between Bandwidth and Data Rate

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Jul-2022 12:11:25

9K+ Views

The speed at which new data is produced each day has both positive and negative effects. In addition to producing all of this data, we also have the need to transmit data from one location to another, for which we have a wide variety of options. It is equally important to ensure that the data is transferred in a quick, safe, and seamless manner.The terms "bandwidth" and "data rate" are frequently used interchangeably in the field of telecommunications, which can make things somewhat unclear at times. Every connection to a network has a data rate, which is the speed at ... Read More

Difference between Interrupt and Exception

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 05-Jul-2022 13:32:13

5K+ Views

Although interrupt and exception are two distinct ideas, they are related in the sense that they both force the central processing unit (CPU) to halt the normal flow of execution of instructions and instead begin executing another programme in the kernel space in order to deal with the issue at hand. This is true even though interrupt and exception are distinct ideas. The primary distinction lies in the manner in which they deal with unforeseen occurrences that may take place anywhere in the system, the processor, or even within the programme itself.What is an Interrupt?An interruption is a signal that ... Read More

Difference between Elasticsearch and Hadoop

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 05-Jul-2022 13:29:31


Elasticsearch debuted on February 8, 2010. Programmers primarily utilize Java. Elasticsearch has an HTTP web interface and JavaScript Object Notation documents. Shay Banon created "Compass" in 2004 as a precursor to Elasticsearch. Shay Banon renamed Compass Elasticsearch and created a common interface called JavaScript Object Notation (HTTP). JSON is a better programming language than Java.On April 1, 2006, Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella created Hadoop. It is an open-source software developed by Apache Software Foundation. Hadoop's core has two parts. First is the processing part, then storage. Hadoop's storage and processing segments are HDFS and MapReduce, respectively. Hadoop divides huge ... Read More
